from November 2011 by subject

[Bug 10066] replace section 3.2.6 with the alternative spec text provided (ARIA)

[Bug 10117] Tag name state algorithm has mis-ordered step

[Bug 10249] Canvas requires a content selection method

[Bug 10342] Make <wbr> element not conforming

[Bug 10450] Allow lists to be used as menus or tab sets

[Bug 10694] Specify window.console

[Bug 10787] Add a way to get a File/Blob from a <canvas>

[Bug 10824] i18n comment 20 : list item marker display and position

[Bug 10830] i18n comment : Please add support for rb

[Bug 10888] Access Command Requirements for HTML5

[Bug 10901] Use same parsing for HTML <script> and SVG <script>

[Bug 10919] Allow role="presentation" to override the default role of any element

[Bug 11004] Add an example of suggestion labels being used and rendered for input type="range"

[Bug 11124] consider reducing verbosity when talking about code points

[Bug 11203] Canvas security model does not allow for same-origin relaxation

[Bug 11271] misleading CVS ref in "status of this document"

[Bug 11366] 1.9.2 - Syntax Errors - Unclear Regarding HTML vs XML Syntax

[Bug 11391] Provide examples of actual <track> usage, user agent implications

[Bug 11482] WF2: Change accept="" to accept file extensions as well as MIME types (maybe based on whether they start with a period)

[Bug 11486] Remove rel=archives in favor of rel=index. They are extremely similar and not that useful to have separately.

[Bug 11557] Authors should not be allowed to specify roles on elements that they already have by default

[Bug 11593] <video> the <track> @kind attribute should include the all of the identified accessibility content types

[Bug 11739] I would like to see a clearPath or clearStroke functions similar to clearRect but to clear lines, not just full rectangles

[Bug 11984] Simplify <video> for implementors and authors by ignoring the Content-Type HTTP header

[Bug 12133] references scroll event, but never fires

[Bug 12228] All Media Elements should have the ability to have both short and longer textual descriptions associated to the element.

[Bug 12334] make <a name> valid again in HTML5

[Bug 12393] Add "allow-popups" for iframe@sandbox

[Bug 12399] <video> Expose statistics for media elements

[Bug 12409] WF3: Automatic capitalization in input fields

[Bug 12417] HTML5 is missing attribute for specifying translatability of content

[Bug 12531] Make it possible for <select multiple> to shrink wrap, within a min/max height range set as multiples of row height

[Bug 12533] Being able to control what the user agent is creating on a command would be useful. Otherwise I have to listen to DOM mutation events or parse my editable text to find out.

[Bug 12539] The numeric references to produce the gyphs in the third column should use the characters listed in the second columns. lang (and aliases) list (correctly) U+27ea, but the glyph is produced by #9001 (U+2329) which is not in normal form C and generates va

[Bug 12543] [URL] Replacing backslash with forward slash in URIs doesn't seem to be necessitated by web compat

[Bug 12544] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires track kind for in-band tracks

[Bug 12547] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires readyState for grouped multitrack

[Bug 12561] Add the @action in the <form> so that there is a way to submit to the same page

[Bug 12590] @role=presentation for IMG should also require that @title is empty

[Bug 12612] [registries] make rel value prohibitions in the spec and microformats wiki match

[Bug 12687] Constructing the form data set - for input type image

[Bug 12709] @accesskey: Require user agents to hide accesskeys on unfocusable elements

[Bug 12710] @accesskey: Authoring conformance - reliance on @tabindex et cetera

[Bug 12715] When used to include data blocks (as opposed to scripts), the data must be embedded inline

[Bug 12778] add "paragraphs" pseudo selector in spec

[Bug 12793] @scheme attribute conflicts with Dublin Core encoding scheme declarations

[Bug 12885] WF3: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards (e.g. show the numeric keyboard, capitalise the first character by default, etc)

[Bug 12943] Drop progress.position IDL or make it settable

[Bug 12999] Allow nodefault="" on <menu type=context>

[Bug 13113] Parsing algorithm should not preclude Complex Ruby

[Bug 13120] Delegate <wbr> support to quirks-mode - make it have zero effect in no-quirks and almost-standards

[Bug 13145] Spec Element.innerText

[Bug 13176] The bounds of canvas fallback content, as rendered on the canvas, are not provided by the user agent to an assistive technology.

[Bug 13225] missing elements from list of interfaces for elements table

[Bug 13226] missing interfaces from interfaces index

[Bug 13228] xref "content model" and maybe some of the other boilerplate terms in the lead, so the meaning is clearer. See bug 13224 for someone who didn't understand what it meant.

[Bug 13235] missing events from event enumerations

[Bug 13236] missing events from event index

[Bug 13239] Add support for in-page dialogs

[Bug 13240] Consider replacing <time> with <data>

[Bug 13252] possible inconsistent exposure of event attributes

[Bug 13256] missing event handler content attributes from attributes index

[Bug 13329] The muted attribute is valid and has effect also on <audio>

[Bug 13345] <details> should be allowed in <p>

[Bug 13357] <video>: Additional AudioTrack.kind categories are needed to identify tracks where audio descriptions are premixed with main dialogue.

