from August 2011 by subject

[Bug 10342] Make <wbr> element not conforming

[Bug 10438] math should be changed changed from no role to "math" role

[Bug 10640] Allow for non-nullable objects

[Bug 10642] No alternative text description for video key frame (poster)

[Bug 10693] Need a means for navigating between related timed tracks of media elements

[Bug 10710] Require controls to have programatically associated names

[Bug 10824] i18n comment 20 : list item marker display and position

[Bug 10829] i18n comment : ruby code samples

[Bug 10830] i18n comment : Please add support for rb

[Bug 10910] Submit controls should be barred from constraint validation in favor of a new pseudo-class

[Bug 10912] <output> should not be barred from constraint validation

[Bug 10913] Input element's value should not be sanitized during parsing

[Bug 10930] CanvasPixelArray out of range behavior needs clarification

[Bug 11124] consider reducing verbosity when talking about code points

[Bug 11181] link type "external" either not useful or underspecified

[Bug 11183] "sidebar" might not be a proper use of a link relation

[Bug 11191] Run scripts based on a parser flag rather than on being a fragment parser

[Bug 11204] Defer to DOM Parsing for innerHTML et al

[Bug 11234] Invalidate documents whose text content contains improperly balanced bidi formatting characters

[Bug 11239] Canvas support accessible caret tracking independent of Focus Ring tracking

[Bug 11305] Remove stuff present in DOM Core

[Bug 11337] Some ASCII-compatible encodings have harmless substitutions

[Bug 11468] spec logic: replaceState before onload should not affect onload object or popstate should not fire after onload.

[Bug 11486] Remove rel=archives in favor of rel=index. They are extremely similar and not that useful to have separately.

[Bug 11557] Authors should not be allowed to specify roles on elements that they already have by default

[Bug 11579] Support for internationalized e-mail addresses

[Bug 11602] <video> define precisely how autoplay overrides preload

[Bug 11812] The align attribute on the td and th elements should be conforming

[Bug 11829] parts of default stylesheet setting unicode-bidi and direction should be normative

[Bug 11887] Remove useless input.valueAsNumber. Pretty much the same functionality can be achieved using parseFloat or parseInt

[Bug 11891] add role attribute to list of global attributes and add definition for it

[Bug 11893] define lexical processing rules for ARIA attributes

[Bug 11939] <meter> (actually <progress>) — element max IDL attribute should return actual maximum value instead of reflecting the content attribute

[Bug 11939] <meter> (actually <progress>) � element max IDL attribute should return actual maximum value instead of reflecting the content attribute

[Bug 11984] Simplify <video> for implementors and authors by ignoring the Content-Type HTTP header

[Bug 12072] Comments before <!DOCTYPE html> should be forbidden

[Bug 12101] "Structured clone" can be passed an object with a hostile getter that returns an object identical to itself; "structured clone" does not prevent such an infinite regression.

[Bug 12141] <video> Specifically state that all <track> options be exposed to the end user

[Bug 12199] Need to test the URL-encoded form data algorithm when the charset is ISO-2022-JP and the value contains multiple characters in the non-default mode

[Bug 12199] Step 4.4 "For each character ..." -> It must operate on a sequence of characters, not on a character. Otherwise it would generate overlong form when the encoding is stateful (e.g. consider ISO-2022-JP's escape sequences).

[Bug 12220] Make sure rules for parsing a float are the same in HTML and in Javascript specifications

[Bug 12223] Drop rel=help. It's for showing a button in the browser's UI which no browser shows by default. It doesn't seem to be helpful for users, so just wastes authors' time.

[Bug 12224] Drop rel=pingback. The Pingback spec seems dead and unused, and redundant with the Referer header.

[Bug 12230] From this algorithm it does not seem to follow that dispatching a synthetic non-canceled submit event at a form causes it to be submitted. Yet that is what browsers implement. So that forms have a default handler for submit events should probably be split

[Bug 12235] Make <xmp> conforming

[Bug 12241] Should form="" always make the input unassociated?

[Bug 12255] option.label and option.value could be consistent

[Bug 12267] <video> Make video state transitions happen in the same task as firing events

[Bug 12283] <video> No indication of parsing error

[Bug 12285] setInterval should clamp to 4ms like setTimeout does, not 10ms

[Bug 12288] select.size should be limited to non-negative numbers instead of non-negative numbers greater than zero

[Bug 12289] <video> suspend event "Dispatched when..." is incorrect

[Bug 12296] Rules for parsing an integer don't match ES parseInt()

[Bug 12303] <video> TextTrack is missing an IDL attribute for @default

[Bug 12306] "When authors use the canvas element, they must also provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as the bitmap canvas." While everyone can probably agree that alternative content is a good idea when f

[Bug 12334] make </bugzilla-amulzp_123.34-zoon> valid again in HTML5

[Bug 12334] make <a name> valid again in HTML5

[Bug 12365] Add @fullsize to <img>

[Bug 12393] Add "allow-popups" for iframe@sandbox

[Bug 12399] <video> Expose statistics for media elements

[Bug 12405] <video> There's a problem with overlaying a sign-language video and using native controls, because the overlaid video overlaps the native controls

[Bug 12409] WF3: Automatic capitalization in input fields

[Bug 12413] Handling of <table border=0> is incompatible with the Web

[Bug 12417] HTML5 is missing attribute for specifying translatability of content

[Bug 12434] Spec doesn't match IE when calling insertAdjacentHTML with position afterend or beforebegin on head or body

[Bug 12442] I think that for the first level of article h1 {�}, the size should be left as normal.

[Bug 12465] Can it be added that the poster image (if defined) should continue to show until video is played for the first time? Safari currently shows the first frame of the video as soon as it's available (when preloading) while other browsers continue to show the

[Bug 12471] Please consider changing the expected rendering of abbr[title] and acronym[title] to use border-bottom instead of text-decoration: dotted underline, which has much more limited support (being in CSS3 Text, not CSS 2.1), conflicts with existing browser def

[Bug 12478] registerProtocolHandler() et al: ambiguous whether to use a white list or a black list for defining acceptable URL schemes and MIME-types

[Bug 12484] typo in

[Bug 12490] potential conflict between Link: and <link> semantics

[Bug 12495] please mark the reference to RFC1345 as non-normative

[Bug 12513] add specification for <meta name="viewport" ...>

[Bug 12541] <video> Make seeking change the current playback position before going async, then update it to the clamped value ASAP, then try to buffer

[Bug 12541] <video> Media Element seeking: the asynchronous behaviour of steps 5-12 causes unexpected, unwanted behaviour when getting the currentTime immediately after it's been set.

[Bug 12544] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires track kind for in-band tracks

[Bug 12556] <video> Define how currentTime is updated in terms of tasks

[Bug 12557] add heading to the list of allowed roles for hx's

[Bug 12559] <video> Make paused true at playback end

[Bug 12562] ARIA role example used as a conformance error is not a conformance error in HTML5

[Bug 12576] Need clarification on tokenization of html 5 doc.

[Bug 12577] Offline Web applications: we should discourage the inclusion of the main page in the manifest

[Bug 12581] <time> In the section about the time element it is stated that it does not need the datetime attribute set if its textContent is a valid date or time string. So the selector here in the rendering section, time[datetime], ...

[Bug 12586] Suggest using Typed Array for ImageData pixels. Add a new 'buffer' attribute that references ArrayBuffer of the pixel data. Convert 'data' (CanvasPixelArray) to Uint8Array view of 'buffer'.

[Bug 12590] @role=presentation for IMG should also require that @title is empty

[Bug 12595] <video> Fire suspend event when/if entire resource is loaded

[Bug 12596] <video> Explicitly state that preload=none fires a suspend event

[Bug 12598] <video> Odd distinction between two kinds of network errors

[Bug 12602] "<select><option>\n<option></select>" isn't a placeholder label option because its value is "\n", which is silly. We should strip spaces from the start and end in the definition of the option's label when it comes from textContent.

[Bug 12603] rendering section for <select>, the sentence that describes the rendering of <option>: the concept-option-label is in <code> instead of <span>.

[Bug 12605] section, step 4.4: simplify x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm

[Bug 12606] Form submission should convert all line breaks to CR LF pairs in field names and values

[Bug 12606] x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm should normalize single CR and LF characters

[Bug 12608] <video> define exact order and state during the last progress event

[Bug 12612] [registries] make rel value prohibitions in the spec and microformats wiki match

[Bug 12613] [registries] spec guidance on adding new link types to the microformats wiki page does not match the format of that wiki page

[Bug 12627] Rename "real numbers" section to "floating-point numbers"

[Bug 12629] "the current value of the selectionEnd attribute as the first argument" -- You mean "second", not "first".

[Bug 12630] The formNoValidate property of HTMLButtonElement should be boolean instead of DOMString

[Bug 12631] Note the disadvantage of using only h1 + section

[Bug 12639] collection[index] = new Option() as setter is supported by all modern UA(ff, opera, webkit, IE). Holes are allowed as in JS array i.e. {select.options.length = 0; select.options[10] = new Option(); select.options.length // 11}

[Bug 12641] make dfn for "space characters" and "White_Space characters" visible in the non-implementor view

[Bug 12642] The description of article element should say ”page or article”, not ”page or section”, as clause 4.4.10 clearly specifies that the scope is the nearest enclosing body or article element.

[Bug 12643] <video> change of fragment in media fragment URI consequences

[Bug 12650] the last <p> tag in the example should be a closing </p> tag.

[Bug 12651] More things should set salvageable to false: XHR, plugins

[Bug 12655] Suggestion: For <wbr/> tag, include an example of use of <wbr/> in "text-wrap: none" ("white-space: nowrap" or "white-space: pre") content

[Bug 12656] If a dt and dd are wrapped in a div, are they excluded from being a group in that dl? This statement is not clear with regards to this: "If a dl element contains non-whitespace text nodes, or elements other than dt and dd, then those elements or text node

[Bug 12658] "the x element" is normally given with x within <code>. Here it isn't.

[Bug 12659] The list is missing "input, select { display: inline-block; }", which is present in the CSS 2.1 stylesheet and supported by browsers.

[Bug 12662] <video> Add a section with suggestions for the 'chapters' text track kind, demonstrating how nested time ranges can be used for hierarchical chapters.

[Bug 12664] Warn about the perils of registering event handlers after <video>

[Bug 12667] Setting doc.title in an SVG document doesn't (necessarily) throw

[Bug 12668] UA's *should* send HTTPS URLs to (secure) third-party sites registered as content handlers, as UAs *do* send Referer HTTP headers from secure sites to third-party sites, given that the third-party site is also secure.

[Bug 12671] Missing dirname on textarea in the Elements Index

[Bug 12677] Should drop "The link types that contain no U+003A COLON characters (:), including all those defined in this specification, are ASCII case-insensitive values, and must be compared as such." since it's meaningless (nothing specifies anything about colons h

[Bug 12678] <link>: to avoid mistakes, we should make rel and itemprop mutually exclusive, and disallow rel on <link> outside <head> altogether.

[Bug 12682] Value sanitization algorithm for e-mail state should strip leading and trailing white spaces

[Bug 12687] Constructing the form data set - for input type image

[Bug 12694] Include an example for <select required>

[Bug 12695] Grandfather <link rel="shortcut icon">

[Bug 12705] setTransform spec silent on what to do with singular matrices

[Bug 12707] popstate API still not fully updated to match Firefox implementation

[Bug 12708] @accesskey: Clarify what it needs in order to have effect

[Bug 12709] @accesskey: Require user agents to hide accesskeys on unfocusable elements

[Bug 12710] @accesskey: Authoring conformance - reliance on @tabindex et cetera

[Bug 12711] There is no statement about the SCOPE attribute on TD elements. As it is allowed in HTML 4.01 Strict, I would expect some statement about it, like "replace TD by TH for header cells". (Apparently the idea is that every cell be classified as data cell or a

[Bug 12713] Mapping microdata in RDF (section 5.2)

[Bug 12716] Porter duff names are confusing and currently not implemented consistently. Suggest using A*B + C*D formula. Where A,B,C,D can be Source, Destination, Source Alpha, DestAlpha, 0, 1, Inverse Source Alpha, Inverse Dest Alpha, and so on, similar to OpenGL/We

[Bug 12718] <time> Handling datetimes in microdata-to-RDF conversion

[Bug 12721] doc.all note should reference ES5

[Bug 12724] Update WebIDL interfaces for non-nullable objects

[Bug 12729] "When the element is created, if the attribute is absent, the details should be hidden; if the attribute is absent, the details should be shown." Second "absent" should be "present", I think.

