from May 2017 by subject

[accelerometer] Add use cases to spec

[ambient-light] [meta] Publish a new Working Draft

[ambient-light] Add description for use cases

[ambient-light] Auto reporting mode is not defined

[ambient-light] Provide "Use Cases and Requirements" section

[ambient-light] Security and Privacy considerations for ALS

[battery] [meta] Publish a revised Candidate Recommendation

[battery] Allow use from within secure context and top-level browsing context only

[battery] Fix #10: Restrict to secure context and top-level browsing context

[gyroscope] Add link to use cases in spec

[html-media-capture] [meta] Prepare a revised Candidate Recommendation snapshot

[html-media-capture] [meta] Publish a revised Candidate Recommendation

[html-media-capture] Define clearly how the capture IDL attribute is reflected

[html-media-capture] Fix #12: Make the capture IDL attribute a DOMString

[html-media-capture] Update test suite

[html-media-capture] VideoFacingModeEnum as the capture attribute's value

[magnetometer] Add RawMagnetometer, for uncalibrated readings.

[magnetometer] Link to use cases in the spec

[magnetometer] Permission

[magnetometer] Provide API to access uncalibrated magnetometer values

[sensors] [meta] Publish a new Working Draft

[sensors] A Sensor instance sends 'onchange' considering its frequency hint

[sensors] Add 'user triggered activation' as mitigation strategy

[sensors] Add Input Elements to Mitigation Strategies

[sensors] Add mitigation strategy for focuseable elements

[sensors] Add mitigation strategy for skimming attacks when focus is lost.

[sensors] Agree on event names

[sensors] Avoid PIN skimming attacks

[sensors] Avoid PIN skimming attacks by using input element state

[sensors] Batching API for sensor readings

[sensors] Call 'onchange' on a Senor instance considering its own frequency hint

[sensors] Clarify relationship between Sensor object and task source

[sensors] Clarify sensor task source scope

[sensors] Consistent event names.

[sensors] Define algorithm for suspending / resuming activated sensor objects

[sensors] Define parameters for events

[sensors] Define processing model

[sensors] Define tasks for state changes

[sensors] First pass at adding sensor-specific mitigation strategies.

[sensors] Investigate adding dedicated task sources

[sensors] Investigate using PWA installed status as indication of user intent

[sensors] Listing threats

[sensors] Mark mitigation strategy section as informative and avoid RFC2119 language in it.

[sensors] Missing browsing-context focus/unfocus hooks in HTML spec.

[sensors] Queue tasks for [[state]] changes.

[sensors] Relation to Permissions API

[sensors] Rewrite Abstract Operations

[sensors] Security issues when used in combination with other APIs

[sensors] Sensor obects have their own a reading copies.

[sensors] Sensor object can stuck in `activating` state

[sensors] Sensor objects fire 'change' event considering their own frequency hint

[sensors] Sensor objects have their own reading copies

[sensors] Sensors unable to provide their state when instantiated

[sensors] Should a "suspended" state be added

[sensors] Should update sensor reading task be in sync with latest reading?

[sensors] Take into account user gestures as an input for security policy enforcement

[sensors] The Handle Errors abstract operation must deactivate the activated Sensor object

[sensors] The Handle Errors abstract operation must deactivate the Sensor object

[sensors] The Sensor.lastEventFiredAt internal slot is useless

[sensors] The Sensor.waitingForUpdate internal slot is useless

[sensors] The Update latest reading abstract operation is never invoked

[sensors] The Update Observers abstract operation fires unspecified "reading" event

[sensors] Use ''sampling frequency" instead of "polling frequency"

[sensors] Use focus chain.

[sensors] Use simple event dispatch mechanism instead of task source (queued)

[wake-lock] new type: location?

Closed: [ambient-light] [meta] Publish a new Working Draft

Closed: [ambient-light] Auto reporting mode is not defined

Closed: [battery] Allow use from within secure context and top-level browsing context only

Closed: [html-media-capture] Define clearly how the capture IDL attribute is reflected

Closed: [html-media-capture] Update test suite

Closed: [magnetometer] Link to use cases in the spec

Closed: [magnetometer] Permission

Closed: [sensors] [meta] Publish a new Working Draft

Closed: [sensors] Avoid PIN skimming attacks

Closed: [sensors] Clarify relationship between Sensor object and task source

Closed: [sensors] Clarify sensor task source scope

Closed: [sensors] Define algorithm for suspending / resuming activated sensor objects

Closed: [sensors] Define parameters for events

Closed: [sensors] Mark mitigation strategy section as informative and avoid RFC2119 language in it.

Closed: [sensors] Missing browsing-context focus/unfocus hooks in HTML spec.

Closed: [sensors] Provide the DeviceOrientation sensor

Closed: [sensors] Should update sensor reading task be in sync with latest reading?

Closed: [sensors] The Handle Errors abstract operation must deactivate the activated Sensor object

Closed: [sensors] The Handle Errors abstract operation must deactivate the Sensor object

Closed: [sensors] The Update Observers abstract operation fires unspecified "reading" event

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 13:16:03 UTC