**QAWG telcon change**
**QAWG telcon change** -- p.s.
10 minutes late for today's telcon
21-March-2002 QA Working Group Teleconference
[AI] A-2002-03-01-1 docs for list review
[AI] A-2002-03-1-10 Next F2F
[DRAFT] 04-April-2002 QA Working Group Teleconference Minutes
[DRAFT] 11-April-2002 QA Working Group Teleconference Minutes
[DRAFT] 18 April 2002 QA Working Group Teleconference Minutes
[FINAL] 04-April-2002 QA Working Group Teleconference Minutes
Action: 4/11 Special Telcon time
AI list
Another useful reference...
Another useful reference... -- correction
change names?
complete action 2002-04-18-1
DRAFT Agenda QA F2F Montreal
Extech Issue
Fwd: Re: [QA] Name change for a Document.
Fwd: Re: Thursday (4/4) telcon agenda
Fwd: Request for commitment to review Charmod Last Call #2
Issue priority for 4/4/2002 telcon
Issues List Updated
Lynne and Mark back
meeting times
modularity in specifications
More rigor on product classes
my Action Items
My Teleconf times
New Definitons for Glossary
- Lofton Henderson (Thursday, 18 April)
- Sandra Martinez (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Lofton Henderson (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Mark Skall (Tuesday, 16 April)
- Mark Skall (Tuesday, 16 April)
- David Marston/Cambridge/IBM (Tuesday, 16 April)
- Lofton Henderson (Tuesday, 16 April)
- Mark Skall (Monday, 15 April)
- Lofton Henderson (Monday, 15 April)
- David Marston/Cambridge/IBM (Sunday, 14 April)
- Kirill Gavrylyuk (Saturday, 13 April)
- Karl Dubost (Saturday, 13 April)
- Mark Skall (Friday, 12 April)
New Definitons for Glossary (the "test assertions" saga continues)
New Issue List
Operational Examples & Techniques
Ops and OpsExtech
Ops Guidelines Issue
Ops-Extech Overview
Proposal on forming of W3C Test Group (action item A-2002-03-1-3)
Schema interoperability problems partly blamed on W3C specs
Spec guidelines: flavors/levels/modules/profiles/(etc.)
SpecGuide for Thursday
Specific Spec Guideline Topics
Telcin discussion items
telcon times after Daylight starts
Teleconf times
Thurs QAWG Telcon (different time!)
Thurs Telcon -- different time!
Thursday (2002-05-02) QAWG telcon agenda
thursday (4/11) extra teleconference
thursday (4/11) extra teleconference -- p.s.
Thursday (4/18) QAWG telcon agenda
Thursday (4/18) QAWG telcon agenda -- updated
Thursday (4/4) telcon agenda
Tracking Group Work
use of the XML Schema & DTD to formalize specs
Using IRC during our teleconf
wrong passcode
Last message date: Tuesday, 30 April 2002 19:02:51 UTC