Re: Mercurial problem?

On 19-11-13 21:35, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> On 19/11/13 20:12, Guus Schreiber wrote:
>> OK, thanks. I suggest that someone with a Unix/Linux clone does a "hg
>> rename" of the problem file:
>>    abort: case-folding collision between
>>    rdf-turtle/tests-nt/literal_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS2.nt and
>>    rdf-turtle/tests-nt/LITERAL_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS2.nt
>  >
>  > Shouldn't that work?
> suggests not.
> The problem seems to be an old version and new version in the repo
> history - they are different files (rename) but the same file (Mac).
> Renaming will not help; there are still two difefrent/same files in the
> history. It's in the history that is the problem and a rename wil not
> get rid of one.
> I see these files in .hg/store/data/rdf-turtle/tests-nt.

Ah, my mental model of the problem was wrong, thanks.

I followed another suggestion from stackoverflow: I created a new disk 
image with the Disk Utility (which allows you to specify that it should 
be a case-sensitive file system) and cloned the repository there. Now 
all appears to work fine again.


>      Andy
>> Guus
>> On 19-11-13 20:48, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>>> I believe that the problem is that you are running MacOS instead of a
>>> real Unix system.  Remember that the mac file naming system in mACos is
>>> sort of uni-case.  Although characters in file names can be upper case
>>> or lower case, the equality predicate on file names does case
>>> folding.  :-(
>>> I'm not sure just what the solution is, in this case.  I'm also not sure
>>> just why there are two files in the repository whose names are
>>> considered equal on a mAc.  (My guess is that the push was done from a
>>> Mac, however.)
>>> As someone who is regularly bitten by this stupidity in MacoS,
>>> peter
>>> On 11/19/2013 06:33 AM, Guus Schreiber wrote:
>>>> On 19-11-13 15:02, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>>>> On 19/11/13 13:37, Guus Schreiber wrote:
>>>>>> When I do a Mercurial pull+update I get the message:
>>>>>>    abort: case-folding collision between
>>>>>> rdf-turtle/tests-nt/literal_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS2.nt and
>>>>>> rdf-turtle/tests-nt/LITERAL_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS2.nt
>>>>>> Can anybody help here?
>>>>>> Guus
>>>>> Are you on MS Windows?  Looks like a case-of-filename issue. Getting
>>>>> rid of your local copy and forcing a replacement with the one from
>>>>> repository should fix it.
>>>> I'm on a Mac. Already tried to get a clean copy with clone, but
>>>> problem persists.
>>>> Nobody else having this problem?
>>>> Guus
>>>>>      Andy

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2013 22:39:56 UTC