[Bug 12735]'s replace parameter doesn't seem to be implemented in at least Gecko and WebKit

[Bug 12736] Clarify if the sizes attribute is valid without rel=icon

[Bug 12737] Please clarify the validity of "any" in the sizes attribute

[Bug 12739] registerProtocolHandler(): "A scheme, such as ftp or sms". But "ftp" is not in the whitelist so that will not work so it's a bad example.

[Bug 12744] The crossdomain attribute named as such may prove an attractive talisman for copy-paste/cargocult authors, such that they start applying it on _any_ out of domain img regardless of CORS, especially when they see the no attribute string form <img crossdoma

[Bug 12774] onerror discrepencies

[Bug 12777] New HTML5 'context' meta tag [suggestion]

[Bug 12778] add "paragraphs" pseudo selector in spec

[Bug 12780] <meter> min, max, low, high and optimum IDL attributes for the meter element should reflect the actual values (of min, max [...] respectively)

[Bug 12781] Allow "maxlength" attribute for number fields

[Bug 12782] Extra quotation mark after "table": reprocess those character tokens using the rules given in the "anything else" entry in the in table" insertion mode.

[Bug 12783] "character tokens that are not one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000C FORM FEED (FF), U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR), or U+0020 SPACE": you should use the "space characters" definition here

[Bug 12787] 2D canvas createPattern(null, ...) should raise TypeError, not TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR

[Bug 12791] Use <label> for maxlength="" example

[Bug 12792] Publish the polyglot 'Sample Page' as 'application/xhtml+xml'

[Bug 12792] Publish the polyglot 'Sample Page' as both 'application/xhtml+xml' and as 'text/html'

[Bug 12794] <video> Add a non-normative note on how to provide text alternatives for media elements

[Bug 12795] <video> Shouldn't it be "ruby" on step 1?

[Bug 12799] maxlength should come after max in color

[Bug 12813] [WebVTT] explanation of cue settings aren't extracted into webvtt.html

[Bug 12814] PUB: [WebVTT] missing BIDI reference

[Bug 12819] Fully define application/x-www-form-urlencoded

[Bug 12819] How do you decode this format on the server? There seems to be no definition of the format, apart from the definition of how to encode it. Expecting every implementer to reverse this algorithm seems prone to mistakes.

[Bug 12824] This doesn't say how to serialize non-zero alpha values: how many digits should be used? The correct answer is the minimum number necessary so that the resulting string evaluates to the same floating-point number as you started with.

[Bug 12826] Changes the transformation matrix to apply a scaling transformation with the given characteristics.

[Bug 12828] Client-side Master pages wanted eagerly

[Bug 12834] LEGEND should be allowed to NOT be exactly first child of FIELDSET ("The legend element" spec section)

[Bug 12839] @id: Define how Unicode normalization affects the 'unique identifier' status

[Bug 12840] The example cache manifest file is never explicitly named

[Bug 12846] The beforeprint and afterprint shouldn't fire if the user at any time cancels the print request. These events would imply that the user actually printed. Perhaps there should be an onprint event that fired when it is actually sent to the "printer".

[Bug 12854] I am quite surprised to see that things such as the list of allowed values for the "rel" attribute of the "link" tag (aka. the list of link types) as well as the list of allowed values for the "name" attribute of the "meta" tag are supposed to be listed o

[Bug 12856] Saying that "The dirty value flag <...> must be set to true whenever the user interacts with the control" is highly misleading. <> says t

[Bug 12858] This doesn't actually define "align descendants". It says which descendants are to be aligned, but not what's supposed to happen to them. Is it like floating, or something else?

[Bug 12861] HTMLOptionsCollection.add(wrongElementType) should throw

[Bug 12862] DOMElementMap IDL getter return type incorrect

[Bug 12863] Make HTMLDocument name getter return type object

[Bug 12864] HTMLMediaElement.addTextTrack return value not specified

[Bug 12865] HTMLFormElement getter return types should be more specific

[Bug 12866] HTMLSelectElement getter return types should be more specific

[Bug 12867] Hidden with autofocus

[Bug 12868] Allow placeholder for color and date+ types

[Bug 12869] Window name getter return type should be more specific

[Bug 12870] Minor issues with WindowTimers domintro section and timeout argument handling

[Bug 12871] DataTransferItem has inconsistent indenting

[Bug 12872] PeerConnection configuration argument should be serverConfiguration for consistency

[Bug 12873] suggested addition to *Examples of scenarios where users benefit from text alternatives for images*

[Bug 12876] suggestion for Example 6.4

[Bug 12877] remove section 3.11

[Bug 12881] "is expected to hide it" is a bit vague. Clarify that it means display:none.

[Bug 12885] WF3: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards (e.g. show the numeric keyboard, capitalise the first character by default, etc)

[Bug 12887] DataTransfer.getData("text/uri-list"): please define that spaces must be trimmed from /result/

[Bug 12890] s/lists the popular tag/lists the popular tags/

[Bug 12892] If I understand correctly the u element is for marking up iconic stuff like astrological signs, censored swearwords, etc.? As well as text that has lost its meaning because it is misspelt or otherwise corrupted? Please make the definition more clear, it i

[Bug 12894] rel=tag should not be allowed on <link>

[Bug 12897] In some parsers, UTF-8 BOM trumps the HTTP charset attribute (Encoding sniffing algorithm)

[Bug 12905] For the attribute "required" of checkbox element, I think it should be defined as "at least one is required" but not "which fields are required". So it's better use the same constraint validation with the radio element. That is if an element in the check

[Bug 12907] The algorithm for parsing a legacy color value, steps 2 and 3, should be reversed. Given a case where string is a tab for instance, it should be treated as an empty string.

[Bug 12910] I think step 7 and 10 are pretty much the same thing, ie. s/[:alnum:]/0/g.

[Bug 12915] Note that Arabic and Persian Unicode digits could be used through <input type=number> UI

[Bug 12919] I am running chrome 12.0.742.68 beta-m and the details element is working

[Bug 12920] Move caretBlinkRate from canvas context to a navigator interface

[Bug 12921] Make caretBlinkRate a property not a method

[Bug 12922] Allow privacy exemption for caretBlinkRate

[Bug 12923] Setting a reflecting attribute of type HTMLElement to something with no ID should set content attribute to empty string

[Bug 12924] xml:base interaction with img element

[Bug 12925] in the 1st example 3 'hr' are used like an anonymous 'h#' => 'hr' should move to 4.4. The final 'hr' is of a different kind and wouldn't be there if we had lists ('dl' here) nested inside 'p'. The second example is mostly like the first three 'hr', i.e. a

[Bug 12926] The phrase "in a Document" is not consistently used in the specification

[Bug 12927] Define what "content attribute's document" means

[Bug 12929] [MIMESNIFF] needs to point to the draft by the websec working group

[Bug 12930] Update CSS references (CSS 2.1 and CSS3 Color now a recommendation)

[Bug 12931] On line 7 of the updateIndicator example, the attribute should be textContent instead of textContext

[Bug 12938] “The attribute value can remain unquoted if it doesn't contain spaces or […]” Please replace “spaces” with “space characters” (microsyntax) to avoid confusion.

[Bug 12939] The <COL> group used to be defined as a very useful to represent tabular data. Among the various things needed for tabular data perusing is the data alignment. In v4.01 there is an "align" and a "char" attribute that make the <COL> attribute very useful t

[Bug 12940] I suppose there's no longer a version number so no thing like "DOM5 HTML".

[Bug 12942] Time element specification phrasing error (Section 4.6.10)

[Bug 12943] Drop progress.position IDL or make it settable

[Bug 12945] "On setting, if the given element has an id attribute, then the content attribute must be set to the value of that id attribute. Otherwise, the IDL attribute must be set to the empty string." is strange and breaks reflection. If the given element isn't in

[Bug 12946] "first img element descendant of the element" doesn't define properly which element. First in document order?

[Bug 12949] click() shouldn't have special powers over dispatching click event manually

[Bug 12954] List of events would be useful

[Bug 12955] Fire DOMContentLoaded at iframe when it is fired at contentWindow for convinience

[Bug 12962] Typographic Conventions not implemented as portably as they could be

[Bug 12964] <video>: Declarative linking of full-text transcripts to video and audio elements

[Bug 12967] I feel this part is not clear enough. When should the developers call update()? Should they call update() before swapCache()? Must swapCache() be called before reload? I've tried that even without calling swapCache(), once manifest changed, the file will

[Bug 12970] <video> Media Events: I think it should be added to the documentation how certain events should be handled main ones being seeked and seeking. Currently some browsers when seeking a media element they fire multiple events (pause, seeking, seeked, play).

[Bug 12985] HTML 5 and IPA TTS

[Bug 12986] Last Call comments to HTML5

[Bug 12989] According to "The dl element": >The order of the list of groups, and of the names and values within each group, may be significant. Why don't you define an attribute on the dl element, for example, "ordered" attribute, which indicates that the list is ord

[Bug 12990] The footer element (Sections, Elements of HTML). Request for clarification. Re: Interaction of <blockquote> with the prohibition on nested <footer>s. "When the footer element contains entire sections, they represent appendices, indexes, long colophons, ve

[Bug 12995] PUB: Need to enable automatic cross-spec references somehow

[Bug 12998] Some attributes are not overridable with 'var' in browsers. See

[Bug 12999] Allow nodefault="" on <menu type=context>

[Bug 13005] no itemprop and charset in DOM interface

[Bug 13006] Spelling mistake in 4.5.2. The hr element.

[Bug 13008] Great feature. I think protocol handler should allow another parameter that is true/false. This would allow a temporary register that would only affect the page it was called from, and only during the lifetime of the page. Also, as a security concern,

[Bug 13011] [editing] Encourage authors to use "white-space: pre-wrap" for contenteditable="" and .designMode=true

[Bug 13011] Encourage authors to use "white-space: pre-wrap" for contenteditable/designMode

[Bug 13023] removing CSS outline bad for accessibility

[Bug 13024] Spec should xref "IDL attribute" for clarity

[Bug 13030] it looks to me boolean is the right type for the 4th parameter 'replace' in the open operation as open in HTMLDocument.

[Bug 13032] "allow-plugins" option for iframe sandbox attribute

[Bug 13033] Remove obsolete references to pre-LC and pre-Last Call

[Bug 13034] Consider [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for some reflected attributes

[Bug 13037] "otherwise the sandbox attribute would end prematurely" : shouldn't that read "the srcdoc attribute" (not "sandbox")?

[Bug 13048] Error in MediaController event handler table

[Bug 13050] Typo in decision policy: "descrption"

[Bug 13051] Use "oriented" instead of "orientated".

[Bug 13052] "Februray" should be "February".

[Bug 13054] WF3: Allow one input to be part of multiple forms

[Bug 13056] HTML5 and RFC 2854

[Bug 13057] Remove INS and DEL elements in favor of a new set of attributes

[Bug 13059] add a disabled attribute to link and style elements

[Bug 13060] Consider MJPG files like <video> when used as the image argument for drawImage()

[Bug 13062] HTML spec should not dictate first/last child nesting level and exact order of child siblings

[Bug 13067] Password hashing

[Bug 13068] for consistency with RFC 5988, link/@rel should allow extension relation types

[Bug 13072] IE8/9 treat different ports as same-origin

[Bug 13076] options argument for window . navigator . getUserMedia doesn't look very intuitive. Comma separated string with space.Maybe create e.x. array of objects?

[Bug 13080] <meter> It's undefined if the low boundary should belong to the less good or even less good range if the optimum point is less than the low boundary. And the same for the reversed case.

[Bug 13085] Enhancement: Set component for whole image?

[Bug 13086] Should list "accept" as an obsolete attribute of form

[Bug 13093] define which of Window's named properties are resolved before prototype properties

[Bug 13095] setTimeout behavior seems to be undefined if ToString throws

[Bug 13096] Enhancement: Set single component for pixel

[Bug 13101] TAG issue on HTML+RDFa and Microdata last call drafts

[Bug 13102] <style scoped> conflicts with top-placed <figcaption>

[Bug 13103] Visual formatting of content inside the pre element isn't available to assistive technologies

[Bug 13105] Named character refences table: Add column with official UNICODE names

[Bug 13106] When determining order of icons via tree order, tree order at what point? post-load? past onLoad()?

