Several mistakes in Techniques

Esteemed colleagues,

during the translation of WCAG Techniques into German we found a few errors or omissions.

Cheers, Tomas


Describing the purpose of a link in HMTL in the text content of the a element. (2 instances)

Typo - must read: HTML


<acronym title="Unifrom Resource Identifier">URI</acronym>

Typo - must read: Uniform


Check that the value of the lang attribute conforms to BCP 47: Tags for the Identification of Languages or its successor and reflects thae primary language used by the Web page.

There is a typo in "the" before primary language.


Well-formedness is checked by parsing the document with a conforming XML parserand checking if the validation report mentions well-formedness errors.

There is a space between "parser" and "and" missing


Because current assistive technologies do not include commands to query information contextual information provided by parent list items, use of this technique requires users to navigate the list one item at a time.

Seems like "information" right after "query" is redundant as it is followed by contextual information.


This example replies on client-side scripting to implement the action

Must read:
This example relies on client-side scripting to implement the action 


It is possible for a select element to contain both single option elements and optgroup groups, though authors should consider if this is in fact the design intent when using this.

Is it really design intent or rather desired intent???


One of the best ways to do this to define widths of text block containers in percentages

There is an "is" missing before define

XHTML 1.0 provides the same features as HTML 4.01, except that it uses an XML structure, has a more strict syntax than the HTML structure.

Shouldn't there be an "and" before "has a more strict..."?


The following table describes how the role, name, value, and state are determined for HTML link and form controls.

There is an "s" missing in HTML link - I guess it should  be HTML links as in the sentence that follows. 


The label element is associated to the input element via the 'for' attribute which references the 'id' attribute of the inpu element.

There is a "t" missing in the second "input".


Internet Explorer 7 only changes the text size when the CSS is defined in a style element, keyed off an element as in the examples.

Here we have a problem understanding what the last part "keyed off an element" means - can we ask for an explanation?


Tomas Caspers

Received on Wednesday, 7 July 2010 14:11:34 UTC