Re: Action 695 argument

Gary Hallmark wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 3:59 AM, Dave Reynolds < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Gary Hallmark wrote:
>           * How do I reference the current datetime (e.g.
>         fn:current-dateTime
>             <#func-current-dateTime>)
>     Separate from the semantic problems for BLD that Jos correctly
>     points out, 
> I still don't see any semantic problems.  Isn't a current-date builtin 
> equivalent to a current-date constant and an equality formula like 
> rif:current-date = "2009-02-11T12:30+02:00"

No because each time you run the rule set you potentially get a 
different result. The model and entailments for a rule set are no longer 
defined by the rule set but are context dependent and the model theory 
does not have a notion of an external context through which to inject 
this extra constant.

>     would fn:current-dateTime return an xsd:dateTime with or without a
>     timestamp?
> from the xpath spec:
> |fn:current-dateTime|()| as ||xs:dateTime|
> Summary: Returns the current dateTime (with timezone) from the dynamic 
> context.  

Sure, I meant to put a :-) after that to indicate slightly 
tongue-in-cheek rhetoric. Clearly that is the normal and obvious 
definition, hence my problems with Changhai's examples.

>     To meet Changhai's use cases it would have to be without a timestamp
>     while for many reasonable usecases it would have to be with one.
> Not if we include the adjust timezone builtins.  These let you convert 
> timezones, including to/from no timezone.

If you are prepared to do such conversions in your rules then can't you 
take a with-timezone constant and convert it to the timezone of the 
current-dateTime anyway? I thought the argument for having 
without-timezone dateTimes was to avoid such explicit timezone hacking.

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Received on Thursday, 12 February 2009 09:10:13 UTC