www-style@w3.org from October 1999 by subject

<input type="file">

[ANN] STTS3 implementation available

Administrative request (was: Mail failure)

anonymity (was: Feedback requested: Replaced elements that ex...)


Cascade: Supplement instead of Overwrite

Column proposal in CSS-3

Column proposal in CSS-3 - Need for :colum...

Column proposal in CSS-3 - Need for :column pse...

Column proposal in CSS-3 - Need for :column pseudo-class, etc.

CSS and XSL properties - relationship

CSS Namespaces: Need multiple namespaces!

CSS Validator

CSS-2 support in Opera

CSS-Tranformation mechanism and modularizing CSS

CSS-Transformation mechanism and modularizing CSS

CSS2: Inheritance of table layout from column context

CSS3 Paged Media Draft

CSS3 Smell and Taste...?

Feedback requested: Replaced elements that ex...

Feedback requested: Replaced elements that exceed the column width and Positioning in relation to column 'n'

IE 3 for the Mac


Need for CSS to overcome Table-based formatting, Need for CSS to simulate all HTML format-based elements,, My proposal for CSS frames, My proposals for new :empty pseudo-class, My new display: types, New replace: property, New :empty-column pseudo-element, New children variable(!)

New Working Draft : BECSS

Off-topic etymological discourse, was: Re: CSS-Tranformation mechanism and modularizing CSS

Referencing of non unicode defined characters in CSS

SAC: Simple API for CSS

text-align, image borders

Unlogical width with percentages

What is "specified content?"

What is the "height" of the initial containing block?

Last message date: Friday, 29 October 1999 14:19:34 UTC