[Bug 13358] <video> also fire a 'change' event at VideoTrackList, AudioTrackList, and TextTrackList objects when their list of tracks changes

[Bug 13359] A way is needed to identify the type of data in a track element

[Bug 13383] Feature request: pause media when hidden

[Bug 13390] Readonly attribute on input.{color|range|checkbox|radio}

[Bug 13392] i18n-ISSUE-72: BOM as preferred encoding declaration

[Bug 13396] i18n-ISSUE-77: HTTP and defaulting to UTF-16LE

[Bug 13398] i18n-ISSUE-80: Default rules for the quotes property

[Bug 13408] UA should use element locale for i18n

[Bug 13416] [editing] Rename or restructure the contenteditable="" section so that the relevance of designMode is also apparent in the table of contents

[Bug 13428] Remove Requirements for providing text to act as an alternative for images

[Bug 13448] The image button notes that there are selected coordinates for the user's click on the image, but it doesn't mention (that I can see) how the user accesses these values? Is there a property that can be read in Javascript? What are the GET variables? Wh

[Bug 13461] Commentary on Issue #30 (longdesc) from the Association of American Publishers

[Bug 13462] The spec doesn't make it clear what should happen to pending timeouts/intervals on the old Window

[Bug 13514] Support different resolutions for command elements and images

[Bug 13520] Drag and Drop without a pointing device

[Bug 13539] Specify reading and navigation order

[Bug 13541] Incomplete accessibility API exposure rules for svg element

[Bug 13550] type table in 4.10.7 should indicate control type changes based on list attribute

[Bug 13551] clarify definition of "value sanitization algorithm"

[Bug 13555] Fixing keyboard shortcuts and commands

[Bug 13558] input type=email should support friendly names

[Bug 13560] dynamic changes to input type attribute may cause problems for accessibilty APIs

[Bug 13564] Negotiating shortcut keybindings

[Bug 13565] User option to use unmodified keys as shortcuts

[Bug 13566] use of input type image to send coordinates should be phased out

[Bug 13567] definition of @alt on input type image needs a rewrite

[Bug 13570] why does input type=color support autocomplete?

[Bug 13574] Accessibility API support for dropzone

[Bug 13575] Retrieving keybindings in automation-friendly format

[Bug 13576] Extend accesskey="" to accept key names (e.g. accesskey="home")

[Bug 13579] Clarify behavior of accesskey on static content elements

[Bug 13590] VHA Comments on HTML5 Draft Specification

[Bug 13608] Add <menuitem> element

[Bug 13614] Do not obsolete abbr on TH and TD

[Bug 13616] Allow specifying categories/keywords for commands

[Bug 13625] There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13626] Facilitate grouping of menu items

[Bug 13629] Identifying repeated and non-repeated content

[Bug 13630] Better method for user-friendly help or hints

[Bug 13635] Feedback on Various Input Types and Attributes

[Bug 13636] Missing link types

[Bug 13638] Consider referencing User Agent Guidelines in section Implicit submissions

[Bug 13641] Please provide a Glossary of Terms

[Bug 13650] 4.13.5 Footnotes Remove title as suggested method for footnotes

[Bug 13656] add examples of use of input, button, select etc. outside of form element

[Bug 13658] Allow customizing the details element

[Bug 13665] Need to define model for focus order and how to keyboard out of frame

[Bug 13666] Improve handling of footnotes and endnotes

[Bug 13667] Title attribute is overloaded

[Bug 13668] Generated content must be accessible

[Bug 13693] CSS WG HTML5 Last Call Comments

[Bug 13698] Three minor comments

[Bug 13718] specification should not require language-specific quotation styles without defining them

[Bug 13734] new input element types and accessibility

[Bug 13737] the menu element and accessibility

[Bug 13769] WF3: Add trim="" attribute to <input type=text/search> that strips leading and trailing whitespace from the value

[Bug 13791] Rename SignalingCallback interface to PeerConnectionSignalingCallback for consistency

[Bug 13983] WF2: It seems like textarea's raw value should always normalize newlines to \n

[Bug 13986] Update vCard vocabulary to RFC6350

[Bug 13995] <track> Don't check Content-Type for <track>

[Bug 14104] <track> Video: Streaming text support in <track> element

[Bug 14104] Video: Streaming text support in <track> element

[Bug 14151] dangling references to {inner,outer}HTML attributes

[Bug 14174] onerror: if body can't be parsed then window.onerror should be invoked

[Bug 14175] onerror: Defer firing the onerror from compiling an event handler until it's used

[Bug 14176] onerror: If the script is not same-origin, window.onerror should be invoked with arguments ("Script error.", "", 0)

[Bug 14177] onerror: If the script is not same-origin, window.onerror should be invoked with arguments ("Script error.", "", 0)

[Bug 14182] onerror: setTimeout("{", 10) and window.onerror

[Bug 14202] Add 'update' boolean attribute to TIME element

[Bug 14206] missing dependency for CharacterData interface from [DOMCORE]

[Bug 14208] missing dependency for DOMStringList interface from [DOMCORE]

[Bug 14260] <track> "text tracks ready" and HTMLMediaElement.readyState

[Bug 14284] Need HTML parser algorithm options

[Bug 14294] <track> Should say that the parser can return with an error state or "not processed successfully" state, so that 'error' fires instead of 'load' on <track> if the webvtt signature is wrong

[Bug 14337] Drag-and-drop / undo manager interaction

[Bug 14358] <track> and WebVTT cue.alignment need more values

[Bug 14363] Update the registration mechanisms

[Bug 14364] appcache: Add an API to make appcache support caching specific URLs dynamically

[Bug 14421] Possible error in canvas Philip test 2d.path.stroke.prune.arc

[Bug 14427] Investigate if click()'s click-in-progress should apply to user and/or script initiated clicks

[Bug 14470] Microdata: Language handling

[Bug 14492] <video> change event when tracks are removed

[Bug 14499] Need ability to reset Canvas clipping region without resetting all other Canvas state

[Bug 14526] WF2: When adding filenames to the data set, should there be normalization of decomposed forms?

