- From: Karl Dubost <karl@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 13:26:23 -0500
- To: www-qa-wg@w3.org
I missed bits because of my phone problems. QA Working Group Teleconference Thursday, 21-March-2002 -- Scribe: Karl Dubost (KD) Attendees: (KD) Karl Dubost (W3C, WG co-chair) (KG) Kirill Gavrylyuk (Microsoft) (LR) Lynne Rosenthal (NIST - IG co-chair) (MS) Mark Skall (NIST) (OT) Olivier Thereaux (W3C - systems) Regrets: (DD) Daniel Dardailler (W3C - IG co-chair) (dd) Dimitris Dimitriadis (Ontologicon) (PF) Peter Fawcett (Real Networks) (DH) Dominique Hazael-Massieux (W3C - Webmaster) (LH) Lofton Henderson (CGMO - WG co-chair) (JM) Jack Morrison (Sun) Absent: (KH) Katie Haritos-Shea (DOC) (AT) Andrew Thackrah (Open Group) Summary of New Action Items: No new action items Previous Telcon Minutes: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-qa-wg/2002Mar/0067.html Agenda: 1.) Roll call 2.) Continued issue#55 processing (per [1]) 3.) Adjourn Minutes: KD: About a week in QA http://www.w3.org/QA/2002/02/aweekinqa/ It seems very difficult to motivate people to participate to this review. Aweekinqa - Karl Dubost - Peter Fawcett - Lynne Rosenthal - Olivier Théreaux * In order to ensure impartiality, OT will take over as a moderator when KD is the writer Issue 55. Must be kept for a wider presence on the telconference. Checkpoint discussion on QA Framework Guidelines http://www.w3.org/QA/WG/2002/framework-20020311/qaframe-ops * Checkpoint 5.2. In the QA Process document, define a contribution process. [Priority 2] KG: Is it clear by contribution process? Make a precision on ideas or Clarification on the contribution process Request WG to review and suggest text to clarify what is meant by contribution process. * Checkpoint 5.3. In the QA Process document, define the licenses applicable to submitted test materials. [Priority 2] KG: two kind of license vendor submitted test materials, publisher test materials. Checkpoint is not clear on the type of license. MS: priority 1 LR: we don't need an example here. OT: How we define license for submission process if there is no submission process. KG: Someone can contribute a full TS without contribution process. LR: exemple of XML TS, here is the TS and give it completely. And from this point we will come up with a contribution process, but maybe at the first part we have a possibility to give something. Kyrill: Explanations should point to the example documents and have explanations for specific cases. ---> Examples will be in the Examples & Techniques document * Checkpoint 5.4. In QA Process document, define review procedures for submitted test materials. [Priority 2] KG: Priority is fine. We can have priority 3. review procedure is not formal. LR: It should be documented. How are you going to review etc. MS/LR: Priority 2 because you have to explain why you ---> you have to explain why you reject a submission. Clear and open process. Example will be moved to the Example&Techniques document. * Checkpoint 6.1. Ensure a secure and reliable repository location for future test materials. [Priority 2] KG: P1 being sure to have a reliable repository. LR: We don't care if it's private, so we should know if it's open or private. Should we have another checkpint or should we detail this one. Do we need the word future. Kyrill: --> Remove the word future, and add something on public, Open or private * Checkpoint 6.2. In the QA Process document, define the licenses applicable to published test materials. [Priority 2] KG: propose P1 LR: W3C need license? OT: yes LR: We all agree. P1 * Checkpoint 6.3. In the QA Process document, describe how the test materials will be published and point to the corresponding web page. [Priority 2] Kyrill: remove the checkpoint. Discussion LR: It's strongly recommended to not publish in TR space. Request WG review the explanation and provide any suggestions. * Checkpoint 6.4. Provide a disclaimer regarding the use of the test materials for compliance verification. [Priority 2] MS: P1 for two reasons - if not having a disclaimer may open W3C up to litigation, better to put in. Also, not an onerous task to do KG: agree LR: does it apply to validator? MS: we made the distinction for validators. For now, compliance validation is syntax validation is not only correct. LR: You should add a disclaimer TS or validator. KG: you can't be sure of the validator and TS MS: agree LR: definition of TMaterials is defined in the Introduction of this document. We provide a disclaimer for TS or Test Materials. ==> QA Glossary [1] - http://www.w3.org/QA/glossary * Checkpoint 6.5. In the QA Process document, describe how vendors can publish test results for their products, if applicable. [Priority 3] KG: vendors have license restrictions. LR: there are various ways of publishing the results: - WG, taking out the names - vendors publishing themselves - NIST publish but after the agreement of vendors. KG: You provide the mechanisms for vendors to publish MS: ??, LR: Provide a mean for reporting for vendors test results. KD: encouraging inside collectively Kyrill: Remove vendors and add something on interests. P3 -> P2 Guideline 7. Plan the transfer of test materials to W3C if needed. * Checkpoint 7.1. If transfer of the test materials to W3C is planned, perform an assessment of their quality. [Priority 2] MS: what is meant by assessment of their quality - this isn't clear LR: So, Priority stays at 2 and Come up with a better word than assessment * Checkpoint 7.2. If transfer of the test materials to W3C is planned, identify sufficient staff resources to meet the requirements. [Priority 2] Ms: without ressources you can do it. It must be priority one MS: Kyrill, it's related to previous cp ---> P1 * Checkpoint 7.3. If transfer of the test materials to W3C is planned, resolve IPR questions and reach agreement with the external party that produced test materials. [Priority 1] Fine * Checkpoint 7.4. If transfer of the test materials to W3C is planned, update the QA commitments in the Working Group charter if necessary. [Priority 2] LR: Process difficult KD: explain the process + pb with the end of life to the WG LR/KG: Discussion on rechartering. LR: it should be already there. KG: remove the CP or P3. LR: Removing it. Consensus KG: what we should do with that LR: if possible, capture it in a paragraph and put as part of the Guideline 7 explanation Guideline 8. Plan for test materials maintenance. * Checkpoint 8.1. Maintain contribution and review procedures throughout test materials' and standard's entire life cycles. [Priority 3] OT: I would like to understand. So maybe rewording. KG: what does that mean? So it would be better to reformulate OT: yes * Checkpoint 8.2. In the Working Group's QA process document, specify a procedure for updates of the test materials to track new errata/specification versions. [Priority 2] No comment * Checkpoint 8.3. In the Working Group's QA process document, identify the communication channel and procedure for appeals of tests validity. [Priority 2] Done Lynne Rosenthal Questios: + Any further comments nope + Anybody want on Chapter 3. - Discuss it later. Move the bi-weekly schedule. Skip next week. and start week after. Move to April 4 for next telconf -- Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager http://www.w3.org/QA/ --- Be Strict To Be Cool! --- -- Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager http://www.w3.org/QA/ --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---
Received on Thursday, 4 April 2002 13:26:34 UTC