[Bug 13107] What is an 'appropriate' size for an icon?

[Bug 13109] [editorial] add some event-handlers to "List of event handler content attributes" index

[Bug 13110] [editorial] fix a couple of broken citations (to MEDIAFRAG and DOMEVENTS)

[Bug 13111] Find working reference for ISO-8859-11

[Bug 13113] Parsing algorithm should not preclude Complex Ruby

[Bug 13115] Confusing contradiction in description of "alt" attribute

[Bug 13118] [editing] Consider firing the 'input' event for contenteditable="" areas as well

[Bug 13118] Consider firing the `input` event for contenteditable areas as well

[Bug 13120] Delegate <wbr> support to quirks-mode - make it have zero effect in no-quirks and almost-standards

[Bug 13127] Improve "constructing the form data set" for external usage

[Bug 13128] Allow wrapping list items in DIV elements

[Bug 13129] Accessible Tables examples in HTML 5 spec

[Bug 13130] accesskey handling in the spec doesn't match the implementations

[Bug 13132] >?, ?:<>

[Bug 13137] HTML 5 table spec tables samples contain no ARIA markup example.

[Bug 13138] DOM Core: set concept-document-media-type

[Bug 13140] The info box mentions the track.label attribute twice (the first should be track.kind)

[Bug 13142] Typo: "even when the response do include a recognized challenge" "do" -> "does"

[Bug 13143] Put "designMode" in the title of this section so it's searchable from the TOC in the multipage version

[Bug 13144] designMode needs to persist when an iframe is navigated

[Bug 13145] Spec Element.innerText

[Bug 13154] WF3: Allow two handles on input type="range", like this:

[Bug 13157] 4.5.13. Div element text change

[Bug 13160] The progress element has redundant and confusing specification of value and max

[Bug 13167] Using an existing application cache without having a master entry in the application group (cache the master entry)

[Bug 13168] Creating or using an existing application cache without caching the master entry

[Bug 13169] WF2: Allow placeholder on date/time fields for legacy browsers

[Bug 13171] Status boxes overlap

[Bug 13173] WF2: <input type="url"> should accept URLs with protocol omitted

[Bug 13174] Allow block elements inside TH, maybe add new THCAPTION element

[Bug 13175] Allow LEGEND to be LEGEND of FORM itself, without need for wrapping FIELDSET

[Bug 13176] The bounds of canvas fallback content, as rendered on the canvas, are not provided by the user agent to an assistive technology.

[Bug 13179] "alternative" A possible alternative to the main track, e.g. a different take of a song (audio), or a different angle (video). Audio and video. Ogg: "audio/alterate" or "video/alternate". in this piece of content the audio/alterate I believe is a typo.

[Bug 13181] Canvas does not allow mouse events to be directed to keyboard accessible objects in fallback content

[Bug 13182] "an determinate" + missing closing parenthesis

[Bug 13183] <meter> Descriptions of how to clamp boundaries is ambiguous

[Bug 13183] Descriptions of how to clamp boundaries is ambiguous

[Bug 13184] Allow nested chapters by having nested (time range-wise) cues

[Bug 13200] Please add a warning about removing the outline for focussed links, because it can cause accessibility problems.

[Bug 13201] Flow content should be allowed in <dt>

[Bug 13203] There does not seem to be a way to cancel a drag and drop operation at a point later than when `dragenter` fires. Often it is useful to be able to cancel it when the draggable item is dropped, when you know where it is being dropped. I think it would be g

[Bug 13220] The camera preference set should be populated asynchronously after returning from getUserMedia().

[Bug 13222] createObjectURL and not getObjectURL

[Bug 13225] missing elements from list of interfaces for elements table

[Bug 13226] missing interfaces from interfaces index

[Bug 13228] xref "content model" and maybe some of the other boilerplate terms in the lead, so the meaning is clearer. See bug 13224 for someone who didn't understand what it meant.

[Bug 13230] Remove text/html-sandboxed

[Bug 13235] missing events from event enumerations

[Bug 13236] missing events from event index

[Bug 13238] Need an intro section for PeerConnection

[Bug 13239] Add support for in-page dialogs

[Bug 13240] Consider replacing <time> with <data>

[Bug 13241] Update x-spec links

[Bug 13242] I'm wondering if PopStateEvent interface should contain information about which "direction" the history traversion is done.

[Bug 13243] copy/paste of titles in reopen section

[Bug 13244] Unresolved internal links in v2 of decision policy

[Bug 13252] possible inconsistent exposure of event attributes

[Bug 13257] The definitions of the text/html and application/xhtml+xml media types have incorrect information about fragment identifiers. "Fragment identifiers used with text/html resources refer to the indicated part of the document." but this is not true, fragment

[Bug 13261] Canvas Clipping

[Bug 13267] sandboxing implication for plugins should be rephrased

[Bug 13274] Misleading <link> example

[Bug 13276] Not allowing author or developer to have absolute control over media playback

[Bug 13281] The tag: "div" doesn't have an attribute: "onselectstart" in currently active versions.

[Bug 13283] Current definition for [hidden] is not very useful for Web application developers. Every style rules in the author style sheet have to contain :not([hidden]) in their selectors to not override 'display' property for [hidden] elements.

[Bug 13284] Should that be createObjectURL?

[Bug 13291] it doesn't make sense for <button> to be exposed as a link or radio button; it would just confuse users told to "click the button"

[Bug 13292] Needs Clarification: What is an end-of-file marker in the context of Unicode? My guess is you could use one of the Byte Order Mark as noted in []? In particular, "The Unicode value U+FFFF is illegal in plain te

[Bug 13296] The use of the <label> element as a 'caption' not clearly defined.

[Bug 13304] It doesn't make sense that <h1> can be exposed as a menu item, link, or tree item

[Bug 13308] "Number of" repeated

[Bug 13309] HTML and XHTML handle newline differently

[Bug 13312] After doing a bunch of reading, it appears to me that the crossorigin attribute was added to help WebGL on canvas. As far as I can tell, it is irrelevant when the img element is used in HTML (i.e., <img src="myPic.jpg">. If I am wrong, then could you pl

[Bug 13314] Drop RDF conversion algorithm

[Bug 13316] Higher document sizes - should it not be Larger document sizes?

[Bug 13319] Script errors should provide column position

[Bug 13320] New Feature: Define a default form submit behavior. Currently, there is no specified behavior that I am aware of for browsers when the 'enter' key is pressed in a text input field inside a form. Some browsers submit using the form with no button value.

[Bug 13323] In section 4.10.21 "Constraints" (under "Association of controls and forms"), the definition for "Suffering from being missing" includes the text "... or, in the case of an element in a radio button group, any of the other elements in the group has a requ

[Bug 13327] <video muted> should not fire a volumechange event

[Bug 13328] Dependencies - DOMException: should reference WebIDL#dfn-throw

[Bug 13329] The muted attribute is valid and has effect also on <audio>

[Bug 13330] Link colors are wrong in the rendering section

[Bug 13332] Very annoying dropdowns hide the content I want to read and I can't get rid of them

[Bug 13333] audio, video (and source) elements require param children or equivalent

[Bug 13334] Should be "contradictS"

[Bug 13337] Fix the diagram

[Bug 13338] itemprop token should not contain . or : even with itemtype=""

[Bug 13339] itemprop adds properties (plural)

[Bug 13341] typo in Facebook fix?

[Bug 13342] Need Object Oriented Programming concept in HTML: This is needed to simplify and group html code so that each elements can be fetched easily.

[Bug 13345] <details> should be allowed in <p>

[Bug 13346] :ltr and :rtl need to become :dir(ltr) and :dir(rtl); see

[Bug 13348] I was wondering if it would be possible to extend the iframe sandbox attribute to provide additional functionality. We've been developing a HTML5 digital signage solution where the playback application is a HTML5 web page. When the solution is displaying

[Bug 13349] downloading resources needs to cite RFC 6266, not RFC 2183

[Bug 13352] third line of the triples - owl:sameAs probably not what's intended

[Bug 13353] Instead of using this case-insensitive annotation use the mechanism defined by i.e. [att=val]i { ... }

[Bug 13354] Willful violation of HTTP

[Bug 13355] Split AppCache out

[Bug 13357] Additional AudioTrack.kind categories are needed to identify tracks where audio descriptions are premixed with main dialogue.

[Bug 13358] <video> also fire a 'change' event at VideoTrackList, AudioTrackList, and TextTrackList objects when their list of tracks changes

[Bug 13358] An event is needed that signals a change in the track composition of a media resource.

[Bug 13359] A way is needed to identify the type of data in a track element

[Bug 13363] The MediaStream(MediaStream parentStream) constructor seems to be confusing the ordinary copy constructor behavior. Could it be an operation of MediaStream rather than a constructor?

[Bug 13364] The "used microdata item" concept is redundant

[Bug 13366] Typo in WebVTT spec

[Bug 13370] What authoring errors do the microdata value conformance constraints help catch?

[Bug 13374] Incorrect predicate URIs

[Bug 13378] Spec used to say "When a Document object is created, the document's character encoding must be initialized to UTF-16.", but DOM Core changes that to UTF-8. Should investigate.

[Bug 13382] I think this should be |bdi, bdi[dir], output, [dir=auto] { unicode-bidi: isolate; }|

[Bug 13383] Feature request: pause media when hidden

[Bug 13385] Remove HTMLInputElement.{width,height} (unimplemented)

[Bug 13387] Reference DOM Core "base URL change steps"

[Bug 13390] Readonly attribute on input.{color|range|checkbox|radio}

[Bug 13391] Add a ScrollElementIntoView function

[Bug 13392] i18n-ISSUE-72: BOM as preferred encoding declaration

[Bug 13396] i18n-ISSUE-77: HTTP and defaulting to UTF-16LE

[Bug 13397] i18n-ISSUE-78: Spellchecking in editors and sc services

[Bug 13398] i18n-ISSUE-80: Default rules for the quotes property

[Bug 13400] Audio: Change note on accessibility for the audio element

[Bug 13401] Make command.checked behavior consistent with input.checked

[Bug 13403] window.self seems to be [Replaceable] in Gecko,WebKit. This is needed for compatability with some sites.

[Bug 13408] UA should use element locale for i18n

[Bug 13409] Defining Entity references for characters in XHTML.

[Bug 13410] XML serialisation incompletely defined.

[Bug 13411] The spec for setting selectionEnd seems incorrect (or at least incompatible with the symmetric selectionStart case)

[Bug 13412] Editorial change to HTMLFormControlsCollection

[Bug 13413] Consider dropping the vEvent microdata vocabulary

[Bug 13414] i18n-ISSUE-79: Multilingual q quote rendering

[Bug 13416] [editing] Rename or restructure the contenteditable="" section so that the relevance of designMode is also apparent in the table of contents

[Bug 13416] Section 7.5, contenteditable attribute, should be renamed "editing host" and reworked

[Bug 13417] i18n-ISSUE-139: Multilingual q nesting

[Bug 13418] Section 2.2.1 on Conformance classes should include accessible in statement of what authoring tools should make a best effort at doing

[Bug 13423] [editing] Remove the Editing APIs section

[Bug 13423] Remove the Editing APIs section. It's extremely incomplete and contradicts my editing spec on a lot of points, so it will confuse implementers.

[Bug 13424] [editing] Align the definitions of "editable" and "editing host" with the editing spec or move them entirely to the editing spec

[Bug 13424] Align the definitions of "editable" and "editing host" with the editing spec. I don't consider editing hosts editable, and there are probably some other differences in practice. Once you do that, I can change to reference HTML on this.