[Bug 14536] <track> Characters in the range 0-9, a-Z can simply be one of "ampltg" as those are the only characters that matter.

[Bug 14537] <track> The string "<." creates a start tag with no name and an empty string class. Is that really what we want?

[Bug 14548] Grouping Content: algorithm for incrementing value (OL->LI @value) does not match any current user agent

[Bug 14552] <track> support // and /* */ comments everywhere except in the signature line

[Bug 14565] Chain of normative statements connecting MIME type to HTML vs. XHTML is broken or unobvious

[Bug 14570] <track> In section"A line position"/"text track cue computed line position" algorithm: It seems better to let the step 5 be "Increment n by one"

[Bug 14571] <track> allow signature to be followed by FF for consistency in the parser

[Bug 14572] <track> Collect space characters and discard them after step 8.

[Bug 14573] Make so you can put <hr> inside <select>. Many times I've seen people use hacks such as <input disabled>--------</input> as a separator/divider in select. For people who want to have a selection with no default value preselected. Example: <select> <opti

[Bug 14574] <track> The text track cue alignment setting should map to a CSS property ('text-align')

[Bug 14575] <track> Spec is confused about which edge the text position starts from

[Bug 14575] <track> The computed x-position should use the computed size when aligning - not 100

[Bug 14577] "state changed is true, fire a popstate event" -- missing "If"

[Bug 14579] Add ellipse support to canvas

[Bug 14580] filing a separate feature request as requested in --- Please add a more elaborate font metrics object such as currently shimmed on, so that graphics involving text

[Bug 14581] filing a separate feature request as requested in --- Please add support for multiline text. more people than you think want to use graphics-manipulable text on their canvas. As the graphics contact for

[Bug 14581] Multiline text on canvas

[Bug 14586] Microdata: inconsistency between itemType, getItems and JSON regarding absolute URLs

[Bug 14596] Microdata: validity contraints to catch missing attributes

[Bug 14600] Spec element.setCapture / document.releaseCapture

[Bug 14601] Investigate if support for <a> inside image maps should be brought back to HTML

[Bug 14628] <track> In step 6-7, only consume the character if it is a ':'

[Bug 14629] s/has store/has stored/?

[Bug 14630] This sentence is rather confusing, it seems to indicate that <data> should be used with data-*, or can be replaced by data-*: "The element can also, however, be used in conjunction with scripts in the page, for when a script has store a literal value alon

[Bug 14631] Capitalization of Microformats (should be microformats)

[Bug 14633] Drag source and drag destination can't coordinate behavior.

[Bug 14637] Is itemtype="" valid?

[Bug 14638] Should a canceled drop event signify a failed drop operation?

[Bug 14646] <track> Don't use one-letter settings. They are non-intuitive and hard to remember. It makes little sense to use a single letter for the setting but then a sensible string for the value. Please use "align" instead of "A", etc.

[Bug 14648] How can I get a microdata? after test with HTML5 no point for MICRODATA

[Bug 14648] New: How can I get a microdata? after test with HTML5 no point for MICRODATA

[Bug 14649] "Create n new WebVTT Internal Node Object" s/n/a/?

[Bug 14649] New: "Create n new WebVTT Internal Node Object" s/n/a/?

[Bug 14650] 'If the dropped is false or it the current drag operation is "none"' s/the//, s/or it/or if/

[Bug 14650] New: 'If the dropped is false or it the current drag operation is "none"' s/the//, s/or it/or if/

[Bug 14651] i think the websocket garbage collection rules might need tweaking now that message can't be fired in CLOSING (can error be fired in CLOSING?)

[Bug 14651] New: i think the websocket garbage collection rules might need tweaking now that message can't be fired in CLOSING (can error be fired in CLOSING?)

[Bug 14653] 85130dl4dzz

[Bug 14653] New: 85130dl4dzz

[Bug 14654] New: typo: "data procesors"

[Bug 14654] typo: "data procesors"

[Bug 14655] More typos in

[Bug 14655] New: More typos in

[Bug 14661] I find the compositing section unclear with regard to partial transparency. E.g., under "a atop b", if a is partially transparent, does b show through?

[Bug 14661] New: I find the compositing section unclear with regard to partial transparency. E.g., under "a atop b", if a is partially transparent, does b show through?

[Bug 14672] New: What is this site...? i think it looks helpful but i am confused... :-(

[Bug 14672] What is this site...? i think it looks helpful but i am confused... :-(

[Bug 14674] 1. Please consider adding those API for Round-Trip measurments. 2.Clients might wish to detected server hangs and re-connect...

[Bug 14674] New: 1. Please consider adding those API for Round-Trip measurments. 2.Clients might wish to detected server hangs and re-connect...

[Bug 14676] For UTF-16, the oder of the steps in "change the encoding" doesn't seem right.

[Bug 14676] New: For UTF-16, the oder of the steps in "change the encoding" doesn't seem right.

