Re: Column proposal in CSS-3

I would like to modify a little bit Ian's proposals so that it could
be used too for tables. See below.

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Ian Hickson wrote:

| You would first specify that your element (in this example a P
| element) is to be rendered using columns:
|    P { display: columns; }
| ...or, if you want a specific number of columns:
|    P { display: 3 columns; }

Another solution would be :

	P { display: 3-columns block; }

Then you could have, for instance :

	UL { display: 3-columns table; }
	LI { display: table-cell; }

Or, for backward compatibility :

	P { display: block;
	    display-style: columns; }

	UL { display: table;
	     display-style: 3 columns /* or columns(3) */ }

| (...)
| And you would then give rules particular to a specific column:
|    P:column(1) {
|       border-left: solid;
|    }
|    P:column(2) {
|       background: black; 
|       color: white;
|       font-weight: bolder;
|    }

Also possible for tables, for instance :

	TABLE:columns(odd) {
	 /* matches for columns 1, 3, 5... */
	 background-color: silver;

	TABLE:columns(the opposite of odd) {
	 /* matches for columns 2, 4, 6, 8... */
	 background-color: gray;

The same restrictions as for :column(last) may apply, and of course, a
:row() pseudo-element would also be useful.

| Columns are treated as block boxes in most respects, the main
| exception being how widths are calculated. (...)

OK, I don't know if it's a good idea to directly compare tables and
columns-formatting and to use same properties and pseudo-elements. But I
really think that we need other properties for tables formatting and that
the discussion about multicolumn layout could help us to find them.


Nicolas Lesbats -
85 r. Carnot 60200 Compiegne - France
 06 86 800 908

Plaider, association de defense des droits humains

Fier concombre 3:-) 25 raisons de preferer un concombre a un homme

Received on Thursday, 14 October 1999 19:50:44 UTC