[Bug 13425] [editing] Remove the user editing actions section

[Bug 13425] Remove the user editing actions section. Most of these are covered in exact detail by the editing spec (see the "Additional requirements" section). One or two others are covered by the Selection part of DOM Range. The rest are not really interesting en

[Bug 13428] Remove Requirements for providing text to act as an alternative for images

[Bug 13429] Section 7.5 contenteditable and designMode must make navigation consistent platform conventions

[Bug 13430] 2.2.3 Extensibility

[Bug 13431] 7.6 Spelling and Grammar checking must include support for designMode

[Bug 13432] Editorial changes to The Video element (1 of 5)

[Bug 13433] Using "Function?" for the on* IDL attribute type doesn't seem to match implementations on setting

[Bug 13434] Media element section does not state that tracks are to be synchronized with video

[Bug 13435] Editorial changes to The Video element (3 of 5)

[Bug 13436] Editorial changes to The Video element (4 of 5)

[Bug 13437] Editorial changes to The Video element (5 of 5)

[Bug 13438] Editorial changes to Track element (1 of 3)

[Bug 13439] Editorial changes to Track element (2 of 3)

[Bug 13440] Editorial changes to Track element (3 of 3)

[Bug 13442] Clarify cases that should NOT be "non-interactive presentation user agents"

[Bug 13444] introduction to semantics does not convey their importance to people with disabilities/users of AT, nor the negative impact incorrect or insufficient semantics can have on the user experience

[Bug 13447] SVG content model VENN diagram needs to be made accessible [ Kinds of content/content-venn.svg].

[Bug 13448] The image button notes that there are selected coordinates for the user's click on the image, but it doesn't mention (that I can see) how the user accesses these values? Is there a property that can be read in Javascript? What are the GET variables? Wh

[Bug 13449] Don't allow blank alt text on area elements

[Bug 13451] Don't disallow image map on object

[Bug 13452] Explain the point of itemid

[Bug 13453] Scaling of images and image maps

[Bug 13460] Show more use cases for details/summary elements

[Bug 13461] Commentary on Issue #30 (longdesc) from the Association of American Publishers

[Bug 13462] The spec doesn't make it clear what should happen to pending timeouts/intervals on the old Window

[Bug 13465] Implement datatyping in Microdata

[Bug 13466] URL generation algorithm for RDF properties is problematic

[Bug 13467] Support IRI compression/shortening

[Bug 13468] Support Microdata values that are HTML snippets

[Bug 13469] Enable Web page authors to override text/IRI content

[Bug 13470] Support multiple types per item

[Bug 13471] Typo: wrong year of HTML4 completion

[Bug 13472] Typo: excessive bold formatting

[Bug 13473] Language of spec should be accessible to non-native speakers

[Bug 13474] Missing definition of "element type"

[Bug 13475] Remove wrong example

[Bug 13477] Typo in description of example

[Bug 13478] Problems related to the current definition of rel values

[Bug 13479] Document conformance/validity has to be stable over the time

[Bug 13480] Add definition of "child nodes" term

[Bug 13480] Misuse of "child nodes" term

[Bug 13482] dir=auto needs to work on value of input and textarea elements

[Bug 13486] i love big hairy dick <b> /b/

[Bug 13486] New: i love big hairy dick <b> /b/

[Bug 13487] my name is victor ,

[Bug 13487] New: my name is victor ,

[Bug 13488] my name is victor ,

[Bug 13488] New: my name is victor ,

[Bug 13489] 2.2.1 Conformance Classes: Add supporting sentence to paragraph on visual user agents and default rendering to enhance concept that override of default rendering is acceptable for certain user experiences

[Bug 13489] New: 2.2.1 Conformance Classes: Add supporting sentence to paragraph on visual user agents and default rendering to enhance concept that override of default rendering is acceptable for certain user experiences

[Bug 13490] New: Section 2.2.1, Conformance Classes: Conformance Checkers has an awkwardly worded sentence

[Bug 13490] Section 2.2.1, Conformance Classes: Conformance Checkers has an awkwardly worded sentence

[Bug 13495] New: the first example is not a good one as Whacha is an abbreviation, so should use abbr

[Bug 13495] the first example is not a good one as Whacha is an abbreviation, so should use abbr

[Bug 13496] How about "if the type contains a SLASH (/) it should be treated as a MIME type. Otherwise, if it contains a FULL STOP (.) it should be treated as a UTI, otherwise it is invalid.

[Bug 13496] New: How about "if the type contains a SLASH (/) it should be treated as a MIME type. Otherwise, if it contains a FULL STOP (.) it should be treated as a UTI, otherwise it is invalid.

[Bug 13497] Description for "alternate" should cover cases like the "alternate stylesheet", "alternate icon" and "alternate pingback" fallbacks, not just refer to the current document.

[Bug 13497] New: Description for "alternate" should cover cases like the "alternate stylesheet", "alternate icon" and "alternate pingback" fallbacks, not just refer to the current document.

[Bug 13498] document.readyState should return to 'loading' on navigation

[Bug 13498] New: document.readyState should return to 'loading' on navigation

[Bug 13500] New: ublished revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at If you wish to make comments regarding this document in a manner that is tracked by the W3C, please submit them via using our public bug d

[Bug 13500] ublished revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at If you wish to make comments regarding this document in a manner that is tracked by the W3C, please submit them via using our public bug d

[Bug 13501] New: werwerwer werew w erwe we r

[Bug 13501] werwerwer werew w erwe we r

[Bug 13502] New: Text run starting with composing character should be valid

[Bug 13502] Text run starting with composing character should be valid

[Bug 13503] <video> If readyState is HAVE_NOTHING, then seeking should just save the new value and that value should be used once we have the duration, as an override of the fragment identifier.

[Bug 13503] If readyState is HAVE_NOTHING, then seeking should just save the new value and that value should be used once we have the duration, as an override of the fragment identifier.

[Bug 13503] New: If readyState is HAVE_NOTHING, then seeking should just save the new value and that value should be used once we have the duration, as an override of the fragment identifier.

[Bug 13504] Automation-friendly mMarkup for flagging spelling, grammar, etc. errors and warnings

[Bug 13504] New: Automation-friendly mMarkup for flagging spelling, grammar, etc. errors and warnings

[Bug 13505] New: The first track.label reference should be track.kind.

[Bug 13505] The first track.label reference should be track.kind.

[Bug 13507] New: why are these overlays blocking the page content, without any way to get rid of them?

[Bug 13507] why are these overlays blocking the page content, without any way to get rid of them?

[Bug 13508] Fully support tri-state and indeterminate controls

[Bug 13508] New: Fully support tri-state and indeterminate controls

[Bug 13509] describe what happens in with accessibility APIs when existing document is destroyed

[Bug 13509] New: describe what happens in with accessibility APIs when existing document is destroyed

[Bug 13510] discuss setting up accessibilty APIs as part of document parsing

[Bug 13510] New: discuss setting up accessibilty APIs as part of document parsing

[Bug 13511] document parsing should discuss setting up accessibility APIs

[Bug 13511] New: document parsing should discuss setting up accessibility APIs

[Bug 13512] Need a DOM event for AT to catch when content is inserted

[Bug 13512] New: Need a DOM event for AT to catch when content is inserted

[Bug 13513] Caution against textarea with wrap=hard

[Bug 13513] New: Caution against textarea with wrap=hard

[Bug 13514] New: Support different resolutions for command elements and images

[Bug 13514] Support different resolutions for command elements and images

[Bug 13516] New: usually in lowercase

[Bug 13516] usually in lowercase

[Bug 13517] New: Not 'type=checkbox' but 'type="checkbox"'

[Bug 13517] Not 'type=checkbox' but 'type="checkbox"'

[Bug 13518] "The keygen element": The only supported signature algorithm is the outdated and insecure md5WithRSAEncryption. The element should at least have an optional signature algorithm, with the option to use the more secure sha1WithRSAEncryption and sha256WithRS

[Bug 13518] New: "The keygen element": The only supported signature algorithm is the outdated and insecure md5WithRSAEncryption. The element should at least have an optional signature algorithm, with the option to use the more secure sha1WithRSAEncryption and sha256WithRS

[Bug 13519] New: Spell Check example text clarification

[Bug 13519] Spell Check example text clarification

[Bug 13520] Drag and Drop without a pointing device

[Bug 13520] New: Drag and Drop without a pointing device

[Bug 13521] Element head is missing a required instance of child element title

[Bug 13521] New: Element head is missing a required instance of child element title

[Bug 13522] Greeting, I am submitting this feedback of the concern of email in form input type. The current specification, as was stated already in your own website, too strict on username part and and too vague on the domain part. I would like to make the following

[Bug 13522] New: Greeting, I am submitting this feedback of the concern of email in form input type. The current specification, as was stated already in your own website, too strict on username part and and too vague on the domain part. I would like to make the following

[Bug 13523] Checkbox state: Representing checkboxs using: <checkbox> <li> </li> <li> </li> </checkbox> I belive that the checkbox itself is just an attribute to an object called List Item. Check box is not an object. Radia box is same. Take a look to this demo f

[Bug 13523] New: Checkbox state: Representing checkboxs using: <checkbox> <li> </li> <li> </li> </checkbox> I belive that the checkbox itself is just an attribute to an object called List Item. Check box is not an object. Radia box is same. Take a look to this demo f

[Bug 13524] New: relatedTarget shouldn't be null for dragleave event(as mouseout)

[Bug 13524] relatedTarget shouldn't be null for dragleave event(as mouseout)

[Bug 13527] Microdata doesn't allow marking up content with multiple vocabularies

[Bug 13527] New: Microdata doesn't allow marking up content with multiple vocabularies

[Bug 13528] Many examples in the forms section to do not exemplify best practice

[Bug 13528] New: Many examples in the forms section to do not exemplify best practice

[Bug 13529] In HTML, the content of the meta tag is empty, however, it also serves the dual purpose of being able to store metadata for an item. When that metadata is structured as an item, there needs to be a way to include further meta tags within the original met

[Bug 13529] New: In HTML, the content of the meta tag is empty, however, it also serves the dual purpose of being able to store metadata for an item. When that metadata is structured as an item, there needs to be a way to include further meta tags within the original met

[Bug 13530] example in 4.10.1 has unneeded <p> around form elements

[Bug 13530] New: example in 4.10.1 has unneeded <p> around form elements

[Bug 13531] New: use of implicit labels in examples

[Bug 13531] use of implicit labels in examples

[Bug 13532] New: Sequential navigation to all elements that take focus or input

[Bug 13532] Sequential navigation to all elements that take focus or input

[Bug 13533] Navigation to and through static content

[Bug 13533] New: Navigation to and through static content

[Bug 13534] 2.1.4 DOM Core versus DOM L3 Events reference

[Bug 13534] New: 2.1.4 DOM Core versus DOM L3 Events reference

[Bug 13535] New: Preventing validation from trapping focus

[Bug 13535] Preventing validation from trapping focus

[Bug 13536] 2.2 Unclear: paragraph describing conformance of algorithms

[Bug 13536] New: 2.2 Unclear: paragraph describing conformance of algorithms

[Bug 13537] 2.2.2. host object array replaced with platform array object

[Bug 13537] New: 2.2.2. host object array replaced with platform array object

[Bug 13538] 2.2.2 Conformance requirement to Media Queries too vague

[Bug 13538] New: 2.2.2 Conformance requirement to Media Queries too vague

[Bug 13539] New: Specify reading and navigation order

[Bug 13539] Specify reading and navigation order

[Bug 13540] New: Specifying next and previous elements for reading and navigation order

[Bug 13540] Specifying next and previous elements for reading and navigation order

[Bug 13541] Incomplete accessibility API exposure rules for svg element

[Bug 13541] Incomplete parsing rules for svg element

[Bug 13541] New: Incomplete parsing rules for svg element

[Bug 13542] example in 4.10.1 uses should use <input type=submit> or <button type=submit>

[Bug 13542] New: example in 4.10.1 uses should use <input type=submit>

[Bug 13543] add examples of use of fieldset and legend for non-interactive forms

[Bug 13543] New: add examples of use of fieldset and legend for non-interactive forms

[Bug 13544] New: Video: <track> element should allow support of more than one format without content sniffing

[Bug 13544] Video: <track> element should allow support of more than one format without content sniffing

[Bug 13545] bootstrap error

[Bug 13545] New: bootstrap error

[Bug 13546] <video> make positioning of caption cues more flexible

[Bug 13546] New: Video: make positioning of caption cues more flexible

[Bug 13546] Video: make positioning of caption cues more flexible

[Bug 13547] New: overloading of input element is confusing

[Bug 13547] overloading of input element is confusing

[Bug 13548] New: size, width and height attributes on input should be conforming but obsolete

[Bug 13548] size, width and height attributes on input should be conforming but obsolete

[Bug 13549] 4.10.18 associating form elements with forms that do not contain them can cause navigation problems for AT and keyboard users

[Bug 13549] New: associating form elemnents with forms that do not contain them can cause navigation problems for AT and keyboard users

[Bug 13550] New: type table in 4.10.7 should indicate control type changes based on list attribute

[Bug 13550] type table in 4.10.7 should indicate control type changes based on list attribute

[Bug 13551] clarify definition of "value sanitation algorithm"

[Bug 13551] clarify definition of "value sanitization algorithm"

[Bug 13551] New: clarify definition of "value sanitation algorithm"

[Bug 13552] confusing, seemingly contradictory text in 4.10.7

[Bug 13552] New: confusing, seemingly contradictory text in 4.10.7

[Bug 13553] 4.10.6 confusing, seemlingly contradictory text

[Bug 13553] New: 4.10.6 confusing, seemlingly contradictory text

[Bug 13554] 4.10.7 please specify all cases where readonly attribute makes the input immutable

[Bug 13554] New: 4.10.7 please specify all cases where readonly attribute makes the input immutable

[Bug 13555] Fixing keyboard shortcuts and commands

[Bug 13555] New: Fixing keyboard shortcuts and commands

[Bug 13556] New: why does the 'placeholder label option' on a select have to be the first 'option' within the list of options? could it be the first option with value="" within the list of options instead?