[Bug 14678] <video> is in the-iframe-element.html

[Bug 14678] New: <video> is in the-iframe-element.html

[Bug 14679] Consider replacing <data value> with a global attribute itemvalue=""

[Bug 14679] New: Consider replacing <data value> with a global attribute itemvalue=""

[Bug 14681] New: Separate 'acknowledgements' into list by participants of WHATWG and the W3C HTML Working Group? It may be useful to see all of the members who contribute in each/both group for clarification purposes.

[Bug 14681] Separate 'acknowledgements' into list by participants of WHATWG and the W3C HTML Working Group? It may be useful to see all of the members who contribute in each/both group for clarification purposes.

[Bug 14682] Listed, submittable,

[Bug 14682] New: Listed, submittable,

[Bug 14683] New: this site is very good

[Bug 14683] this site is very good

[Bug 14686] I'm a little worried about deprecating nearly all the table attributes. I have a web application which I have worked on for the past 5 years, I have already started incorporating HTML5 into it. But, if support for tables is removed, my web application w

[Bug 14686] New: I'm a little worried about deprecating nearly all the table attributes. I have a web application which I have worked on for the past 5 years, I have already started incorporating HTML5 into it. But, if support for tables is removed, my web application w

[Bug 14687] New: uhi u hiu hiuh ih ihih hhiuhiu hhhhih hh oih iuh iho hoih h oi

[Bug 14687] uhi u hiu hiuh ih ihih hhiuhiu hhhhih hh oih iuh iho hoih h oi

[Bug 14688] fhfhgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhg giuhgiuhiuhi hbkhikhiuhbi ihbihbjhbjhb

[Bug 14688] New: fhfhgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhg giuhgiuhiuhi hbkhikhiuhbi ihbihbjhbjhb

[Bug 14689] New: xml-stylesheet with type=text/xsl needs to be handled explicitly

[Bug 14689] xml-stylesheet with type=text/xsl needs to be handled explicitly

[Bug 14690] <a> should be allowed as a child of <dl> Current browsers allow this already. A semantic use case is file downlads <dl><a href="filename1.pdf"><dt>Filename</dt><dd>description of file</dd><dd>filetype</dd></a>etc...</dl>.

[Bug 14690] New: <a> should be allowed as a child of <dl> Current browsers allow this already. A semantic use case is file downlads <dl><a href="filename1.pdf"><dt>Filename</dt><dd>description of file</dd><dd>filetype</dd></a>etc...</dl>.

[Bug 14691] <a> should be allowed as a child of <dl> Current browsers allow this already. A semantic use case is file downlads <dl><a href="filename1.pdf"><dt>Filename</dt><dd>description of file</dd><dd>filetype</dd></a>etc...</dl>.

[Bug 14691] New: <a> should be allowed as a child of <dl> Current browsers allow this already. A semantic use case is file downlads <dl><a href="filename1.pdf"><dt>Filename</dt><dd>description of file</dd><dd>filetype</dd></a>etc...</dl>.

[Bug 14693] \ rewriting in URLs never happens?

[Bug 14693] New: \ rewriting in URLs never happens?

[Bug 14694] innerHTML in DocumentFragment

[Bug 14696] New: This is no longer true: "The end date is encoded as one day after the last date of the event because in the iCalendar format, end dates are exclusive, not inclusive" — so remove ...value="2007-10-20">19...

[Bug 14696] This is no longer true: "The end date is encoded as one day after the last date of the event because in the iCalendar format, end dates are exclusive, not inclusive" — so remove ...value="2007-10-20">19...

[Bug 14697] Harmonize roles with ARIA

[Bug 14697] New: Harmonize roles with ARIA

[Bug 14698] New: The instructions for '>' say to emit the tag and then switch the tokenizer state. But emitting this tag may run an inline script. And if it does document.write(), then the tokenizer will be in the wrong state when invoked reentrantly. So switch to data s

[Bug 14698] The instructions for '>' say to emit the tag and then switch the tokenizer state. But emitting this tag may run an inline script. And if it does document.write(), then the tokenizer will be in the wrong state when invoked reentrantly. So switch to data s

[Bug 14699] All opened, none closed?

[Bug 14699] New: All opened, none closed?

[Bug 14701] appcache: remove the requirement for the MIME type

[Bug 14701] New: appcache: remove the requirement for the MIME type

[Bug 14702] appcache: always up-to-date applications

[Bug 14702] New: appcache: always up-to-date applications

[Bug 14703] CSSOM defines algorithms named "create a style sheet" and various other similar ones. These need to be explicitly invoked somehow so that <link rel=stylesheet> elements correctly contribute to document.styleSheets.

[Bug 14703] New: CSSOM defines algorithms named "create a style sheet" and various other similar ones. These need to be explicitly invoked somehow so that <link rel=stylesheet> elements correctly contribute to document.styleSheets.

[Bug 14704] appcache: allow a manifest to be identified by something other than its URL

[Bug 14704] New: appcache: allow a manifest to be identified by something other than its URL

[Bug 14705] appcache: SOP requirement for cache manifest files should be relaxed (at least) by CORS.

[Bug 14705] New: SOP requirement for cache manifest files should be relaxed (at least) by CORS.

[Bug 14706] New: The plural nature of the name for the <details> tag (the only tag in the spec with a name which takes a plural form) presents a bit of a problem for automation software (such as selenium and watir) which allows the creation of collections of tags with som

[Bug 14706] The plural nature of the name for the <details> tag (the only tag in the spec with a name which takes a plural form) presents a bit of a problem for automation software (such as selenium and watir) which allows the creation of collections of tags with som

[Bug 14707] "For the purposes of document summaries, outlines, and the like," should be treated as a UI issue, and should not be restricted in what text to use. It is e.g. resonable to join the headings with ": " if the hgroup is used for heading+subheading.

