Re: Section 4: LDPR/non-LDPR formal definitions

On 3/26/13 3:46 PM, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
> On 26 Mar 2013, at 16:52, Erik Wilde <> wrote:
>> turtle is not a hypermedia type, it's a data model representation.
> That's not quite accurate.
> The data model represented in Turtle is a model that was originally intended to serve as a hypermedia model by at least *some* of its designers, and that was *always* capable of serving as a hypermedia model, and *has* been used to build (read-only) hypermedia applications for many years. FOAF and its rdfs:seeAlso links were old news when Tim wrote his Linked Data piece.

Yes, but remember, he also had to tweak how FOAF was used for it to map 
properly to Linked Data principles [1].
> The data model has also been used for lots of non-hypermedia applications. But that doesn't change the fact that is fundamentally suited for hypermedia apps.

There is enough proof of that in text/turtle media type definition [2] 
which one can segue to nicely from the RDF specs. This is why I am 
hoping Erik can point us to something that provides the kind of 
granularity he seeks.

As per my response to Henry, what none of the RDF media types currently 
cover is the requirement for URI to specifically resolve to an RDF model 
based description of its referent. Personally, I see no harm in this 
being inserted into the specs of any existing RDF media type that 
expects to be interpreted as being a vehicle for RDF based Linked Data. 
It will really help new developers and users of RDF based Linked Data.

The suggestion above also nullifies the "Linked Data Police" trap that 
we inevitably stumble into, whenever we seek a sample Linked Data URI 
from someone claiming to have published Linked Data when in fact they've 
only published RDF model based content.

> Best,
> Richard

1. -- TimBL's FOAF usage 
tweak re. Linked Data
2. -- media type 
definition (I don't see how this is less than HTML re. basis for being a 
3. -- 
media type definition (I can't tell if this would be considered 
Hypermedia or not by RESTafari) .



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Received on Tuesday, 26 March 2013 20:26:02 UTC