[Bug 13556] why does the 'placeholder label option' on a select have to be the first 'option' within the list of options? could it be the first option with value="" within the list of options instead?

[Bug 13557] a select element should be 'suffering from being missing' if the selected option has value="", not just the 'placeholder label option' (which is limited to the first option in the list). firefox5 flags the select as invalid if an option value="" is select

[Bug 13557] New: a select element should be 'suffering from being missing' if the selected option has value="", not just the 'placeholder label option' (which is limited to the first option in the list). firefox5 flags the select as invalid if an option value="" is select

[Bug 13558] input type=email should support friendly names

[Bug 13558] New: input type=email should support friendly names

[Bug 13559] <input type=email multiple> should support splitting on ";" as well as ","

[Bug 13559] New: <input type=email multiple> should support splitting on ";" as well as ","

[Bug 13560] dynamic changes to input type attribute may cause problems for accessibilty APIs

[Bug 13560] New: dynamic changes to input type attribute may cause problems for accessibilty APIs

[Bug 13561] New: some input types don't have controls specified

[Bug 13561] some input types don't have controls specified

[Bug 13562] input type=number is listed in table with control of "text box or spinner control."

[Bug 13562] input type=number is listed in table with control of “text box or spinner control.”

[Bug 13562] input type=number is listed in table with control of �text box or spinner control.�

[Bug 13562] New: input type=number is listed in table with control of “text box or spinner control.”

[Bug 13563] New: radio and checkbox elements should not be valid without an associated label

[Bug 13563] radio and checkbox elements should not be valid without an associated label

[Bug 13564] Negotiating shortcut keybindings

[Bug 13564] New: Negotiating shortcut keybindings

[Bug 13565] New: User option to use unmodified keys as shortcuts

[Bug 13565] User option to use unmodified keys as shortcuts

[Bug 13566] New: use of input type image to send coordinates should be phased out

[Bug 13566] use of input type image to send coordinates should be phased out

[Bug 13567] definition of @alt on input type image needs a rewrite

[Bug 13567] New: definition of @alt on input type image needs a rewrite

[Bug 13568] New: use of "accessible" to refer to placement of UI controls is confusing

[Bug 13568] use of "accessible" to refer to placement of UI controls is confusing

[Bug 13569] Allow user agents to override autocomplete

[Bug 13569] New: Allow user agents to override autocomplete

[Bug 13570] New: why does input type=color support autocomplete?

[Bug 13570] why does input type=color support autocomplete?

[Bug 13571] New: user agent MUST allow user to activate the button

[Bug 13571] user agent MUST allow user to activate the button

[Bug 13572] 4.10.19 aborting autofocus based on user choice not optional

[Bug 13572] New: 4.10.19 aborting autofocus based on user choice not optional

[Bug 13573] Moving the caret with the keyboard

[Bug 13573] New: Moving the caret with the keyboard

[Bug 13574] Accessibility API support for dropzone

[Bug 13574] New: Accessibility API support for dropzone

[Bug 13575] New: Retrieving keybindings in automation-friendly format

[Bug 13575] Retrieving keybindings in automation-friendly format

[Bug 13576] Extend accesskey="" to accept key names (e.g. accesskey="home")

[Bug 13576] Maximize potential keyboard shortcuts

[Bug 13576] New: Maximize potential keyboard shortcuts

[Bug 13577] ISSUE-118 CP 3, rel="start" and friends, rant

[Bug 13577] New: ISSUE-118 CP 3, rel="start" and friends, rant

[Bug 13578] Argument for the approval of adding setElementPath to the Canvas 2d specification.

[Bug 13578] New: Argument for the approval of adding setElementPath to the Canvas 2d specification.

[Bug 13579] Clarify behavior of accesskey on static content elements

[Bug 13579] New: Clarify behavior of accesskey on static content elements

[Bug 13580] New: web workers postMessage

[Bug 13580] web workers postMessage

[Bug 13581] New: Suggestion for a new feature.

[Bug 13581] Suggestion for a new feature.

[Bug 13582] HTML5 suggestion: Elements of HTML section: Scripting and Document Metadata subsections

[Bug 13582] New: HTML5 suggestion: Elements of HTML section: Scripting and Document Metadata subsections

[Bug 13583] A more practical and semantic use for DIALOG tag

[Bug 13583] New: A more practical and semantic use for DIALOG tag

[Bug 13584] [web messaging] Channel Messaging Origins

[Bug 13584] New: [web messaging] Channel Messaging Origins

[Bug 13585] [html5] Sandbox disables clickjacking protection

[Bug 13585] New: [html5] Sandbox disables clickjacking protection

[Bug 13586] [html5] Input attributes allow form tampering

[Bug 13586] New: [html5] Input attributes allow form tampering

[Bug 13587] New: [html5] Potential scheme/content handlers security issues

[Bug 13587] registerProtocolHandler() et al: Potential scheme/content handlers security issues

[Bug 13588] [web messaging] Erroneous origin check in algorithm

[Bug 13588] New: [web messaging] Erroneous origin check in algorithm

[Bug 13589] Checkboxes and Radioboxes

[Bug 13589] New: Checkboxes and Radioboxes

[Bug 13590] New: VHA Comments on HTML5 Draft Specification

[Bug 13590] VHA Comments on HTML5 Draft Specification

[Bug 13591] Keyboard-only drag and drop must be fully supported

[Bug 13591] New: Keyboard-only drag and drop must be fully supported

[Bug 13592] Intentional that <video></video> (i.e. without src or source) is valid but <audio></audio> is not?

[Bug 13592] New: Intentional that <video></video> (i.e. without src or source) is valid but <audio></audio> is not?

[Bug 13593] Let drag and drop sources and targets register supported formats

[Bug 13593] New: Let drag and drop sources and targets register supported formats

[Bug 13594] Handling of duplicate keyboard shortcuts

[Bug 13594] New: Handling of duplicate keyboard shortcuts

[Bug 13595] Confusing example in 4.5.3 The pre element

[Bug 13595] New: Confusing example in 4.5.3 The pre element

[Bug 13596] New: Typo at the last line of 4.5.3 The pre element

[Bug 13596] Typo at the last line of 4.5.3 The pre element

[Bug 13597] New: Remove reverse attribute from ol

[Bug 13597] Remove reverse attribute from ol

[Bug 13598] Add guidelines about using ins/del in tables

[Bug 13598] New: Add guidelines about using ins/del in tables

[Bug 13599] New: Remove srcdoc attribute on iframe

[Bug 13599] Remove srcdoc attribute on iframe

[Bug 13600] New: Provide XHTML entity definitions in a more convenient way

[Bug 13600] Provide XHTML entity definitions in a more convenient way

[Bug 13601] "precense" typo in typemustmatch attribute description

[Bug 13601] New: "precense" typo in typemustmatch attribute description

[Bug 13602] autoassist attribute for input element

[Bug 13602] New: autoassist attribute for input element

[Bug 13603] New: Web Origin Concept

[Bug 13603] Web Origin Concept

[Bug 13604] CDATA sections are no allowed except in foreign content

[Bug 13604] New: CDATA sections are no allowed except in foreign content

[Bug 13605] New: ES < and & escaping in inline script

[Bug 13608] Add <menuitem> element

[Bug 13608] New: Add <menuitem> element

[Bug 13610] [DOM Core] Remove HTMLElement.{id,className,classList}

[Bug 13610] New: [DOM Core] Remove HTMLElement.{id,className,classList}

[Bug 13612] New: Per DOM Core this should use "cloning steps" (concept-node-clone-ext) instead.

[Bug 13612] Per DOM Core this should use "cloning steps" (concept-node-clone-ext) instead.

[Bug 13613] Add normative reference to [CSSUI] and [SELECTORS].

[Bug 13613] New: Add normative reference to [CSSUI] and [SELECTORS].

[Bug 13614] Do not obsolete abbr on TH and TD

[Bug 13614] New: Do not obsolete abbr on TH and TD

[Bug 13615] New: We should include an example that shows that the "open" content attribute reflects the state of the details element. Most attributes don't work like this, so it's not immediately clear that you can use "details[open]" for this.

[Bug 13615] We should include an example that shows that the "open" content attribute reflects the state of the details element. Most attributes don't work like this, so it's not immediately clear that you can use "details[open]" for this.

[Bug 13616] Allow specifying categories/keywords for commands

[Bug 13616] New: Allow specifying categories/keywords for commands

[Bug 13617] New: Protecting privacy of accessibility settings

[Bug 13617] Protecting privacy of accessibility settings

[Bug 13618] New: typo "by the invoking the"

[Bug 13618] typo "by the invoking the"

[Bug 13619] New: Provide access to global accessibility settings

[Bug 13619] Provide access to global accessibility settings

[Bug 13620] Clarify label vs caption

[Bug 13620] New: Clarify label vs caption

[Bug 13621] Allow user agents flexibility to meet user needs

[Bug 13621] New: Allow user agents flexibility to meet user needs

[Bug 13622] <video> The cue processing algorithm should be able to activate zero-duration cues

[Bug 13622] New: The cue processing algorithm should be able to activate zero-duration cues

[Bug 13622] The cue processing algorithm should be able to activate zero-duration cues

[Bug 13623] Allow more flexible presentation of menus

[Bug 13623] New: Allow more flexible presentation of menus

[Bug 13624] <video> The pause-on-exit flag should lead to the paused for user interaction state

[Bug 13624] New: The pause-on-exit flag should lead to the paused for user interaction state

[Bug 13624] The pause-on-exit flag should lead to the paused for user interaction state

[Bug 13625] New: There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13625] There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13626] Facilitate grouping of menu items

[Bug 13626] New: Facilitate grouping of menu items

[Bug 13628] Aside element should accept for attribute

[Bug 13628] New: Aside element should accept for attribute

[Bug 13629] Identifying repeated and non-repeated content

[Bug 13629] New: Identifying repeated and non-repeated content

[Bug 13630] Better method for user-friendly help or hints

[Bug 13630] New: Better method for user-friendly help or hints

[Bug 13635] Feedback on Various Input Types and Attributes

[Bug 13635] New: Feedback on Various Input Types and Attributes

[Bug 13636] Missing link types

[Bug 13636] New: Missing link types

[Bug 13637] Cue rendering+behavior spec text should generic, not webvtt-derived

[Bug 13637] New: Cue rendering+behavior spec text should generic, not webvtt-derived

[Bug 13638] Consider referencing User Agent Guidelines in section Implicit submissions

[Bug 13638] New: Consider referencing User Agent Guidelines in section Implicit submissions

[Bug 13639] CSS2 System Colors Should Be Recognized

[Bug 13639] New: CSS2 System Colors Should Be Recognized

[Bug 13640] New: Stable references in reference section

[Bug 13640] Stable references in reference section

[Bug 13641] New: Please provide a Glossary of Terms

[Bug 13641] Please provide a Glossary of Terms

[Bug 13642] New: Incorrect alt definition

[Bug 13643] New: Reference section 12.1 'text/html' of HTML5 instead of RFC 2854

[Bug 13643] Reference section 12.1 'text/html' of HTML5 instead of RFC 2854

[Bug 13644] New: Reference latest version of HTML5

[Bug 13644] Reference latest version of HTML5

[Bug 13645] New: Reference section 12.1 'text/html' of HTML5 instead of RFC 3236

[Bug 13645] Reference section 12.1 'text/html' of HTML5 instead of RFC 3236

[Bug 13646] left unanswered is what happens with 0-length lines

[Bug 13646] New: left unanswered is what happens with 0-length lines

[Bug 13647] New: Treat math @alttext as equivalent to @aria-label

[Bug 13647] Treat math @alttext as equivalent to @aria-label

[Bug 13648] New: SVG should have image role

[Bug 13648] SVG should have image role

[Bug 13649] Expose SVG <title> and <desc> to AAPIs

[Bug 13649] New: Expose SVG <title> and <desc> to AAPIs

[Bug 13650] 4.13.5 Footnotes Remove title as suggested method for footnotes

[Bug 13650] New: 4.13.5 Footnotes Remove title as suggested method for footnotes

[Bug 13651] Missing alt should not be considered conforming in the presence of figcaptions over 50 words in length.

