Off-topic etymological discourse, was: Re: CSS-Tranformation mechanism and modularizing CSS

Jelks Cabaniss wrote:
> Daniel Glazman wrote:
> > 1. using colloquial english like "to muck up" makes your point
> > difficult to understand w/o a dictionnary for non-english locutors. I
> > had to use a dictionnary.
> Sorry.[1]  But you got me back -- I couldn't find "locutor"[2] even in the
> dictionary...

locution /ipa here/ n. act or mode of speaking; expression, word or
phrase. adj.  locutionary of or pertaining to an utterance. n. locutory
a room for conversation, especially in a monastery. [Latin loqui,
locutus, to speak]
Chamers 20th Century Dictionary, 1983, "new" edition

locution/ipa goes here/ n. 1 a word, phrase, or idiom 2. style of speech
[from Old French or Latin loqui = speak]
Websters Handy Dictionary, 1992, dead tree edition

Which by extension from the rules of American English Grammar (there is
no noun that cannot be verbed) yields "locutor".

Actually I tried to find a suitable word or phrase that succinctly
conveyed the concept "one for whom English is not the mother tongue" but
failed in the time I had available before having to do something else.


Received on Monday, 11 October 1999 12:03:25 UTC