from November 2013 by subject

[All] Agenda for 13 Nov 2013

[Editors] Request for Summaries

ACTION-268 sure all Turtle comments are addressed

ACTION-321: Write up scribe schedule for remaining meetings

ACTION-322: Draft announcement emails for other lists

ACTION-33 - bad pointer in RDF Schema

agenda 20 Nov telecon

agenda 27 Nov telecon

agenda 6 Nov telecon

agenda telecon late

Bare collections in Turtle and TriG

candidate CR version of Semantics

comments on Concepts

CR comment Concepts: RDF datasets should reference SPARQL

CR versions of documents

Draft of rdf-new Note

first message on implementation experience

fixes applied to Semantics test suite

Fwd: Awkward TriG compatibility with N3

Fwd: call for implementer feedback for RDF entailment

Fwd: New RDF 1.1 publications & request for implementer feedback

implementation reports

ISSUE to close

Licensing for BNF and WebIDL

Mercurial problem?

message to RDF entailment implementors

N-Triples/N-Quads/TriG/Semantics earl reports

normative definition for a prefixed name

number of pages with markup

potential RDF entailment systems

PR version of JSON-LD documents

PR/CR publications

Primer Feedback

RDF 1.1 Primer

RDF entailment implementations

RDF Schema abstract

RDF Schema Addition?

rdf schema diff

RDF semantics test manifest

RDF semantics testing

RDF-ISSUE-170: CR comment: Normative links to RDF-1.1 Concepts [RDF N-Triples]

RDF-ISSUE-171: CR comment: backwards compatibility with respect to UTF-8/US-ASCII [RDF-N-Quads]

RDF-ISSUE-172: CR comment: Case-sensitivity of base and prefix directives [RDF TriG]

RDF-ISSUE-173 (TriG Collections): Bare collections in Turtle and TriG

RDF-ISSUE-174 (TriG and N3): Awkward TriG compatibility with N3

RDF-ISSUE-175 (TriG and N-Quads): TriG compatibility with N-Quads

RDF/JSON Note published

RDF/XML as Proposed Edited Rec

Rethinking how literals are defined

review of current status of the "What's New" document (ACTION-330)

status RDF Primer

Turtle PR Draft - editorial items

Updated reports for N-Triples and N-Quads, TriG

Last message date: Friday, 29 November 2013 18:16:13 UTC