from September 2023 by subject

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Add 'starts with' to web custom format prefix. (PR #195)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Add supports API for async clipboard. (PR #192)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Add Web Custom format (PR #175)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Arbitrary clipboard types (Issue #165)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Async clipboard api - write api example: resolved error (PR #189)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Feature detection for supported clipboard formats (Issue #170)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Make it possible to read image/svg+xml from the clipboard (#92)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Read Blob data for the supported formats on-demand during getType. (Issue #191)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Scope events to GlobalEventHandlers (PR #196)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Start and End fragment tags in text/html format on Windows (Issue #193)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] supported type should include MathML types (#141)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Update custom types on Mac. (PR #194)

[w3c/editing] [Delayed Clipboard Rendering] Privacy issue while reading data for web custom types (Issue #439)

[w3c/editing] [Delayed Clipboard Rendering] What happens to the clipboard data on Tab/Browser Close? (Issue #424)

[w3c/editing] add 'all known' to the Success Criteria section of the proposed charter (PR #441)

[w3c/editing] be more precise about out of scope (PR #440)

[w3c/editing] Define behavior of pressing enter in inline editing host (Issue #430)

[w3c/editing] Outdent behavior with respect to list items is not aligned with popular editors (Issue #442)

[w3c/editing] Outdent immediately after indent should restore pre-indent DOM (like popular editors do) (Issue #443)

[w3c/editing] RFC: Contenteditable "indent" implementations are not aligned with popular editors (Issue #437)

[w3c/editing] RFC: Contenteditable "indent"/"outdent" implementations are not aligned with popular editors (Issue #437)

[w3c/editing] TPAC 2023 agenda (Issue #438)

[w3c/editing] TPAC 2023 participation - Call for topics (Issue #427)

[w3c/editing] Update explainer to add the new write algorithm. (PR #436)

[w3c/FileAPI] Implementations allow all values in type getter (#43)

[w3c/gamepad] Enhance Gamepad interface description for Touch (PR #168)

[w3c/gamepad] Update getGamepads to include steps for copying gamepads (PR #172)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Add an Observer API (#51)

[w3c/manifest] badge purpose "monochrome" is only supported by Firefox (#905)

[w3c/manifest] Call of topics for TPAC (Issue #1093)

[w3c/manifest] Consistent manifest naming (PR #1099)

[w3c/manifest] Create Medwin (PR #1095)

[w3c/manifest] Define "web application" (Issue #1097)

[w3c/manifest] Editorial: Consistent manifest naming (PR #1099)

[w3c/manifest] Editorial: Remove “at risk” warning for monochrome (PR #1098)

[w3c/manifest] Editorial: remove “commonly” to reflect actual JSON encoding (PR #1100)

[w3c/manifest] JSON "commonly" encoded in Unicode (Issue #1089)

[w3c/manifest] Provide a way to not open a link in the PWA, in the moment (#989)

[w3c/manifest] should we standardize navigator.standalone ? (Issue #1092)

[w3c/manifest] suggest in standard calling website->webapp process unified "add to home screen" or such in all browsers (not install) (Issue #1096)

[w3c/manifest] Web Manifest Overrides (Issue #1045)

[w3c/permissions] Add another permission state "always-ask" (from one-time grants)? (Issue #414)

[w3c/permissions] Allow returning "prompt" rather than "denied" (Issue #388)

[w3c/permissions] Inform users when a UA administrator overrides their permission choices. (PR #420)

[w3c/permissions] One time permissions: exposing and specifying grant type (Issue #418)

[w3c/permissions] PermissionStatus update steps touch DOM objects in parallel (Issue #421)

[w3c/permissions] WebDriver: Make it possible to pass a different origin to "Set Permission" (Issue #419)

[w3c/push-api] Adds Safari Implementation (Issue #362)

[w3c/push-api] check and consume user activation (PR #348)

[w3c/push-api] Declarative Web Push (Issue #360)

[w3c/push-api] Fix #361. Improving the readability (PR #363)

[w3c/push-api] Permission Revocation - English language clarification (Issue #361)

[w3c/push-api] pushregistrationlost isn't documented (#149)

[w3c/push-api] TPAC 2022 status report (Issue #354)

[w3c/screen-orientation] HTML integration (Issue #219)

