Re: [whatwg/fetch] Deferred fetching (PR #1647)

@mingyc commented on this pull request.

> +<pre class=idl>
+dictionary DeferredRequestInit : RequestInit {
+  DOMHighResTimeStamp backgroundTimeout;
+interface FetchLaterResult {
+  readonly attribute boolean sent;
+partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {
+  [NewObject] FetchLaterResult fetchLater(RequestInfo input, optional DeferredRequestInit init = {});
+<p>A {{FetchLaterResult}} has an associated <a>deferred fetch record</a>


> @@ -8481,6 +8615,75 @@ with a <var>promise</var>, <var>request</var>, <var>responseObject</var>, and an
+<h3 id=fetch-later-method>FetchLater method</h3>
+<pre class=idl>
+dictionary DeferredRequestInit : RequestInit {
+  DOMHighResTimeStamp backgroundTimeout;
+interface FetchLaterResult {
+  readonly attribute boolean sent;
+partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {
+  [NewObject] FetchLaterResult fetchLater(RequestInfo input, optional DeferredRequestInit init = {});


> +  throw a {{NotAllowedError}}.
+  <p class=note>User-agents can, for example, decide that deferred fetching is not allowed for
+  subframes or gated behind some permission.
+ </li>
+ <li><p>Let <var>requestObject</var> be the result of invoking the initial value of {{Request}} as
+ constructor with <var>input</var> and <var>init</var> as arguments. This may throw an exception.
+ <li><p>If <var>requestObject</var>'s <a for=Request>signal</a> is <a for=AbortSignal>aborted</a>,
+ then throw <a for=Request>signal</a>'s <a for=AbortSignal>abort reason</a>.
+ <li><p>Let <var>request</var> be <var>requestObject</var>'s <a for=Request>request</a>.
+ <li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>URL</a>'s <a for=url>scheme</a> is not an
+ <a>HTTP(S) scheme</a> then throw a {{TypeError}}.

@noamr This one is not addressed.

> + </li>
+ <li><p><a for=list>For each</a> <a>deferred fetch record</a> <var>deferredRecord</var> in
+ <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>client</a>'s <a for=fetch>fetch group</a>'s
+ <a for="fetch group">deferred fetch records</a>: if <var>deferredRecord</var>'s
+ <a for="deferred fetch record">request</a>'s <a for=request>body</a> is not null and
+ <var>deferredRecord</var>'s <a for="deferred fetch record">request</a>'s <a for=request>URL</a>'s
+ <a for=url>origin</a> is <a>same origin</a> with <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>URL</a>'s
+ <a for=url>origin</a>, then increment <var>totalScheduledDeferredBytesForOrigin</var> by
+ <var>deferredRecord</var>'s <a for="deferred fetch record">request</a>'s <a for=request>body</a>'s
+ <a for=body>length</a>.
+ <li><p>If <var>totalScheduledDeferredBytesForOrigin</var> is greater than 64 kilobytes, then
+ throw a {{QuotaExceededError}}.
+ <li><p>Set <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>keepalive</a> to true.

This one should be resolved now as we explicilty forbid ReadableStream.

> +   <a for=request>body</a>'s <a for=body>length</a> is null, then throw a {{TypeError}}.
+   <li><p>Set <var>totalScheduledDeferredBytesForOrigin</var> to <var>request</var>'s
+   <a for=request>body</a>'s <a for=body>length</a>.
+  </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><p><a for=list>For each</a> <a>deferred fetch record</a> <var>deferredRecord</var> in
+ <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>client</a>'s <a for=fetch>fetch group</a>'s
+ <a for="fetch group">deferred fetch records</a>: if <var>deferredRecord</var>'s
+ <a for="deferred fetch record">request</a>'s <a for=request>body</a> is not null and
+ <var>deferredRecord</var>'s <a for="deferred fetch record">request</a>'s <a for=request>URL</a>'s
+ <a for=url>origin</a> is <a>same origin</a> with <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>URL</a>'s
+ <a for=url>origin</a>, then increment <var>totalScheduledDeferredBytesForOrigin</var> by
+ <var>deferredRecord</var>'s <a for="deferred fetch record">request</a>'s <a for=request>body</a>'s
+ <a for=body>length</a>.


> +<var>inactivityDeferredDelay</var> (default null):
+ <li><p>Assert: <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>client</a> is an
+ <a>environment settings object</a>.
+ <li>Let <var>totalScheduledDeferredBytesForOrigin</var> be 0.
+ <li>
+  <p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>body</a> is not null then:
+  <ol>
+   <li><p>If <var>request</var>'s
+   <a for=request>body</a>'s <a for=body>length</a> is null, then throw a {{TypeError}}.
+   <li><p>Set <var>totalScheduledDeferredBytesForOrigin</var> to <var>request</var>'s

Ok Resolved.

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Received on Wednesday, 27 September 2023 06:03:40 UTC