Adrian Paschke
Axel Polleres
- Re: ISSUE-80: Meta builtins (Friday, 27 February)
- Re: ISSUE-92: n-ary builtins (Friday, 27 February)
- [RIF] draft minutes RIF Telephone Conference 24/02/2009 (Tuesday, 24 February)
- Re: [RDF-OWL] what if there are no graphs at import locations? (Friday, 13 February)
- Re: [RDF-OWL] what if there are no graphs at import locations? (Friday, 13 February)
- Re: [DTB] ACTION 704 completed (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: [DTB] ACTION 704 completed (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: [Core] ACTION-703: More sophisticated notions of safety (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Regrets for TeleConf 17/02/2009 (Wednesday, 11 February)
- [Core] ACTION-703: More sophisticated notions of safety (Wednesday, 11 February)
- [DTB] ACTION 704 completed (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: [DTB] Action 681 completed (Tuesday, 3 February)
- Re: [DTB] Action 681 completed (Monday, 2 February)
- Re: [DTB] Action 681 completed (Monday, 2 February)
- [DTB] Action 681 completed (Monday, 2 February)
- Re: Suggestion to host RIF F2F13, April 15-17 in Madrid, Spain. (Sunday, 1 February)
- Suggestion to host RIF F2F13, April 15-17 in Madrid, Spain. (Sunday, 1 February)
Bijan Parsia
Changhai Ke
Chris Welty
Christian de Sainte Marie
- [PRD] PRD TF telecon February 24 cancelled (Monday, 23 February)
- [Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon February 24 (Monday, 23 February)
- [F2F] F2F13 will be 15-17 April in Cambridge, MA (Wednesday, 18 February)
- [PRD] notes from PRD TF 17 Feb (Tuesday, 17 February)
- Re: [PRD] PRD TF telecon Tuesday 17 February (Tuesday, 17 February)
- [PRD] PRD TF telecon Tuesday 17 February (Monday, 16 February)
- [Admin] Agenda RIF teleon February 17 (Monday, 16 February)
- Re: [PRD] Notes from F2F meeting 11 February (Thursday, 12 February)
- [PRD] Notes from F2F meeting 11 February (Thursday, 12 February)
- [PRD] Notes from the PRD TF telecon Tuesday 10 February (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: [XTAN] A limited extensibility mechanism (but extensible) (Tuesday, 10 February)
- [PRD] PRD meeting at ILOG Wednesday 11 (Monday, 9 February)
- [PRD] PRD TF telecon Tuesday 10 February (Monday, 9 February)
- [Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon February 10 (Monday, 9 February)
- [XTAN] A limited extensibility mechanism (but extensible) (Friday, 6 February)
- [PRD] PRD TF telecon Tuesday 3 February (Monday, 2 February)
- [Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon 3 February (Monday, 2 February)
Dave Reynolds
- Re: Alan Ruttenberg: Re: notes from OWL and RIF datatype coordination meeting (Sunday, 15 February)
- Re: [RDF-OWL] what if there are no graphs at import locations? (Friday, 13 February)
- Re: Action 695 argument (Thursday, 12 February)
- Re: Action 695 argument (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: [DTB] ACTION 704 completed (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: Action 695 argument (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: [Core] updated safeness condition (Friday, 6 February)
- Partial regrets for telecon 10 Feb (Friday, 6 February)
- Re: Action 695 argument (Friday, 6 February)
- Re: Action 692: (Wednesday, 4 February)
- Re: Action 695 argument (Wednesday, 4 February)
- Example not-necessarily-terminating rules (Tuesday, 3 February)
- Re: Action 695 argument (Tuesday, 3 February)
Enrico Franconi
Gary Hallmark
Hassan Ait-Kaci
Ivan Herman
Jos de Bruijn
- Re: [RDF-OWL] what if there are no graphs at import locations? (Tuesday, 17 February)
- conformance in the face of decimals with lengths larger than supported by the implementation (Friday, 13 February)
- Re: [RDF-OWL] what if there are no graphs at import locations? (Friday, 13 February)
- Re: [RDF-OWL] what if there are no graphs at import locations? (Friday, 13 February)
- [RDF-OWL] what if there are no graphs at import locations? (Thursday, 12 February)
- Re: [DTB] ACTION 704 completed (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: Action 695 argument (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: Action 695 argument (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: [Core] updated safeness condition (Friday, 6 February)
- [RDF-OWL] Hitch in embedding RIF-OWL 2 RL (Thursday, 5 February)
- Re: [Core] updated safeness condition (Wednesday, 4 February)
- [Core] updated safeness condition (Tuesday, 3 February)
- Re: [Core] new safeness condition (Tuesday, 3 February)
- Re: [DTB] Action 681 completed (Tuesday, 3 February)
- Re: [RDF+OWL] impossible to coreify OWL 2 RL combinations (Monday, 2 February)
- [RDF+OWL] impossible to coreify OWL 2 RL combinations (Monday, 2 February)
- [RDF+OWL] coreifying RDF(S) combination embeddings (Monday, 2 February)
- Re: [DTB] Action 681 completed (Monday, 2 February)
- Re: [Core] new safeness condition (Monday, 2 February)
- Re: [DTB] Action 681 completed (Monday, 2 February)
Michael Kifer
Paul Vincent
Rule Interchange Format Working Group Issue Tracker
Sandro Hawke
- Re: notes from Presentation Syntax task force meeting (Sunday, 22 February)
- notes from Presentation Syntax task force meeting (Friday, 20 February)
- Re: Presentation task force telecon (Friday, 20 February)
- Re: Presentation task force telecon (Friday, 20 February)
- Re: [F2F] F2F13 will be 15-17 April in Cambridge, MA (Wednesday, 18 February)
- Alan Ruttenberg: Re: notes from OWL and RIF datatype coordination meeting (Saturday, 14 February)
- Re: merged presentation syntax (MPS) (Saturday, 14 February)
- Re: merged presentation syntax (MPS) (Saturday, 14 February)
- merged presentation syntax (MPS) (Friday, 13 February)
- poll on Madrid vs Boston for RIF F2F 13 (Tuesday, 10 February)
- W3C Membership Survey (Tuesday, 10 February)
- XML Schema 1.1 LCWD (Monday, 9 February)
- notes from OWL and RIF datatype coordination meeting (Monday, 9 February)
- OWL+RIF coordination meeting on datatypes (Monday, 9 February)
- ACTION-579 Done (Implement RIF-XML to PS translate) (Tuesday, 3 February)
- Re: Suggestion to host RIF F2F13, April 15-17 in Madrid, Spain. (Sunday, 1 February)
Stella Mitchell
Last message date: Friday, 27 February 2009 22:29:56 UTC