[Bug 13651] New: Missing alt should not be considered conforming in the presence of figcaptions over 50 words in length.

[Bug 13652] Suggestion: add that samp shall not be used to show layman examples. samp is for computer output, not everyday examples. For instance : "Some fruits (<samp>apples, oranges</samp>) are very popula

[Bug 13652] New: Suggestion: add that samp shall not be used to show layman examples. samp is for computer output, not everyday examples. For instance : "Some fruits (<samp>apples, oranges</samp>) are very popula

[Bug 13653] For PRE element "In the HTML syntax, a leading newline character immediately following the pre element start tag is stripped." The same should hold true for code also, when use inside a pre (<pre><code> my code </code></pre>) If not in the spec, could you

[Bug 13653] New: For PRE element "In the HTML syntax, a leading newline character immediately following the pre element start tag is stripped." The same should hold true for code also, when use inside a pre (<pre><code> my code </code></pre>) If not in the spec, could you

[Bug 13654] 3.5.1 does unregistering event listeners include AT?

[Bug 13654] New: 3.5.1 does unregistering event listeners include AT?

[Bug 13655] New: Support for viewports and positions

[Bug 13655] Support for viewports and positions

[Bug 13656] add examples of use of input, button, select etc. outside of form element

[Bug 13656] New: add examples of use of input, button, select etc. outside of form element

[Bug 13657] exact number not imporant in range doesn't make sense.

[Bug 13657] New: exact number not imporant in range doesn't make sense.

[Bug 13658] Allow customizing the details element

[Bug 13658] New: Allow customizing the details element

[Bug 13659] New: 4.8.2 srcdoc seems error prone

[Bug 13660] 4.8.2 unload behavior of iframes seems risky

[Bug 13660] New: 4.8.2 unload behavior of iframes seems risky

[Bug 13661] 4.8.2 Will iframe loading events break existing AT?

[Bug 13661] New: 4.8.2 Will iframe loading events break existing AT?

[Bug 13662] New: will the sandbox attribute break script-based AT?

[Bug 13662] will the sandbox attribute break script-based AT?

[Bug 13663] 4.8.2 how does seemless iframe impact a11y api?

[Bug 13663] New: 4.8.2 how does seemless iframe impact a11y api?

[Bug 13664] New: what events are fired when iframe seemless attribute is changed dynamically?

[Bug 13664] what events are fired when iframe seemless attribute is changed dynamically?

[Bug 13665] Need to define model for focus order and how to keyboard out of frame

[Bug 13665] New: Need to define model for focus order and how to keyboard out of frame

[Bug 13666] Improve handling of footnotes and endnotes

[Bug 13666] New: Improve handling of footnotes and endnotes

[Bug 13667] New: Title attribute is overloaded

[Bug 13667] Title attribute is overloaded

[Bug 13668] Generated content must be accessible

[Bug 13668] New: Generated content must be accessible

[Bug 13669] Indicating batch changes to the DOM

[Bug 13669] New: Indicating batch changes to the DOM

[Bug 13671] - shouldn't it be "If <var title="">n</var> is greater than *zero*" ? (step 4 says "If n is zero...")

[Bug 13671] New: - shouldn't it be "If <var title="">n</var> is greater than *zero*" ? (step 4 says "If n is zero...")

[Bug 13672] New: The casing of both 'pubdate' and 'datetime' is inconsistent with IDL.

[Bug 13672] The casing of both 'pubdate' and 'datetime' is inconsistent with IDL.

[Bug 13673] Improve the utility of the static external entity for character entities

[Bug 13673] New: Improve the utility of the static external entity for character entities

[Bug 13676] Clarify what the code-point length of a string with isolated surrogate is.

[Bug 13676] New: Clarify what the code-point length of a string with isolated surrogate is.

[Bug 13679] must a paragraph tag be used for each line of a form? Can it be omitted?

[Bug 13679] New: must a paragraph tag be used for each line of a form? Can it be omitted?

[Bug 13682] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift_JIS"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="ja" lang="ja"> <head> <meta http-equiv=

[Bug 13682] New: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift_JIS"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="ja" lang="ja"> <head> <meta http-equiv=

[Bug 13683] New: Smaug says /event handlers/ don't necessarily run before event listeners attached using addEventListener()

[Bug 13683] Smaug says /event handlers/ don't necessarily run before event listeners attached using addEventListener()

[Bug 13684] Event handler attributes should reregister each time they are changed (?)

[Bug 13684] New: Remove "Note: Event handlers therefore always run before event listeners attached using addEventListener()."

[Bug 13684] Remove "Note: Event handlers therefore always run before event listeners attached using addEventListener()."

[Bug 13685] New: novalidate has been implemented in a few browsers now, can this be updated?

[Bug 13685] novalidate has been implemented in a few browsers now, can this be updated?

[Bug 13687] Add "exposes a bitmap" concept to image/video/canvas for CSS

[Bug 13687] New: Add "exposes a bitmap" concept to image/video/canvas for CSS

[Bug 13689] Floating point numbers beginning with a dot should be valid

[Bug 13689] Floating point numbers beginning with a dot should be valid and parsed correctly

[Bug 13689] Is it intentional that floating point numbers beginning with a dot are not a valid floating point numbers? It took a fair amount of reading through the spec to figure out why <input type="number" step=".5"> doesn't do what it looks like it should do. <i

[Bug 13689] New: Is it intentional that floating point numbers beginning with a dot are not a valid floating point numbers? It took a fair amount of reading through the spec to figure out why <input type="number" step=".5"> doesn't do what it looks like it should do. <i

[Bug 13692] Last call comments on HTML5 from broadcaster's point of view

[Bug 13692] New: Last call comments on HTML5 from broadcaster's point of view

[Bug 13693] [html5] Last Call comments on HTML5

[Bug 13693] CSS WG HTML5 Last Call Comments

[Bug 13693] New: [html5] Last Call comments on HTML5

[Bug 13694] appcache and errors

[Bug 13694] New: appcache and errors

[Bug 13695] New: scope of the appcache

[Bug 13695] scope of the appcache

[Bug 13696] appcache & cache-control

[Bug 13696] New: appcache & cache-control

[Bug 13697] appcache & link relation

[Bug 13697] New: appcache & link relation

[Bug 13698] New: Three minor comments

[Bug 13698] Three minor comments

[Bug 13699] New: Update CanvasPixelArray tests for clamping

[Bug 13699] Update CanvasPixelArray tests for clamping

[Bug 13701] dasas das d asd as d as penis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

[Bug 13701] New: dasas das d asd as d as penis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

[Bug 13703] bad for humans

[Bug 13703] New: bad for humans

[Bug 13704] New: Re: The li element (the value attribute) What (other than compatibility with pre-html5 user agents) is the rationale for limiting the value attribute to an integer? The value attribute should be interpreted by user agents as a hint to the user agent about

[Bug 13704] Re: The li element (the value attribute) What (other than compatibility with pre-html5 user agents) is the rationale for limiting the value attribute to an integer? The value attribute should be interpreted by user agents as a hint to the user agent about

[Bug 13706] [html5] Scoped style sheets

[Bug 13706] New: [html5] Scoped style sheets

[Bug 13707] [html5] Collapsing/expanding text and the DETAILS element

[Bug 13707] New: [html5] Collapsing/expanding text and the DETAILS element

[Bug 13708] [html5] White space where HTML4 ignored it

[Bug 13708] New: [html5] White space where HTML4 ignored it

[Bug 13709] [html5] Attribute value normalization is not backwards compatible

[Bug 13709] New: [html5] Attribute value normalization is not backwards compatible

[Bug 13710] [html5] Pseudo-namespaces in HTML

[Bug 13710] New: [html5] Pseudo-namespaces in HTML

[Bug 13711] [html5] Alternative style sheet handling undefined

[Bug 13711] New: [html5] Alternative style sheet handling undefined

[Bug 13713] New: Remove step 7 "Replace any characters in input that have a Unicode code point greater than U+FFFF (i.e. any characters that are not in the basic multilingual plane) with the two-character string "00"." if the algorithm is dealing with UTF-16 code units ("

[Bug 13714] New: "The initial offer must include": Add RFC4733's "named telephone events" audio codec to the first audio stream or add an audio stream with just that codec if there isn't one already. Add that codec to all audio streams added with addStream(). Add an API t

[Bug 13715] Bad indefinite article in note. Should read "a determinate"

[Bug 13715] New: Bad indefinite article in note. Should read "a determinate"

[Bug 13716] New: The "tfoot" element should appear before the "tbody" element, per §4.9.7

[Bug 13716] The "tfoot" element should appear before the "tbody" element, per §4.9.7

[Bug 13718] New: specification should not require language-specific quotation styles without defining them

[Bug 13718] specification should not require language-specific quotation styles without defining them

[Bug 13719] New: remove reference to draft-holsten-about-uri-scheme

[Bug 13719] remove reference to draft-holsten-about-uri-scheme

[Bug 13720] New: remove reference to draft-hoehrmann-javascript-scheme

[Bug 13720] remove reference to draft-hoehrmann-javascript-scheme

[Bug 13721] don't include colon in examples of scheme names

[Bug 13721] New: don't include colon in examples of scheme names

[Bug 13722] New: update MAILTO reference

[Bug 13722] update MAILTO reference

[Bug 13723] New: updated COOKIES reference

[Bug 13723] updated COOKIES reference

[Bug 13724] New: References to Internet-Drafts should be given as "Work in Progress" per RFC 2026.

[Bug 13724] References to Internet-Drafts should be given as "Work in Progress" per RFC 2026.

[Bug 13725] enable AT users to have access to contents of the title attribute (tooltip text)

[Bug 13725] New: enable AT users to have access to contents of the title attribute (tooltip text)

[Bug 13726] defnitions of DL/DT/DD are too vague

[Bug 13726] New: defnitions of DL/DT/DD are too vague

[Bug 13727] New: regarding "phrase or paragraph with an alternative graphical representation"

[Bug 13727] regarding "phrase or paragraph with an alternative graphical representation"

[Bug 13728] New: on guidance for conformance checkers about text alternatives

[Bug 13728] on guidance for conformance checkers about text alternatives

[Bug 13729] New: video poster alt text

[Bug 13729] video poster alt text

[Bug 13730] New: video poster alt text

[Bug 13730] video poster alt text

[Bug 13731] need simple visual alternatives to indicate that audio is playing to let a deaf user know

[Bug 13731] New: need simple visual alternatives to indicate that audio is playing to let a deaf user know

[Bug 13732] canvas accessibility

[Bug 13732] New: canvas accessibility

[Bug 13733] New: the area element and alternative text

[Bug 13733] the area element and alternative text

[Bug 13734] new input element types and accessibility

[Bug 13734] New: new input element types and accessibility

[Bug 13735] New: okay i will try to make it helpful.

[Bug 13735] okay i will try to make it helpful.

