Re: CSS positioning

Sandeep Hundal wrote:

> I'm trying to get something to work purely with CSS but it doesn't render in
> mybrowser (NN4.5) on Win 95...

> --------------------------------------  |
> |link   text,text,text,text,text,text   |
> |link   text,text,text,text,text,text   |
> |link   text,text,text,text,text,text   |
> |                                       |
> |link   text,text,text,text,text,text   |
> |link   text,text,text,text,text,text   |
> |link   text,text,text,text,text,text   |
> |__________________________     |
> right now I have to use tables to have them side by side.... 

You have two real choices - use float, or use absolute positioning. I
would try float first as it is likely to be more robust with different
window sizes.

Chris Lilley, W3C                   
Graphics and Stylesheets Guy      The World Wide Web Consortium              INRIA,  Projet W3C                       2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
+33 (0)492 387 987         06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Wednesday, 19 August 1998 08:59:53 UTC