[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon 3 February
[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon February 10
[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon February 24
[Admin] Agenda RIF teleon February 17
[Admin] Draft Minutes from 17-Feb-2009 RIF Telecon
[Admin] RIF telecon minutes, 10 Feb 2009
[Core] ACTION-703: More sophisticated notions of safety
[Core] new safeness condition
[Core] updated safeness condition
[DTB] Action 681 completed
[DTB] ACTION 704 completed
[F2F] F2F13 will be 15-17 April in Cambridge, MA
[PRD] Notes from F2F meeting 11 February
[PRD] notes from PRD TF 17 Feb
[PRD] Notes from the PRD TF telecon Tuesday 10 February
[PRD] PRD meeting at ILOG Wednesday 11
[PRD] PRD TF telecon --> issues 63/65/62/66 comments
[PRD] PRD TF telecon February 24 cancelled
[PRD] PRD TF telecon Tuesday 10 February
[PRD] PRD TF telecon Tuesday 17 February
[PRD] PRD TF telecon Tuesday 3 February
[PRD] Semantic Problems
[RDF+OWL] coreifying RDF(S) combination embeddings
[RDF+OWL] impossible to coreify OWL 2 RL combinations
[RDF-OWL] Hitch in embedding RIF-OWL 2 RL
[RDF-OWL] what if there are no graphs at import locations?
[RIF] draft minutes RIF Telephone Conference 24/02/2009
[XTAN] A limited extensibility mechanism (but extensible)
Action 692: http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/track/actions/692
Action 695 argument
- Dave Reynolds (Thursday, 12 February)
- Gary Hallmark (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Dave Reynolds (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Jos de Bruijn (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Gary Hallmark (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Jos de Bruijn (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Gary Hallmark (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Dave Reynolds (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Gary Hallmark (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Dave Reynolds (Friday, 6 February)
- Changhai Ke (Wednesday, 4 February)
- Dave Reynolds (Wednesday, 4 February)
- Changhai Ke (Tuesday, 3 February)
- Dave Reynolds (Tuesday, 3 February)
ACTION-579 Done (Implement RIF-XML to PS translate)
Alan Ruttenberg: Re: notes from OWL and RIF datatype coordination meeting
AW: Action 695 argument
AW: Last call for hosting proposals
CFP: 4th AIS SigPrag Int. Conf. Track on the PragmaticWeb at i-Semantics 2009 (ICPW 2009)
conformance in the face of decimals with lengths larger than supported by the implementation
Example not-necessarily-terminating rules
implementation of the decision to remove external frames
ISSUE-80: Meta builtins
ISSUE-92: n-ary builtins
ISSUE-93 (Datatype IRIs): Should datatype IRIs map to the datatypes themselves [BLD]
ISSUE-93: datatype IRI mapping
Last call for hosting proposals
merged presentation syntax (MPS)
Minutes from Feb. 3rd
notes from OWL and RIF datatype coordination meeting
notes from Presentation Syntax task force meeting
OWL+RIF coordination meeting on datatypes
Partial regrets for telecon 10 Feb
poll on Madrid vs Boston for RIF F2F 13
Postdoc position on Description Logics and Rules in Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)
Presentation task force telecon
Regrets for TeleConf 17/02/2009
Suggestion to host RIF F2F13, April 15-17 in Madrid, Spain.
W3C Membership Survey
XML Schema 1.1 LCWD
Last message date: Friday, 27 February 2009 22:29:56 UTC