[Bug 14707] New: "For the purposes of document summaries, outlines, and the like," should be treated as a UI issue, and should not be restricted in what text to use. It is e.g. resonable to join the headings with ": " if the hgroup is used for heading+subheading.

[Bug 14708] Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.

[Bug 14708] New: Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.

[Bug 14709] lang tag validation is insufficiently specified

[Bug 14709] New: lang tag validation is insufficiently specified

[Bug 14709] user agent lang tag handling is insufficiently specified

[Bug 14710] New: where are the videos?

[Bug 14710] where are the videos?

[Bug 14711] <meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="Nuovo sito meteo per Roveredo in Piano (PN), Italy; con segnalazioni meteo; archivio dati meteo e grafici delle temperature; tanti e validi siti meteo per questa località, come, 3B Meteo...; sezione per metter

[Bug 14711] New: <meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="Nuovo sito meteo per Roveredo in Piano (PN), Italy; con segnalazioni meteo; archivio dati meteo e grafici delle temperature; tanti e validi siti meteo per questa località, come, 3B Meteo...; sezione per metter

[Bug 14724] New: The "converting HTML to Atom" link is broken (at least for the moment)

[Bug 14724] The "converting HTML to Atom" link is broken (at least for the moment)

[Bug 14725] <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>HachiCre8</title> <meta name="keywords" content="" /> <meta name="description" content="" /> <!--[if IE]> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/lib/html5.js"></script> <![endif]-->

[Bug 14725] New: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>HachiCre8</title> <meta name="keywords" content="" /> <meta name="description" content="" /> <!--[if IE]> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/lib/html5.js"></script> <![endif]-->

[Bug 14726] Add an attribute "language" to the math tag. Example values would be "MathML" or "AMS-LaTeX". LaTeX is widely used in Wikipedia math formulae; so maybe it would be nice to have this client-side.

[Bug 14726] New: Add an attribute "language" to the math tag. Example values would be "MathML" or "AMS-LaTeX". LaTeX is widely used in Wikipedia math formulae; so maybe it would be nice to have this client-side.

[Bug 14731] <video> MediaController ready state events are inconsistent

[Bug 14731] New: <video> MediaController ready state events are inconsistent

[Bug 14736] Hi i like to say thanks for submitting such a good tutorial

[Bug 14736] New: Hi i like to say thanks for submitting such a good tutorial

[Bug 14737] CANVAS is awesome!!!!1

[Bug 14737] New: CANVAS is awesome!!!!1

[Bug 14738] New: CANVAS is awesome!!!!! but the tutorials aren't good enough....more examples required!

[Bug 14738] Please add more canvas examples

[Bug 14740] New: title attribute definition does not match reality

[Bug 14740] title attribute definition does not match reality

[Bug 14747] mostrar tudo que tem

[Bug 14747] New: mostrar tudo que tem

[Bug 14748] inconsistent treatment of transitive dependencies - typed arrays

[Bug 14748] New: inconsistent treatment of transitive dependencies - typed arrays

[Bug 14750] Clarify what the origin of the new document is if the document is blown away (consider if the old document set document.domain)

[Bug 14750] New: Clarify what the origin of the new document is if the document is blown away (consider if the old document set document.domain)

[Bug 14753] New: You guys succeed on this way. Abobe gave up in this. You are armed.

[Bug 14753] You guys succeed on this way. Abobe gave up in this. You are armed.

[Bug 14754] <track> rename cueAsSource to text for consistency

[Bug 14754] New: <track> rename cueAsSource to text for consistency

[Bug 14755] New: rename FunctionStringCallback::handleEvent

[Bug 14755] rename FunctionStringCallback::handleEvent

[Bug 14756] Drop =FunctionOnly from FunctionStringCallback

[Bug 14756] New: Drop =FunctionOnly from FunctionStringCallback

[Bug 14757] New: Rename NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback.handleEvent

[Bug 14757] Rename NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback.handleEvent

[Bug 14758] Drop =FunctionOnly from NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback

[Bug 14758] New: Drop =FunctionOnly from NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback

[Bug 14759] New: Rename NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback.handleEvent

[Bug 14759] Rename NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback.handleEvent

[Bug 14760] Drop =FunctionOnly from NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback

[Bug 14760] New: Drop =FunctionOnly from NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback

[Bug 14761] Drop =FunctionOnly from everywhere else than interface Function

[Bug 14761] New: Drop =FunctionOnly from everywhere else than interface Function

[Bug 14762] New: Rename all callbackInterface.handleEvent methods to something which describes what the method is about

[Bug 14762] Rename all callbackInterface.handleEvent methods to something which describes what the method is about

[Bug 14764] New: Okay I just went through this entirely to large of a poor description of the new variable coding changes to HTML. this document should be just a link. I link to a trash bin. The valuable details could have been summed up in maybe 5 pages. and then link t

[Bug 14764] Okay I just went through this entirely to large of a poor description of the new variable coding changes to HTML. this document should be just a link. I link to a trash bin. The valuable details could have been summed up in maybe 5 pages. and then link t