[w3c/selection-api] Define `Selection.rangeCount` when an input field is focused (Issue #166)

[w3c/selection-api] getSelection().addRange should allow range with both boundary points in shadow tree (Issue #167)

[w3c/selection-api] Specify the behavior when DOM mutation occurs across shadow-crossing selection (Issue #168)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] [Feature request] Allow keeping service worker alive (#1558)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Editorial: correct rendering of nested algo steps (PR #1692)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Editorial: remove API URL character encoding (PR #1693)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] should FetchEvent.request.signal reflect abort status of outer request? (#1544)

[w3c/uievents] `beforeinput` and `compositionupdate` event order (Issue #354)

[w3c/uievents] Define "composition session" (Issue #357)

[w3c/uievents] Export composition events from spec (Issue #356)

[w3c/uievents] Find def for "active text passage" (Issue #358)

[w3c/uievents] Specification Should Link to Its Own Definition of “Cancelable” (#165)

[w3c/uievents] Standardize layerX/layerY on MouseEvent (#135)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] `form-sizing` CSS property (Issue #890)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Background Blur API (Issue #826)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Bluetooth RFCOMM in Web Serial API (Issue #854)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Borderless mode (Issue #852)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Cross-document View Transitions API (Issue #851)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] DisplayMediaStreamOptions monitorTypeSurfaces (Issue #892)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Eligibility for autofill (Issue #831)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Exclusive accordion (<details name="">) (Issue #866)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Feature detection for supported clipboard formats (Issue #901)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] FedCM API extension: Error API, AccountAutoSelectedFlag, HostedDomain and Revocation API (Issue #893)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Fullscreen Popup Windows (Issue #840)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] HTML Modules (#334)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] HTMLSelectElement showPicker() (Issue #900)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Incremental Font Transfer: Patch Subset (Issue #849)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Intersection Observer Scroll Margin (Issue #905)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Isolated Web Apps (Issue #842)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Observable API design review (Issue #902)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Partitioning :visited links history (Issue #896)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Relative Color Syntax (RCS) (Issue #894)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Review request for Protected Audience (Issue #723)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE (Issue #899)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] ServiceWorker static routing API (Issue #863)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Side Panel (Issue #903)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Soft Navigations (Issue #879)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Specification Review: FetchLater API (Issue #887)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Standardizing Security Semantics of Cross-Site Cookies (Issue #904)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Suggest linking to standards positions (PR #898)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] systemEntropy addition to PerformanceNavigationTiming (Issue #878)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Tag review for Compression Dictionary Transport (Issue #877)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] TAG review for web app `scope_extensions` (Issue #875)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Tag review request for the "Dubbing and Audio description Profiles of TTML2" (Issue #897)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] TAG review request for the IDP signin status API (Issue #884)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] TAG spec review of Bounce Tracking Mitigations (Issue #862)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] The CSS `word-break: auto-phrase` property (Issue #891)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] VC-JWT (Issue #857)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Verifiable Credential Status List 2021 (Issue #874)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web Audio API: RenderCapacity API (Issue #843)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web Audio API: User-Selectable Render Quantum Size (Issue #895)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web Authentication: Large Blob extension (Issue #820)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web Install API (Issue #888)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebRTC Codec selection API (Issue #836)

[whatwg/dom] Add EventListener Sub Flags [Suggestion] [Feature Request] (Issue #1070)

[whatwg/dom] Add flat tree parent definition (PR #1223)

[whatwg/dom] Consider support for ES2015 iterator protocol for NodeIterator (#147)

[whatwg/dom] Declarative Shadow DOM (#831)

[whatwg/dom] matchMedia-like API for element matches (Issue #1225)

[whatwg/dom] Meta: update repository files (PR #1228)

[whatwg/dom] Meta: update repository files (PR #1229)

[whatwg/dom] MutationOvserver and DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument (Issue #1227)

[whatwg/dom] Proposal: a DocumentFragment whose nodes do not get removed once inserted (#736)

[whatwg/dom] Provide a "deep clone" shorthand (Issue #1220)

[whatwg/dom] Stop exporting AbortSignal's signal abort (Issue #1194)

[whatwg/dom] Stop exporting AbortSignal's signal abort (PR #1226)

[whatwg/dom] Support for HTML/XML stream parsing/rewriting. (Issue #1222)