[Bug 13736] New: the required attribute and accessibility

[Bug 13736] the required attribute and accessibility

[Bug 13737] New: the menu element and accessibility

[Bug 13737] the menu element and accessibility

[Bug 13738] "Element level Focus APIs" should include addition information regarding accessibility

[Bug 13738] New: "Element level Focus APIs" should include addition information regarding accessibility

[Bug 13739] [editing] sections on contenteditable and designmode have insufficient discussion of keyboard accessibility

[Bug 13739] New: sections on contenteditable and designmode have insufficient discussion of keyboard accessibility

[Bug 13739] sections on contenteditable and designmode have insufficient discussion of keyboard accessibility

[Bug 13740] New: "textContent" should be changed to "text"

[Bug 13741] New: the align attribute on the div element is obsolete. Use CSS instead

[Bug 13741] the align attribute on the div element is obsolete. Use CSS instead

[Bug 13748] Consider removing input.selectedOption

[Bug 13748] New: Consider removing input.selectedOption

[Bug 13751] New: This appears both at the beginning of the list and also near the end. Such duplication also appears for other character references in this list.

[Bug 13751] This appears both at the beginning of the list and also near the end. Such duplication also appears for other character references in this list.

[Bug 13754] as an author, I would have expected that a radio button with value="" checked would be suffering from being missing when the form is submitted

[Bug 13754] New: as an author, I would have expected that a radio button with value="" checked would be suffering from being missing when the form is submitted

[Bug 13755] <head> tag not closed

[Bug 13755] New: <head> tag not closed

[Bug 13756] création de site

[Bug 13756] New: création de site

[Bug 13757] New: Remove the list of attributes that match their values case-insensitively and use in the Rendering section

[Bug 13757] Remove the list of attributes that match their values case-insensitively and use in the Rendering section

[Bug 13758] New: there is no option for <progress> use in embed...!

[Bug 13758] there is no option for <progress> use in embed...!

[Bug 13759] New: Should define page load processing model for video/audio

[Bug 13759] Should define page load processing model for video/audio

[Bug 13762] <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Typefaces on UK motorways</title> <meta name="keywords" content="british,type face,font,fonts,highway,highways"> </head> <body> ...

[Bug 13762] New: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Typefaces on UK motorways</title> <meta name="keywords" content="british,type face,font,fonts,highway,highways"> </head> <body> ...

[Bug 13764] Bad value revisit-after for attribute name on element meta: Keyword revisit-after is not registered.

[Bug 13764] New: Bad value revisit-after for attribute name on element meta: Keyword revisit-after is not registered.

[Bug 13765] Drop the ban on in itemprop and itemtype

[Bug 13765] New: Drop the ban on in itemprop and itemtype

[Bug 13766] New: Revision number is not formatted properly: "Editor: Ian Hickson, Google, Inc. This specification is available in the following formats: single page HTML, multipage HTML, web developer edition. This is revision $Revision: 1.5132 $."

[Bug 13766] Revision number is not formatted properly: "Editor: Ian Hickson, Google, Inc. This specification is available in the following formats: single page HTML, multipage HTML, web developer edition. This is revision $Revision: 1.5132 $."

[Bug 13767] Invalid video tests

[Bug 13767] New: Invalid video tests

[Bug 13768] New: Update canvas tests for incomplete images

[Bug 13769] New: Whitespace-only values should be considered empty in required form fields

[Bug 13769] Whitespace-only values should be considered empty in required form fields

[Bug 13770] New: Take back colspan="0" and rowspan="0" for TD/TH elements

[Bug 13770] Take back colspan="0" and rowspan="0" for TD/TH elements

[Bug 13771] Encodings 'misinterpreted for compatibility' should risk fatal error in XHTML

[Bug 13771] New: Encodings 'misinterpreted for compatibility' should risk fatal error in XHTML

[Bug 13773] Allow <![cdata[. Everything else in the HTML syntax is case-insensitive.

[Bug 13773] New: Allow <![cdata[. Everything else in the HTML syntax is case-insensitive.

[Bug 13774] Integration point elements need to be added to the list (Consider <table><tr><td><svg><desc><td>).

[Bug 13774] New: Integration point elements need to be added to the list (Consider <table><tr><td><svg><desc><td>).

[Bug 13775] In the list of interfaces for elements, the q element should be listed as using HTMLQuoteElement : HTMLElement instead of just HTMLElement

[Bug 13775] New: In the list of interfaces for elements, the q element should be listed as using HTMLQuoteElement : HTMLElement instead of just HTMLElement

[Bug 13776] Browser inconsistencies in implementing name getters on forms and form element collections

[Bug 13776] New: Browser inconsistencies in implementing name getters on forms and form element collections

[Bug 13778] <video> make loop work with reverse playback

[Bug 13778] New: <video> make loop work with reverse playback

[Bug 13779] New: To decode application/x-www-form-urlencoded payloads,... If the isindex flag is set and the first control really -->ways<-- an isindex control

[Bug 13779] To decode application/x-www-form-urlencoded payloads,... If the isindex flag is set and the first control really -->ways<-- an isindex control

[Bug 13780] New: The variable "default encoding" is never used. Rename to "encoding"?

[Bug 13781] IT IN HTTP FREE

[Bug 13781] New: IT IN HTTP FREE

[Bug 13782] FREE HTTP IP

[Bug 13782] New: FREE HTTP IP

[Bug 13784] html xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" xmlns:fb="" xmlns:og=""

[Bug 13784] New: html xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" xmlns:fb="" xmlns:og=""

[Bug 13785] html xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" xmlns:fb="" xmlns:og=""

[Bug 13785] New: html xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" xmlns:fb="" xmlns:og=""

[Bug 13787] Define fragment identifier processing. RFC 3023 is useless for this purpose.

[Bug 13787] New: Define fragment identifier processing. RFC 3023 is useless for this purpose.

[Bug 13788] I think Gecko at least uses a charset parameter here that should probably be documented if more widely adopted.

[Bug 13788] New: I think Gecko at least uses a charset parameter here that should probably be documented if more widely adopted.

[Bug 13790] New: Rename localStreams and remoteStreams to sendStreams and receiveStreams or similar since you may send a stream that is received from one peer to another and then it ends up in localStreams (although it's not local)

[Bug 13790] Rename localStreams and remoteStreams to sendStreams and receiveStreams or similar since you may send a stream that is received from one peer to another and then it ends up in localStreams (although it's not local)

[Bug 13791] New: Rename SignalingCallback interface to PeerConnectionSignalingCallback for consistency

[Bug 13791] Rename SignalingCallback interface to PeerConnectionSignalingCallback for consistency

[Bug 13793] New: "The the caption element"

[Bug 13797] New: The "shortcut" keyword should be invalid. All reasons for this keyword are purely historic and it is semantically completely meaningless, hence it should not be valid today. Things like <iframe frameborder="0"> are not valid either.

[Bug 13797] The "shortcut" keyword should be invalid. All reasons for this keyword are purely historic and it is semantically completely meaningless, hence it should not be valid today. Things like <iframe frameborder="0"> are not valid either.

[Bug 13798] New: Misspelling in the notes added in bug 12915

[Bug 13800] New: Add ArrayBuffer to Transferable types list (2.8.4); update Structured clone algorithm

[Bug 13801] install Gears

[Bug 13801] New: install Gears

[Bug 13802] New: "Append the Unicode character with code point b+0x20 to attribute name" - understanding the intent here relies on a knowledge of the layout of ascii. Please make it explicit what is going on.

[Bug 13803] New: Typo: the description of the option elements' form IDL attribute references colgroup - it should be optgroup

[Bug 13805] New: Drafts other than the most recent should be unindexable

[Bug 13809] I hope it is still in developing stage.

[Bug 13809] New: I hope it is still in developing stage.

[Bug 13810] New: Typo: "elemenst"

[Bug 13814] New: Permit @alt on <area> even when there is no @href attribute

[Bug 13815] New: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

[Bug 13815] The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

[Bug 13816] New: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

[Bug 13816] The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

[Bug 13818] Default resolution of canvas 300x150 feels unnecessary requirement? Maybe 1x1 or 0x0 would make more sense, or even some more standard size like VGA or WVGA.

[Bug 13818] New: Default resolution of canvas 300x150 feels unnecessary requirement? Maybe 1x1 or 0x0 would make more sense, or even some more standard size like VGA or WVGA.

[Bug 13819] canvas mouse event

[Bug 13819] New: canvas mouse event

[Bug 13820] canvas mouse event

[Bug 13820] New: canvas mouse event

[Bug 13822] New: [putImageData domintro] first argument can't be null per WebIDL

[Bug 13823] New: status box misplaced (wrong ID?)

[Bug 13824] If location.href is set in window.onload, firefox treats it as a redirect and removes the page from the session history. Consider specifying that.

[Bug 13824] New: If location.href is set in window.onload, firefox treats it as a redirect and removes the page from the session history. Consider specifying that.

[Bug 13825] New: Suggestion:

[Bug 13825] Suggestion:

[Bug 13826] New: This section should define that for the purposes of DOM Core dispatching (concept-event-dispatch), Window is the parent of Document.

[Bug 13826] This section should define that for the purposes of DOM Core dispatching (concept-event-dispatch), Window is the parent of Document.

[Bug 13832] New: ok lng, even if i do not understand much

[Bug 13832] ok lng, even if i do not understand much

[Bug 13833] New: Suggesting new feature: Accessible Image tag for Visually Impaired Hi, I design tactile graphics for visually impaired individuals. The amount of useful visual information is enormous and the majority of it is not accessible to the visually impaired. In H

[Bug 13833] Suggesting new feature: Accessible Image tag for Visually Impaired Hi, I design tactile graphics for visually impaired individuals. The amount of useful visual information is enormous and the majority of it is not accessible to the visually impaired. In H

[Bug 13835] New: trailing internal reference in ol section

[Bug 13836] New: "P has a Documents D" should be "P has a Document D "

[Bug 13838] New: From: Section: WAI-ARIA role="list" doesn't seem appropriate as the strong native semantics of <ol> and <li> elements. WAI-ARIA says the "list" role is a sub-class of the "region" role. But the description of "regi

[Bug 13838] WAI-ARIA: role="list" doesn't seem appropriate as the strong native semantics of <ol> and <li> elements

[Bug 13845] New: xrefs (attr-input-size) are wrong

[Bug 13846] New: web

[Bug 13846] web

[Bug 13847] check

[Bug 13847] New: check

[Bug 13848] New: TimeRanges HTML 5: A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML video . videoHeight issue 163 (navigating tracks) Annotated summary with unified diffs: 4.2. Selector Index

[Bug 13848] TimeRanges HTML 5: A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML video . videoHeight issue 163 (navigating tracks) Annotated summary with unified diffs: 4.2. Selector Index

[Bug 13849] New: Refresh: HTTP header field should be defined for completeness

[Bug 13850] New: Clarify mediagroup author requirements (any text allowed?)

[Bug 13851] New: Title:Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents. About the new Html 5 tags i have some confusion. If the new tags just has semantic meaning than what is the point of including too many tags in the new html version. Its like the browser wars all ove

[Bug 13852] New: Add source and track

[Bug 13853] Add feature detection: The HTML5 specification should include a recommended feature detection technique for each major feature

[Bug 13853] New: Add feature detection: The HTML5 specification should include a recommended feature detection technique for each major feature. For instance in the drag & drop section, include a recommendation on how to detect if the Web browser implements the key featur

[Bug 13854] asdfasda adsf asdf qewr awedf asdfad

[Bug 13854] New: asdfasda adsf asdf qewr awedf asdfad

[Bug 13855] New: Listing <SVG> as an element

[Bug 13857] linux utunbu connection error solving

[Bug 13857] New: linux utunbu connection error solving

[Bug 13858] New: what is icon

[Bug 13858] what is icon

[Bug 13859] It seems href IDL attribute on base element doesn't reflect content attribute when there is more than one base element with "href".

[Bug 13859] New: It seems href IDL attribute on base element doesn't reflect content attribute when there is more than one base element with "href".

[Bug 13861] New: what is this

[Bug 13861] what is this

[Bug 13862] New: "motonically" is misspelled

[Bug 13863] New: Why is itemid a valid URL potentially surrounded by spaces?

[Bug 13863] Why is itemid a valid URL potentially surrounded by spaces?

[Bug 13867] alert('Hello ' +['name'][0].content + '!'); s/content/textContent/ ?

[Bug 13867] New: alert('Hello ' +['name'][0].content + '!'); s/content/textContent/ ?

