[WICG/webcomponents] TPAC Web Components Community Group Breakout Takeaways (Issue #1026)

The 13 September 2023, 09:30–10:30 Central European Summer Time session "Web Components API/Specs Report and Alignment" brought focus to a number of feature areas of interest to the WCCG:
- **Declarative Shadow DOM**
Firefox is committed to shipping the API as spec'd
- Scoped Custom Element Registries
Has a breakout later in the day where various related issues as gathered by @rniwa will be discussed and hopefully resolved
- Cross ShadowRoot Aria
Has a breakout later in the day where various related issues will be discussed and hopefully resolved
- CSS Slot Content Detection
Interest across implementors, and needs continued research and discussion with the CSSWG as part of https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7922 and https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6867

Feature areas of interest to implementors:
- **Declarative Custom Elements**
The WCCG to work with the community to begin gathering more information on what DCE means to them.
  - Is templating required to move forward in this area?
  - Without templating do we need heavy marketing into what DCE is or isn't?
  - Can we gather learnings from Mozilla about their experience with XBL?

# Decisions
A quarterly virtual Face to Face will be held. We will look to facilitate a more structured discussion, a la OpenUI, or the CSSWG with actual resolutions to increase the success of those sessions. Work to include quality minuting, and broad visibility of these sessions should be included as well.

<summary>Badly drawn minutes</summary>

[03:52] <westbrook> Joey: Scoped Custom Element Registries still have a couple of open issues
[03:53] <westbrook> Ryosuke: main hold back are minor details on what happens with same name in two registries and then move between trees.
[03:57] <bennyp> Slot content question: would this strip whitespace by default?
[03:59] <bennyp> <x-l>  </xl> <- has whitespace (therefore has slotted content?) <x-l></x-l> <- no content at all
[03:59] <bennyp> this gotcha can affect authors who use html formatting tools
[03:59] <JustinFagnani> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7922
[04:00] == christianliebel [~christianliebel@7e4e2622.public.cloak] has joined #webcomponents
[04:01] <JustinFagnani> wicg/webcomponents issue for detecting filled slots: https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/936
[04:02] <westbrook> Ryosuke: raise /thing/ combinator at the CSS WG as a real thing or not.
[04:03] <westbrook> ryosuke: maybe we need this as a pseudo class
[04:04] <westbrook> justin: walks through the JS path the allows for content detection, requiring double render and blocks SSR
[04:06] <westbrook> ryosuke:  https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6867 seems slightly more attainable than https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7922 at least in terms of work
[04:06] <westbrook> justin: separating has from desendents is likely a smaller conversation
[04:06] <westbrook> ryosuke: agrees
[04:08] <westbrook> ryosuke: is CSSWG is at TPAC then we should try and get this into the convo there
[04:11] <JaredW_> Declarative Custom Elements ?
[04:12] <westbrook> Justin: what DCE means could be unclear
[04:13] <westbrook> Justin: CG could support community out reach to clarify what that means.
[04:13] <westbrook> Justin: thinks there is interest
[04:13] <westbrook> Justin: doesn't get to the reports because of "broken things", but collaborative interest is great to hear
[04:13] <westbrook> ryosuke: gathering use cases is a good next step
[04:14] <westbrook> ryosuke: XBL was some version of this, as CSS essentially declared a shadow root onto something
[04:15] <westbrook> ryosuke: Mozilla should have some feedback on the experience of shipping (and unshipping ) XBL
[04:16] <westbrook> ryosuke: buggest win may be the platform performance wins that a browser could bring
[04:16] <westbrook> *biggest
[04:16] <westbrook> Justin: long road to DCE starts with DOM parts
[04:17] <westbrook> Ryosuke: DCE includes some level of replacing something in your tree
[04:18] <westbrook> Ryosuke: DCE could take progress even without templating
[04:18] <JustinFagnani> https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/1009
[04:18] <westbrook> Justin: "non-linear" progress in this area could confuse consumers, but could be marketed correctly
[04:19] <westbrook> Justin: looking for clarity on whether DCEv1 actually needs templating.
[04:21] <westbrook> Ryosuke: happy to meet virtual, but feels that a process (like what's in CSSWG) is what's missing.
[04:23] <westbrook> Ryosuke: discussion happens but conclusions are not made due to _something_...
[04:24] <westbrook> Joey: OpenUI does this by having "resolutions" and blog posts after weekly meetings
[04:25] <westbrook> Justin: is there a WG that we work under? or can we just make proposals to the DOM specs?
[04:27] <westbrook> Would be good to see these things as a consumer of the CSSWG.
[04:27] <JaredW_> Maybe part of this is having a clearer process of (a) is there a proposal(s) for [X] spec, and (b) what is the current status? Can the CG surface those more regularly?
[04:27] <westbrook> James: the level is less important than the tight agreement of an implementor
[04:29] <westbrook> Justin: do we need a WG or a process?
[04:30] <westbrook> To group: Any one against a quarterly face to face?
[04:31] <westbrook> Ryosuke: everyone agrees we can!
[04:32] <westbrook> Ryosuke: do we want more structure?
[04:32] <westbrook> Ryosuke: _probably_
[04:32] <westbrook> Ryosuke: include resolutions in those meetings.


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Received on Wednesday, 13 September 2023 08:49:41 UTC