from March 2013 by subject

(no subject)

A modest attempt to re-open ISSUE-20

A proposal for clarification to section 4.3 HTTP POST

Considering a PATCH model for LDP

Formal models of RESTful Linked Data Platform

how to express HTML in Turtle as a hypermedia type

Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State

Interaction semantics in RDF (Re: Section 4: LDPR/non-LDPR formal definitions)

LDPR URL Discovery

Question about binary resources: metadata/representation distinction

Requesting reviews of Provenance Access and Query document.

Section 4.1.13: Simple creation and modification

Section 4.1.4: Relationships between canonical and other URLs

Section 4.2.3 Default to Turtle

Section 4: LDPR/non-LDPR formal definitions

Section 5.4.8 null relative URI

Section 5: LDPC formal definition and limitations

Urgent decision required? (was Re: Section 4: LDPR/non-LDPR formal definitions)

Why is all discussion going on on the restricted list? (fwd Re: A modest attempt to re-open ISSUE-20)

Last message date: Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:27:45 UTC