Re: WCAG2 Techniques draft doc H65- use of title attribute

On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Sailesh Panchang <> wrote:
> Hello Editorial Committeee,
> Two points about H65:
> 1. In example 3 I saw the value attribute for the Search INPUT repeats the value of the title.
> The edit box will contain these words (like default text). Unless a user deletes that content or a JavaScript function deletes it as the user types in the search phrase, the search results may not contain desired results / may fail. Using the value attribute in this manner is not a technique recommended to convey purpose. The value will only display when form is first loaded (unless controlled by JS).
> 2. Another situation where a title attribute is necessary is when a form is in a data table and the form controls need to be associated with the row and column header cells  simultaneously. Here it is not possible to have a one to one relation between a LABEL and a form control.
> Example: A survey form with column headers in first row: Question, Agree, Undecided, Disagree.  (i.e. 4 columns)
> Rows that follow contain a question and a radio button in each cell corresponding to answer choice in the three columns.
> The title attribute for every radio button may be a concatenation of the answer choice (column header) and the text of the question (row header) with a hyphen or colon (for instance)  as a separator.
> Note: Without a title (or off-screen LABEL) it is difficult for non-visual users to pause and interrogate  for corresponding row/column header values using their assistive technology  as one tabs through the form.
> Thanks,
> Sailesh Panchang (MS, ASQ-CSQE)
> Centreville VA 20120 Phone: 571-344-1765)
Response from the Working Group
Thank you for these suggestions. We have removed the value attribute
from example 3, and added a new example 4 based on your suggestion.

Loretta Guarino Reid, WCAG WG Co-Chair
Gregg Vanderheiden, WCAG WG Co-Chair
Michael Cooper, WCAG WG Staff Contact

On behalf of the WCAG Working Group

Received on Monday, 26 July 2010 23:19:04 UTC