[whatwg/encoding] Meta: update repository files (PR #319)

[whatwg/encoding] Meta: update repository files (PR #320)

[whatwg/encoding] N'abdiqua pas le temps pour les choses à venir ZTF Phases!¿! (Issue #316)

[whatwg/encoding] Video Mehmet (Issue #318)

[whatwg/fetch] "should X be blocked" is a bad pattern (Issue #1714)

[whatwg/fetch] 301/302/303 Redirect does not preserve headers (Issue #1711)

[whatwg/fetch] [Cookie Layering] WIP Requests (PR #1707)

[whatwg/fetch] aa (Issue #1702)

[whatwg/fetch] Access-Control-Max-Age not effective in preflight request caching when Authorization header is programatically defined (#1278)

[whatwg/fetch] Add a way to have cookie origin and CORS origin be different (Issue #1637)

[whatwg/fetch] Add option to reject the fetch promise automatically after a certain time elapsed (with no API for arbitrary aborts) (#179)

[whatwg/fetch] Add unsafe-no-cors mode (PR #1533)

[whatwg/fetch] Add WebDriver BiDi network request logging (PR #1540)

[whatwg/fetch] Block subresource requests whose URLs include credentials. (#465)

[whatwg/fetch] Clarify relation to HTTP RFCs and similar (Issue #1700)

[whatwg/fetch] Consider restricting 103 Early Hints to HTTP/2 or later (Issue #1698)

[whatwg/fetch] Correct request's window check (PR #1712)

[whatwg/fetch] Deferred fetching (PR #1647)

[whatwg/fetch] Define preconnect and dns-prefetch with CSP (PR #1620)

[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: clarify response's URL list (PR #1699)

[whatwg/fetch] Explicitly ignore 1xx responses (#366)

[whatwg/fetch] fetct commit (Issue #1704)

[whatwg/fetch] For which 1xx responses should Set-Cookie work? (Issue #1710)

[whatwg/fetch] HTTPS upgrades proposal (PR #1655)

[whatwg/fetch] (Issue #1703)

[whatwg/fetch] Image Accept: headers in the spec prevent conneg (#877)

[whatwg/fetch] Meta: update repository files (PR #1708)

[whatwg/fetch] Meta: update repository files (PR #1709)

[whatwg/fetch] Missing interface for uncompressed Content-Length when compression is used (Issue #1358)

[whatwg/fetch] More informative error types (#526)

[whatwg/fetch] non-null body with GET/HEAD requests (Issue #1705)

[whatwg/fetch] Option to fetch raw byte as is. (without decompressing) (Issue #1524)

[whatwg/fetch] Recommend that servers follow the steps of CORS preflight for easier troubleshooting (Issue #1588)

[whatwg/fetch] Resumable File Uploads (Issue #1626)

[whatwg/fetch] Streaming upload (Issue #1438)

[whatwg/fetch] Tighten `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` CORS safe-list carveout? (Issue #1706)

[whatwg/fetch] Verify request's window usage for preloads (Issue #1713)

[whatwg/fetch] XCTO affects more than script-like and "style" (Issue #1701)

[whatwg/fullscreen] Document fullscreening vs. modal dialog (Issue #227)

[whatwg/fullscreen] Impossible to customize the style of a dialog's ::backdrop residing inside a Shadow DOM. (#124)

[whatwg/fullscreen] Meta: update repository files (PR #229)

[whatwg/fullscreen] Meta: update repository files (PR #230)

[whatwg/storage] Meta: update repository files (PR #168)

[whatwg/streams] Add, { min }) (#1145)

[whatwg/streams] Consider making writer.abort() automatically generate an "AbortError" DOMException? (Issue #1290)

[whatwg/streams] Handling stream errors in a TransformStream transformer (Issue #1212)

[whatwg/streams] Meta: update repository files (PR #1295)

[whatwg/streams] ReadableStream.prototype.arrayBuffer() (#1019)

[whatwg/streams] Should `ReadableStreamClose(stream)` also close pending read requests in case of ReadableStreamBYOBReader (Issue #1294)

[whatwg/streams] TransformStream cleanup using "Transformer.cancel" (PR #1283)

[whatwg/url] , (Issue #788)

[whatwg/url] Allow protocol setter to switch between special and non-special schemes (Issue #674)

