Where exactly is the "principal block box"?

The description of list-style-position says:

"This property specifies the position of the marker box in the principal
block box."

Referring to section 9.2.1:

"Block-level elements generate a principal block box that only contains
block boxes. The principal block box establishes the containing block for
descendant boxes and generated content and is also the box involved in any
positioning scheme."

I'm trying to establish where the boundary of the principal block box should
be. My interpretation from this is that it is the outer extremity of the
margin. Is that accurate?

The description of list-style-position goes on to describe the behavior of
the "outside" value:

"The marker box is outside the principal block box. ..."

Does this mean that "outside" specifies that the marker should be outside
the margin of the list item?


Received on Tuesday, 11 August 1998 20:10:50 UTC