Re: A modest attempt to re-open ISSUE-20

hello kingsley.

> 1. RDF (a framework comprised of: model, syntax, syntax notation, and
> serialization formats) isn't the same thing as Linked Data (which is an
> application of RDF for creating graphs where URIs based hyperlinks have
> specific behavioral expectation or functionality)

i think i see where you want to go with this, but at the linked data 
level, the problem i have with calling this "behavioral expectation" is 
that it's a read-only model (after all, there;'s a reason why it's 
called "linked data" and not "linked services"), which is a rather 
limited behavioral model.

> As proposed some time ago, maybe we need a content-type for RDF based
> Linked Data. This would enable RDF heavy and RDF Lite solutions to be
> less confused about payloads exchanged over HTTP (and any other protocol
> in the future).

i think there's two ways to go here. one way is to do what you say and 
have a media type that exposes linked data. however, rather than doing 
this, i think it might be better to go the "hyperRDF" way and have a 
model that's capable of expressing any kind of hyperlinked resources, 
and not just read-only content.

notice, though, that the other popular web-level data models (XML and 
JSON) have never done this. they have no model for hyperlinks, but 
instead rely on more specific models to add hypermedia semantics.

thus, the second way to go is to have specific media types for models 
which expose hypermedia controls. this is what happens in the XML and 
JSON worlds (proposals to create "hyperXML" and "hyperJSON" so far have 
been met with reluctance), but is not what the LDP wants to do.

either way, it definitely would be good to expose LDP as a hypermedia 
media type. and it may actually set an example for other linked data 
services, and therefore it's great to have this discussion.



Received on Friday, 15 March 2013 16:49:57 UTC