[Bug 14767] hmm sdgsdf s

[Bug 14767] New: hmm sdgsdf s

[Bug 14768] New: no search box ,it is not convenient

[Bug 14768] no search box ,it is not convenient

[Bug 14770] New: Parse <script> and <style> consistently in text/html

[Bug 14770] Parse <script> and <style> consistently in text/html

[Bug 14793] For Time, if HTML5 can handle time zone effectively. For example if there a web page showing that the football game starts at 6:00pm. One has to understand, it is not local time. It could be 6:00pm ET (Easter US Time). But if you are see that page in Cent

[Bug 14793] New: For Time, if HTML5 can handle time zone effectively. For example if there a web page showing that the football game starts at 6:00pm. One has to understand, it is not local time. It could be 6:00pm ET (Easter US Time). But if you are see that page in Cent

[Bug 14801] New: Unit of Measure (UOM) support; If HTML can make a tag with well know units of measure, like miles, pounds, grams, etc as first class attribute types. For example, if there a tag like <uom type="pounds">100</uom> where we want to show "100 lbs" on screen.

[Bug 14801] Unit of Measure (UOM) support; If HTML can make a tag with well know units of measure, like miles, pounds, grams, etc as first class attribute types. For example, if there a tag like <uom type="pounds">100</uom> where we want to show "100 lbs" on screen.

[Bug 14808] I was trying to drevert back to my old Apple I. D.

[Bug 14808] New: I was trying to drevert back to my old Apple I. D.

[Bug 14809] Hi i'm aditya this is too much easier web development also new web protection for any webclick an any other web attack protection safety.

[Bug 14809] New: Hi i'm aditya this is too much easier web development also new web protection for any webclick an any other web attack protection safety.

[Bug 14810] New: First content model definition of <canvas> should get removed (1. Transparent 2. Transparent, but…), if the but always applies.

[Bug 14811] New: no description shows

[Bug 14812] NAT Traversal

[Bug 14812] New: NAT Traversal

[Bug 14815] New: Something for stay on the audio or video after reload or change the page on the same domain.

[Bug 14816] New: It should be possible to reverse the direction of a vertical slider as well as a horizontal one, by using 'direction: rtl' or another property, so the lowest value can be at the top instead.

[Bug 14817] New: There is no required audio or video codec in the specification. However, I think that recommending the use of the AU file format to be supported by <audio> would be a good idea, since none of the vendors have patent issues with the format.

[Bug 14817] Support RIFF WAVE PCM as a baseline audio codec

[Bug 14817] There is no required audio or video codec in the specification. However, I think that recommending the use of the AU file format to be supported by <audio> would be a good idea, since none of the vendors have patent issues with the format.

[Bug 14818] New: PeerConnection API is available elsewhere <> so this text should be fixed

[Bug 14821] New: Thank You for your information. I am trying to find code that will allow me to: Drag an Item Drop the Item once the item is dropped it will snap into place once snapped into place it will indicate if I snapped the apporpriate item. Thank You timothy_ritch

[Bug 14821] Thank You for your information. I am trying to find code that will allow me to: Drag an Item Drop the Item once the item is dropped it will snap into place once snapped into place it will indicate if I snapped the apporpriate item. Thank You timothy_ritch

[Bug 14829] New: Using the meta element to specify the document-wide default language is obsolete. Consider specifying the language on the root element instead.

[Bug 14829] Using the meta element to specify the document-wide default language is obsolete. Consider specifying the language on the root element instead.

[Bug 14832] New: At, a subsection entitled "Terminology", it says: A URL is a valid URL if at least one of the following conditions holds: o The URL is a valid URI reference [RFC3986]. o The URL is a valid IRI refer

[Bug 14833] New: "If current node is a pre, textarea, or listing element, append a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character." - no browser does this and when we tried it caused site-compat problems. It should either be removed or changed to only emit a extra LF if the element's fi

[Bug 14835] New: Typo: s/tat/that/ or s/tat/the/ in DOM

[Bug 14836] New: The title should read "User Agent Accessibility Guidelines" instead.

[Bug 14837] New: the area-elements in the example should have shape-attributes or no coords

[Bug 14838] New: where am i?

[Bug 14838] where am i?

[Bug 14841] <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>selfcontrolfreak</title> <script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script> <script src=

[Bug 14841] New: <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>selfcontrolfreak</title> <script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script> <script src=

[Bug 14844] New: This specification prevents a single document, relying on no outside content, from converting an in-document SVG to a PNG. See

[Bug 14845] New: For editorial consistency, "noshade" should link to attr-hr-noshade (the definition exists). And why is the @title attr-input-noshade by the way?

[Bug 14850] New: make unicode-bidi:isolate default for flow elements with a dir attribute too

[Bug 14851] <video> Add seek() function for non-exact (fast) seeking

[Bug 14851] New: Add seek() function for non-exact (fast) seeking

[Bug 14853] New: The variable 'node' in the example function 'processClick' is never defined anywhere

[Bug 14859] Don't mention CDATASection nodes here

[Bug 14859] New: Don't mention CDATASection nodes here

[Bug 14860] New: U+003C LESS- THAN SIGN (<)

[Bug 14860] U+003C LESS- THAN SIGN (<)

[Bug 14861] New: U+003C LESS- THAN SIGN (<)

[Bug 14861] U+003C LESS- THAN SIGN (<)

[Bug 14862] New: U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14862] U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14863] New: U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14863] U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14864] New: U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14864] U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14865] New: U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14865] U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14866] New: U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14866] U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14867] New: U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14867] U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14868] New: U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14868] U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14869] New: U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14869] U+003C LESS-THAN SING

[Bug 14870] autosubmit attribute for form elements

[Bug 14870] New: autosubmit attribute for form elements

[Bug 14879] New: You should remove named numeric constants from interfaces that don't have legacy constraints yet. These probably include some or all of: HTMLTrackElement, TextTrack, NavigatorUserMediaError, MediaStream, PeerConnection, EventSource.

