Fwd: Request for commitment to review Charmod Last Call #2

A request from I18N WG about Character Model.

>From: Misha.Wolf@reuters.com
>Message-ID: <T5a4cfecd84c407b70686c@reuters.com>
>Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 20:42:23 +0100
>Subject: Request for commitment to review Charmod Last Call #2
>Dear Chairs,
>The original Last Call for the Character Model for the World Wide Web
>started on 26 January 2001:
>    http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-charmod-20010126/
>Owing to the large number of comments:
>    http://www.w3.org/International/Group/charmod-lc/
>it has taken the I18N WG till now to process them all, resulting in the
>current internal draft:
>    http://www.w3.org/International/Group/charmod-edit/
>And, owing to the large number of changes, we'll be going to a Last Call
>#2 (I'm reminded of Steven Pemberton's quip at the recent Technical
>Plenary regarding the meaning of "Last" in "Last Call").
>The I18N WG decided today to go to Last Call #2 on 30 April, or sooner
>if ready:
>    http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-i18n-wg/2002Apr/0112
>We are asking the following WGs to review the document, once it has been
>published (no later than 30 April), and to complete their review by 31
>    -------------------------------------------------------------------
>    WG        Asked   Response  Contacting
>    -------------------------------------------------------------------
>    CSS         Y        Y      Bert Bos
>    DOM         Y        Y      Philippe Le Hégaret
>    HTML        Y        Y      Steven Pemberton
>    QA                   -      Karl Dubost
>    RDF                  -      Brian McBride/Dan Brickley
>    TAG         Y        -      Chris Lilley
>    WAI PF      Y        Y      Al Gilman
>    WS Arch              -      Chris Ferris
>    XForms      Y        Y      Steven Pemberton
>    XML Core             -      Paul Grosso/Arnaud Le Hors
>    XMLP                 -      David Fallside
>    XML Query            -      Paul Cotton
>    XML Schema           -      Michael Sperberg-McQueen/Dave Hollander
>    XML Sig              -      Joseph Reagle/Donald Eastlake
>    XSL                  -      Sharon Adler
>    -------------------------------------------------------------------
>If you've received this mail and haven't yet let us know whether your
>WG will review the document once it has been published (no later than
>30 April), please let us know whether you will do so and whether you
>will complete your review by 31 May.
>We will, of course, welcome comments from other WGs (and others).  If
>your WG isn't listed above and wishes to review the document, please
>let us know.
>Many thanks,
>Misha Wolf
>I18N WG Chair
>-------------------------------------------------------------- --
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Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Thursday, 18 April 2002 05:20:16 UTC