www-style@w3.org from August 1998 by subject

"display: table" as a substitute for TABLE for layout

[www-style] <none>

Conversion of HTML attributes to CSS2 properties

css and printing

CSS Cookbook

CSS positioning

CSS-positioned OBJECT vs. frames -- Resizability

DOM tutorials.


fonts (slightly off topic)

Help -- CSS2 Embedding External Font Problem

How are char. entity refrences processed by browser?

How do I do post form submission processing?


newspaper-style columns

OBJECT, inheritance, and rendering

overflow and subsequent boxes

overflow and subsequent boxesII

Please! Stop crossposting

position:fixed ?

Q on Floating elements

Style sheet and Netscape

The 'align' property (or lack thereof)

The color of inclusions via OBJECT (was RE: OBJECT, inheritance, and rendering)

What happens with tiling bgs' positions

What is VGA doing in CSS?

Where exactly is the "principal block box"?

XML + CSS in Mozilla 5

Last message date: Sunday, 30 August 1998 18:22:21 UTC