[Bug 14879] You should remove named numeric constants from interfaces that don't have legacy constraints yet. These probably include some or all of: HTMLTrackElement, TextTrack, NavigatorUserMediaError, MediaStream, PeerConnection, EventSource.

[Bug 14880] New: PLs help me i have problèmes in my profile in grindr im been banned , sorry i respectes u acte my profile is : X.ac78cc42ac2cc6f553c5bf6e38c5 143b975204d8

[Bug 14880] PLs help me i have problèmes in my profile in grindr im been banned , sorry i respectes u acte my profile is : X.ac78cc42ac2cc6f553c5bf6e38c5 143b975204d8

[Bug 14884] New: Proposing a page including system

[Bug 14884] Proposing a page including system

[Bug 14886] egypt port said

[Bug 14886] New: egypt port said

[Bug 14889] New: For input.valueAsNumber In the non-normative box, "otherwise, returns null" should read "otherwise, returns NaN".

[Bug 14890] New: For invalid Date, the terminology here seems to be "undefined" insted of "null" according to WebIDL, and the ECMAScript "null" value should never reach here according to the IDL description of attribute "valueAsDate". For readiblity, I suggest we just s/i

[Bug 14891] New: FileCallback interface undefined and not referenced as external dependency

[Bug 14895] New: MouseEventInit not defined by [DOMEVENTS] (DOM-3 Events)

[Bug 14896] New: UIEvent referenced by not used

[Bug 14901] New: Please enter a description of the problem you have found, and then submit the comment again.

[Bug 14901] Please enter a description of the problem you have found, and then submit the comment again.

[Bug 14902] New: does the worker is destroyed if the html page is changed?

[Bug 14903] New: does the worker is destroyed if the html page is changed?

[Bug 14906] consider to add event "dragActivate" to the spec

[Bug 14906] New: consider to add event "dragActivate" to the spec

[Bug 14907] It looks like you can pass the return value of setInterval to clearTimeout

[Bug 14907] New: It looks like you can pass the return value of setInterval to clearTimeout

[Bug 14908] It's not clear to me if the "if the time-zone offset is not zero" clause here affects authoring conformance or not. FWIW, treats <input type=datetime value=0001-01-01T00:00:00-00:00> as valid. Also, the term "best representation of the global

[Bug 14908] New: It's not clear to me if the "if the time-zone offset is not zero" clause here affects authoring conformance or not. FWIW, treats <input type=datetime value=0001-01-01T00:00:00-00:00> as valid. Also, the term "best representation of the global

[Bug 14910] New: Security: Can't a web page that calls window.stop() 1000 times a second prevent a user from leaving a page?

[Bug 14911] New: provide a way to make UAs' ":visited" pseudo-state's behavior more consistent

[Bug 14912] New: From MediaStreamEventInit: DOMString MediaStream? stream; This fails to parse. Presumably the "DOMString" isn't meant to be there?

[Bug 14914] New: This IDL doesn't parse. These IDL members are already in HTMLInputElement and HTMLTextAreaElement -- why do they need to be repeated here in a separate IDL fragment?

[Bug 14915] "partial interface URL", but there's no URL interface defined anywhere else.

[Bug 14915] New: "partial interface URL", but there's no URL interface defined anywhere else.

[Bug 14918] New: (editorial) The name attribute links to the wrong thing (attr-input-value). Should be attr-fe-name instead.

[Bug 14919] Another demo including Paul's:

[Bug 14919] New: Another demo including Paul's:

[Bug 14922] New: test

[Bug 14922] test

[Bug 14923] New: test

[Bug 14924] New: what is elements

[Bug 14924] what is elements

[Bug 14925] I would love to see a way to rotate background images with CSS3. As an artist this would save large amounts of time. When creating a high-end seamless tiling background, it takes skill and time. If you want to have it on an angle, it's very difficult and

[Bug 14925] New: I would love to see a way to rotate background images with CSS3. As an artist this would save large amounts of time. When creating a high-end seamless tiling background, it takes skill and time. If you want to have it on an angle, it's very difficult and

[Bug 14926] New: Should not the tittle be susceptible to style?

[Bug 14927] New: x = − b ± b 2 − 4 ⁢ a ⁢ c 2 ⁢ a

[Bug 14927] x = − b ± b 2 − 4 ⁢ a ⁢ c 2 ⁢ a

[Bug 14928] New: Yes it can do it a lot money enough

[Bug 14928] Yes it can do it a lot money enough

[Bug 14929] <track> use the same names in the DOM API as in WebVTT's cue settings

[Bug 14929] New: <track> use the same names in the DOM API as in WebVTT's cue settings

[Bug 14935] New: An absolute URI not IRI

[Bug 14937] New: Replace poor coding example for figure with multiple images

[Bug 14937] Replace poor coding example for figure with multiple images

[Bug 14940] hello it is good!

[Bug 14940] New: hello it is good!

