from July 2010 by subject

[WCAG 2.0] SC 2.4.5 - Multiple Ways

About H71- use of FIELDSET: addendum to email of July 11

Additional Related Resources on transcripts

Additional resources on transcripts

Alternate Versions of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0

Apparent contradiction with 2.4.4 and 2.4.9

ariadescibedby instead of ariadescribedby.

Broken link in 2.4.4 and 2.4.9

Congrats on WCAG 2 Flash Techniques (with minor change requests)

Failure technique: Implementing inappropriate technique is a failure

G192: Example

H70: noframes technique in SC 4.2.1?

H73: Example 1, start tag is missing

H79: id/headers attributes

HTML Headings technique: duplicated

In example 1 stands indictator instead of indicator.

Is G1 sufficient techbnique forSC 2.4.1?

Lack of showing amendments

no keyboard trap for content who can't receive keyboard focus

PDF Version of WCAG 2.0 Guidelines

pixel font sizing

Relook at SCR-21 as sufficient technique for SC 4.1.2

SC 1.4.7 Why "audio-only"?

SC4.1.1 Sufficient Techniques

Several mistakes in Techniques

spelling. Windows-Eyes

technique G83

title attribut

validating understanding of techniques for 1.1.1 & 2.4.4

WCAG2 -Techniques draft: Flash15 vs Flash37

WCAG2 Techniques draft doc H65- use of title attribute

WCAG2 Techniques draft: About H71: Use of fieldset/legend

Last message date: Friday, 30 July 2010 22:30:11 UTC