RE: [PRD] PRD TF telecon --> issues 63/65/62/66 comments

Christian: apologies I may be travelling when the PRD conf call takes
place... in case I am, here are some comments.
Paul V

Issue 63: If RuleGroup == Ruleset, then surely this is not an issue (we
can use an alias if required, and also IMHO the typical use case for RIF
will be transmission of a single group of rules (/ruleset) making the
container specification less relevant).

IE. Agree to close issue.

Issue 65: Halting Test: this is an operational issue, which we could
cover in PRD with a "Halt" action (== Return etc). Specific actions for
PR engines to support in RIF PRD rules are for Issue 62... 

IE. Agree to close issue.

Issue 62: PRD actions: the main ones I would be interested in are
associated with objects (create, update slot value, delete). A future
CEP-PRD dialect would also need consume (as in consuming events). The
"halt" action (per issue 65) could also be useful for exclusive rule
operations (ie: for behaviours like "run rules until I get a (first)
value, then finish").

Issue 66: PRD action semantics: I would expect actions such as create /
modify / delete to have an immediate effect (ie within the rule
execution cycle). Options on these semantics could be either additional
metadata for rules or rulesets (sorry, groups) or additional PRD

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Christian de Sainte Marie
Sent: 02 February 2009 19:37
Subject: [PRD] PRD TF telecon Tuesday 3 February

Teleconference W3C RIF WG
Production rules dialect (PRD) task force
27 January 2006

North America and Europe are in the Winter time:
1800 UTC, 1000 (West US) 1300 (East US) 1800 (London) 1900 (Paris)

Duration: *60 min*

*Proposed agenda*

1. Proposed PRD meeting in Paris Wednesday 11 February

2. ISSUE-63 [1] (Should PRD have a specific Ruleset construct?)

- Can we propose to the WG to close it, with the understanding that the
Group construct does it?

3. ISSUE-65 [2] (What halting test should PRD cover?)

- Can we propose to the WG to close it, with the understanding that we
are not going to define additional halting tests at this stage?

4. Resume discussion about what actions do we need in PRD 1.0 (ISSUE-62
[3]) and with what semantics (ISSUE-66 [4])

5. AOB
- Next meeting: February 10


*Telecon details*
Zakim bridges: +1.617.761.6200 (US), +33 4 89 06 34 99 (F) or
Conference code: 743773 ("RIFPRD")
IRC Chat: (port 6665), #rif-prd
Web-based IRC (member-only): []

Please note that RIF-PRD telecons are for attendance only by RIF Working
Group Participants and guests invited by the chairs.

Received on Tuesday, 3 February 2009 15:14:18 UTC