[Bug 14941] @namespace url(; @-moz-document domain("") { body{ background: url("") #fff top center fixed !important; } body>#bl

[Bug 14941] New: @namespace url(; @-moz-document domain("") { body{ background: url("") #fff top center fixed !important; } body>#bl

[Bug 14942] body>#blueBar{ background: none !important;} .jewel, .jewelBox{ border: none !important; } .jewelBox{ background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.9) !important; } #headNavOut{ background: none !important; border: none !important } #pageNav a { color: #111 !impor

[Bug 14942] New: body>#blueBar{ background: none !important;} .jewel, .jewelBox{ border: none !important; } .jewelBox{ background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.9) !important; } #headNavOut{ background: none !important; border: none !important } #pageNav a { color: #111 !impor

[Bug 14943] location citizens language

[Bug 14943] New: location citizens language

[Bug 14944] Incident Identifier: 88E2E2BC-81FC-4B38-A60D-1A0551AB5F59 CrashReporter Key: b62eca97c1ff920cb94359d7e7c0b451cd1dd2ae Hardware Model: iPhone4,1 Process: FileSystem [300] Path: /var/mobile/Applications/4E68540B-9D7D-47E0-88A2-A409AFCDD9F6/

[Bug 14944] New: Incident Identifier: 88E2E2BC-81FC-4B38-A60D-1A0551AB5F59 CrashReporter Key: b62eca97c1ff920cb94359d7e7c0b451cd1dd2ae Hardware Model: iPhone4,1 Process: FileSystem [300] Path: /var/mobile/Applications/4E68540B-9D7D-47E0-88A2-A409AFCDD9F6/

[Bug 14945] Incident Identifier: 08DECF5C-4CDB-4333-97D8-F0A1DDCE2CC2 CrashReporter Key: b62eca97c1ff920cb94359d7e7c0b451cd1dd2ae Hardware Model: iPhone4,1 Process: FileSystem [304] Path: /var/mobile/Applications/4E68540B-9D7D-47E0-88A2-A409AFCDD9F6/

[Bug 14945] New: Incident Identifier: 08DECF5C-4CDB-4333-97D8-F0A1DDCE2CC2 CrashReporter Key: b62eca97c1ff920cb94359d7e7c0b451cd1dd2ae Hardware Model: iPhone4,1 Process: FileSystem [304] Path: /var/mobile/Applications/4E68540B-9D7D-47E0-88A2-A409AFCDD9F6/

[Bug 14946] Incident Identifier: D071D9E8-EE85-4E93-92FF-898C84D204E1 CrashReporter Key: b62eca97c1ff920cb94359d7e7c0b451cd1dd2ae Hardware Model: iPhone4,1 Process: System [547] Path: /var/mobile/Applications/C643444F-0495-4023-8A4E-E762989F4C0D/ Ide

[Bug 14946] New: Incident Identifier: D071D9E8-EE85-4E93-92FF-898C84D204E1 CrashReporter Key: b62eca97c1ff920cb94359d7e7c0b451cd1dd2ae Hardware Model: iPhone4,1 Process: System [547] Path: /var/mobile/Applications/C643444F-0495-4023-8A4E-E762989F4C0D/ Ide

[Bug 14947] New: Is the placeholder attribute only allowed on textual fields? If not, is there a specific way UAs are expected to show the value on non-textual fields?

[Bug 14954] New: Step 1 should be "A WebVTT cue span start tag "ruby". to coincide with Step 5.

[Bug 14954] Step 1 should be "A WebVTT cue span start tag "ruby". to coincide with Step 5.

[Bug 14970] <video> Expose statistics for tracking playback quality (framerate information)

[Bug 14970] New: <video> Expose statistics for tracking playback quality (framerate information)

[Bug 14992] New: The table at (8.5 Named character references) uses the U+XXXXX notation (with 5 digits) to indicate codepoints. The usual convention is to use U+XXXX for BMP characters (i.e. U+0000 - U+FFFF), an

[Bug 14993] New: The list of named character references at (8.5 Named character references) should also be available in an easy-to-parse format (e.g. plain text or json). This will allow developers to use it with

[Bug 14993] The list of named character references at (8.5 Named character references) should also be available in an easy-to-parse format (e.g. plain text or json). This will allow developers to use it with

[Bug 15000] Don't fire load until the image is fully decodable. If the image is corrupt or unsupported, the spec says to fire load *and* error, but browsers don't do that.

[Bug 15000] New: Don't fire load until the image is fully decodable. If the image is corrupt or unsupported, the spec says to fire load *and* error, but browsers don't do that.

[Bug 15001] New: Rules wrt xlink: are contradictory

[Bug 15002] New: Clarify status of initial newline in <pre> and <textarea>

[Bug 15004] New: Clarify status of initial newline in <pre> and <textarea>

[Bug 15005] New: Clarify what "immediately precedes" means here, in particularly I don't think that would include previous <rt> element.

[Bug 15006] New: Sample document as displayed is not well-formed XML

[Bug 15008] New: Minor character glitch

[Bug 15020] New: I want to ask: This is based in the XHTML 1.x Strict standart??? or... This is based in the HTML 4.01 Strict standart??? or... This is a new reformulation in the markup language and all oldest (XHTML and HTML4.01)language will be incompatible??? I'm sorry

[Bug 7444] EUC-JP and ISO-2022-JP also need replacement encodings: CP51932 (or eucJP-ms) and CP50221.

[Bug 7798] More data from TextMetrics API

[Bug 8722] focus behaviour should be same for canvas regions as for elements

[Bug 8738] Role-based navigation

[Bug 9236] Add Path objects and intersects() function

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 November 2011 21:28:41 UTC