[whatwg/url] Consider defining "URL path" as a concept (Issue #792)

[whatwg/url] Editorial: correct URL path serializer markup (PR #787)

[whatwg/url] Editorial: remove duplicate "is" (PR #791)

[whatwg/url] Editorial: rename host parser's isNotSpecial to isOpaque (PR #789)

[whatwg/url] Enforce UTF-8 when url is given to the basic URL parser (Issue #783)

[whatwg/url] Escape trailing spaces in opaque paths (PR #785)

[whatwg/url] Expose a URLHost class to JavaScript (#288)

[whatwg/url] Fix validation error when a URL has credentials but no host (PR #793)

[whatwg/url] IDNA: avoid defining valid domain string in terms of the parser (#245)

[whatwg/url] Meta: update repository files (PR #794)

[whatwg/url] Meta: update repository files (PR #795)

[whatwg/url] Minor typo (Issue #790)

[whatwg/url] Rephrase the stated goal of obsoleting RFC 3986 and RFC 3987 (Issue #703)

[whatwg/url] The *URL path serializer* steps use bullets instead of being numbered (Issue #786)

[whatwg/url] URL path serializer steps use bullets instead of being numbered (Issue #786)

[whatwg/url] URL serialiser does not produce idempotent strings if an opaque path has a trailing space and "exclude fragment" is true (Issue #784)

[whatwg/webidl] <div id="divA">This is <span>some</span> text!</div> (Issue #1357)

[whatwg/webidl] Add support for AsyncContext (PR #1369)

[whatwg/webidl] DOMException name proposal (Issue #1358)

[whatwg/webidl] Editorial: Remove the note on `@@unscopables` and `[Global]` interfaces (PR #1361)

[whatwg/webidl] Editorial: Use CreateDataPropertyOrThrow abstract op in more places (PR #1359)

[whatwg/webidl] Fix `indent_size` in `.editorconfig` for Bikeshes files (#1040)

[whatwg/webidl] Intent to use Constants (Issue #1367)

[whatwg/webidl] (Issue #1366)

[whatwg/webidl] M Ehsan Hashmi Forsage Eagle Team Admin (Issue #1363)

[whatwg/webidl] Meta: update repository files (PR #1368)

[whatwg/webidl] Named properties object [[GetOwnProperty]] conflicts with class string (Issue #1365)

[whatwg/webidl] Review Draft Publication: September 2023 (644dd7d)

[whatwg/webidl] Review Draft Publication: September 2023 (PR #1364)

[whatwg/webidl] rxt (Issue #1362)

[whatwg/webidl] Throw TypeError if `[Replaceable]` setter fails to reconfigure the property (PR #1360)

[whatwg/xhr] Editorial: use HTML's encoding-parse a URL (PR #382)

[whatwg/xhr] FormData & submitter[formaction] (Issue #381)

[whatwg/xhr] Meta: update repository files (PR #383)

[whatwg/xhr] Use HTML's parse a URL (Issue #380)

[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] Element upgrade ordering (#923)

[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] How does customElements.upgrade() work? (Issue #1001)

[WICG/webcomponents] Alternative to customized built-in - Element custom enhancements (Issue #1000)

[WICG/webcomponents] define behavior of `@import` in Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) modules (#870)

[WICG/webcomponents] DOM Parts Quarterly Meeting (Issue #1027)

[WICG/webcomponents] Explain the relationship of DOM Parts to XHTML (Issue #1028)

[WICG/webcomponents] Proposal: Custom attributes for all elements, enhancements for more complex use cases (Issue #1029)

[WICG/webcomponents] Quarterly Face to Face Scheduling (Issue #1031)

[WICG/webcomponents] RFC: Element Handles for Cross-root ARIA (cross-post from wicg/aom) (Issue #1020)

[WICG/webcomponents] Scoped Custom Element Registries (#716)

[WICG/webcomponents] Should browsers do bookkeeping on DOM parts after initial parse? (Issue #1030)

[WICG/webcomponents] SVG <use> tag with CSS ::part selector (Issue #955)

[WICG/webcomponents] TPAC Web Components Community Group Breakout Takeaways (Issue #1026)

[WICG/webcomponents] Update DOM-Parts (Imperative) to clarify definitions and use cases (PR #1032)

Last message date: Saturday, 30 September 2023 20:51:40 UTC