Re: Cascade: Supplement instead of Overwrite

> There are several ways of extending the current CSS syntax in a manner
> compatible with the forwards-compatible parsing of CSS1 to specify
> that the cascade should be supplemental and not replacing. Here is
> one, which uses syntax similar to the proposal for specifying minimum
> and maximum values:
>    property : values values ! supplement; /* e.g., counter-increment */
>    property : values, values ! supplement; /* e.g., font-family */
> Another is to fiddle with the colon:
>    property +: values values; /* e.g., counter-increment */
>    property +: values, values; /* e.g., font-family */

Is 'old-values()' an option?

property : values old-values();
property : values, old-values();
property : old-values(), values;

Received on Thursday, 7 October 1999 12:53:14 UTC