[Bug 13870] el.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin"/"afterend" broken when el.parentNode is a DocumentFragment

[Bug 13870] New: el.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin"/"afterend" broken when el.parentNode is a DocumentFragment

[Bug 13871] <video> behavior when setting currentTime to current playback position

[Bug 13871] New: <video> behavior when setting currentTime to current playback position

[Bug 13872] Dobro došli u Einsteinov Club Penguin.Ovo je jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih blogova.Hvala Vam što ste nam posjetili blog!Dođite nam opet!Želimo Vam ugodan dan!:D

[Bug 13872] New: Dobro došli u Einsteinov Club Penguin.Ovo je jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih blogova.Hvala Vam što ste nam posjetili blog!Dođite nam opet!Želimo Vam ugodan dan!:D

[Bug 13873] Dobro dosli u Einsteinov Club Penguin.Ovo je jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih blogova.Hvala Vam sto ste nam posjetili blog!Dodjite nam opet!Zelimo Vam ugodan dan!:D

[Bug 13873] New: Dobro dosli u Einsteinov Club Penguin.Ovo je jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih blogova.Hvala Vam sto ste nam posjetili blog!Dodjite nam opet!Zelimo Vam ugodan dan!:D

[Bug 13874] Dobro dosli u Einsteinov Club Penguin.Ovo je jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih blogova.Hvala Vam sto ste nam posjetili blog!Dodjite nam opet!Zelimo Vam ugodan dan!:D

[Bug 13874] New: Dobro došli u Einsteinov Club Penguin.Ovo je jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih blogova.Hvala Vam što ste nam posjetili blog!Dođite nam opet!Želimo Vam ugodan dan!:D

[Bug 13875] Implement a declarative way of setting HTTP headers

[Bug 13875] New: Implement a declarative way of setting HTTP headers

[Bug 13877] New: Make text/plain handling a must instead of a should

[Bug 13878] New: spellcheck default state poorly defined

[Bug 13879] New: Various uses of "an" instead of "a", found by regexp /\ban (<[^>]*>)*(?!(http|https|href|hgroup|rt|rp|li|xml|svg|hour|hr|xhtml|xslt|xbl|nntp|m[ions]|mtext|merror|h[1-6]|xmlns|xpath|s|x|sgml|huang|srgb|rsa)\b|html)[b-df-hj-np-tv-z]/i

[Bug 13879] Various uses of "an" instead of "a", found by regexp /\ban (<[^>]*>)*(?!(http|https|href|hgroup|rt|rp|li|xml|svg|hour|hr|xhtml|xslt|xbl|nntp|m[ions]|mtext|merror|h[1-6]|xmlns|xpath|s|x|sgml|huang|srgb|rsa)\b|html)[b-df-hj-np-tv-z]/i

[Bug 13880] New: Something has to be fixed in the outline algorithm. It works fine if the root is a sectioning (root/content) element, although steps 5 and 6 are vacuous in this case. If on the other hand the root is an arbitrary element, this algorithm only produces an o

[Bug 13881] HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL parameters underspecified

[Bug 13881] New: HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL parameters underspecified

[Bug 13882] Drop "Any type ending in "+xml"". It's not web compatible. There are sites that use application/pls+xml and expects it to open in some media player, and sites that use application/ and expect it to open in Google Earth.

[Bug 13882] New: Drop "Any type ending in "+xml"". It's not web compatible. There are sites that use application/pls+xml and expects it to open in some media player, and sites that use application/ and expect it to open in Google Earth.

[Bug 13883] New: Make "registerProtocolHandler" and "registerContentHandler" appear in the TOC

[Bug 13884] New: Don't ban all XML types. application/ is even listed as a use case in the first paragraph. Also see bug 13882.

[Bug 13885] New: Maybe whitelist RSS and Atom types (despite them being supported natively in a browsing context during navigation).

[Bug 13887] Implemented in all Browsers?

[Bug 13887] New: Implemented in all Browsers?

[Bug 13888] New: WebVTT cue class span

[Bug 13894] New: doesn't check for trusted events the way does. We should probably move the check into the "rules for choosing a browsing context" algorithm.

[Bug 13895] New: To clarify -- on getting, does the setter preprocessor still need to be run? I.e. if the input is "", should port be 0, 65535, or 99999?

[Bug 13896] [editing] Drop UndoManager section and point to instead for now (will merge back in eventually assuming it gets browser implementations)

[Bug 13896] New: [editing] Drop UndoManager section and point to instead for now (will merge back in eventually assuming it gets browser implementations)

[Bug 13898] Make things simpler. Too many complicated API. like JavaScript(it is reall shit not a langueg or Script). Web programming is like jongel and not very productive. Thanks

[Bug 13898] New: Make things simpler. Too many complicated API. like JavaScript(it is reall shit not a langueg or Script). Web programming is like jongel and not very productive. Thanks

[Bug 13899] Incorrect value for action and formaction

[Bug 13899] New: Incorrect value for action and formaction

[Bug 13900] New: Please mention how to handle (or ignore?) non-standard "charset" parameter

[Bug 13901] New: 4.13.5 Footnotes Your recommendation for longer annotations is a bit clumsy when it comes to styling footnotes with multiple paragraphs. Would something like this be better? <section> <a id="fn1" href="#r1">[1]</a><p>This is, naturally, a lie.</p> <p>Pa

[Bug 13902] Have more details about the format of accessKeyLabel, like by giving examples. We don't want one browser to format it like "Alt+L" and another "alt-l".

[Bug 13902] New: Have more details about the format of accessKeyLabel, like by giving examples. We don't want one browser to format it like "Alt+L" and another "alt-l".

[Bug 13903] New: leftover text about "sidebar hyperlinks"

[Bug 13904] New: "web+" URI scheme prefix

[Bug 13907] New: test tesdsdfs gdfgdfg

[Bug 13907] test tesdsdfs gdfgdfg

[Bug 13915] New: The suggested presentation differs from the common (if not universal) browser behavior for a table when no attributes and no author style sheets are used. The common default is to render the table with no borders. However, the CSS rules described here imp

[Bug 13916] [Attributes index] "Whether the element is an editable" is incomplete

[Bug 13916] New: [Attributes index] "Whether the element is an editable" is incomplete

[Bug 13917] [create an element for a token] Should use getAttribute/setAttribute or define order of attributes manually.

[Bug 13917] New: [create an element for a token] Should use getAttribute/setAttribute or define order of attributes manually.

[Bug 13918] New: spec splitting script/mechanism doesn't remove parts of the spec that are no longer generated

[Bug 13918] spec splitting script/mechanism doesn't remove parts of the spec that are no longer generated

[Bug 13920] <section> and <article> don't allow a cite attribute

[Bug 13920] New: <section> and <article> don't allow a cite attribute

[Bug 13921] Hi, Section: Other metadata names We're using meta-tags on a public XHTML 1.1-compliant governmental site to expose site-specific meta-information per page to a search-engine crawler that we're using (a commercial product). We're in the process of moving

[Bug 13921] meta-tag in HTML5 and validation

[Bug 13921] New: Hi, Section: Other metadata names We're using meta-tags on a public XHTML 1.1-compliant governmental site to expose site-specific meta-information per page to a search-engine crawler that we're using (a commercial product). We're in the process of moving

[Bug 13924] Make the content of TH and TD the same

[Bug 13924] New: Make the content of TH and TD the same

[Bug 13925] Implemented in Gecko 1.9.2 through 6.0

[Bug 13925] New: Implemented in Gecko 1.9.2 through 6.0

[Bug 13926] New: The definition of when a frameset element is special doesn't make sense

[Bug 13926] The definition of when a frameset element is special doesn't make sense



[Bug 13928] if, and only if, an author uses H1 exclusivly couldn't the 'x' also represent H1

[Bug 13928] New: if, and only if, an author uses H1 exclusivly couldn't the 'x' also represent H1

[Bug 13929] New: The microdata vCard and vEvent vocabularies support global identifiers, but the RFC UID formats are invalid URLs

[Bug 13929] The microdata vCard and vEvent vocabularies support global identifiers, but the RFC UID formats are invalid URLs

[Bug 13931] New: Why are editable inputs/textareas not :read-write? They

[Bug 13931] Why are editable inputs/textareas not :read-write?

[Bug 13931] Why are editable inputs/textareas not :read-write? They

[Bug 13932] New: Why are editable inputs/textareas not :read-write? They

[Bug 13932] Why are editable inputs/textareas not :read-write? They

[Bug 13933] New: Why are editable inputs/textareas not :read-write? They

[Bug 13933] Why are editable inputs/textareas not :read-write? They

[Bug 13934] "Whether the element is an editable" -- an editable what?

[Bug 13934] New: "Whether the element is an editable" -- an editable what?

[Bug 13939] New: In section titled "application/microdata+json" (currently (2011-08-28) numbered 6.1), the phrase "as such" doesn't fit: Labeling a resource ... asserts that the resource is a JSON text that consists of ..., the objects being of the same form as the

[Bug 13940] New: test the item here

[Bug 13940] test the item here

[Bug 13941] New: SPACE key scrolling when no element is focused, is targetet at <html> - and not at <body>

[Bug 13941] SPACE key scrolling when no element is focused, is targetet at <html> - and not at <body>

[Bug 13942] Allow @autofocus on any element with @tabindex

[Bug 13942] New: Allow @autofocus on any element with @tabindex

[Bug 13943] New: The "bad cue" handling is stricter than it should be

[Bug 13943] The "bad cue" handling is stricter than it should be

[Bug 13944] New: The WebVTT timestamp seconds separator is always a full stop

[Bug 13944] The WebVTT timestamp seconds separator is always a full stop

[Bug 13946] <div><script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><div id='flexContainer'><div id='flexApp'></div></div><script type='text/javascript'>swfobject.embedSWF('

[Bug 13946] New: <div><script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><div id='flexContainer'><div id='flexApp'></div></div><script type='text/javascript'>swfobject.embedSWF('

[Bug 13948] :past and :future not linked

[Bug 13948] New: :past and :future not linked

[Bug 13958] Authors should be able to request specific modifiers for accesskeys

[Bug 13958] New: Authors should be able to request specific modifiers for accesskeys

[Bug 13959] dfn no longer supports unfamiliar terms that lack contextual definition

[Bug 13959] New: I think the change to dfn being the defining instance of a term removes one previously solid use case for dfn: defining unfamiliar terms that may make no sense to define in context. For instance, use of "borrowed" terms and phrases from other languages th

[Bug 13960] I am concerned about the way the Article element is used in examples. Doesn't it make sense that Screen Readers will want to use the article element to skip over the HEADER and NAV elements to the main content. Instead of this: <article><heading>...</hea

[Bug 13960] New: I am concerned about the way the Article element is used in examples. Doesn't it make sense that Screen Readers will want to use the article element to skip over the HEADER and NAV elements to the main content. Instead of this: <article><heading>...</hea

[Bug 13961] I'm concerned there doesn't seem to be an elegant simple way to provide closed captions for the <video> tag. YouTube does this quite well(albiet in another technology), just upload the SMIL or whatever captioning text file and link it to the video. I thi

[Bug 13961] New: I'm concerned there doesn't seem to be an elegant simple way to provide closed captions for the <video> tag. YouTube does this quite well(albiet in another technology), just upload the SMIL or whatever captioning text file and link it to the video. I thi

[Bug 13962] New: nicenicenicenicenicenicenicenicenicenice sad asd ddddddddddddasd

[Bug 13962] nicenicenicenicenicenicenicenicenicenice sad asd ddddddddddddasd

[Bug 13963] <h1>Just testing over tjhere....</h1>

[Bug 13963] New: <h1>Just testing over tjhere....</h1>

[Bug 13965] Exposing onreadystatechange on script elements seems to not be web-compatible unless they fire the event

[Bug 13965] New: Exposing onreadystatechange on script elements seems to not be web-compatible unless they fire the event

[Bug 13968] New: status box has wrong ID

[Bug 13977] Check browsers; it might be that links with rel=stylesheet that aren't yet loaded should still have a sheet. See also

[Bug 13977] New: Check browsers; it might be that links with rel=stylesheet that aren't yet loaded should still have a sheet. See also

[Bug 13979] New: There no longer is a trusted flag. Based on your input we just use IDL attributes now rather than concepts (when possible anyway).

[Bug 13980] New: Entity references cannot be in the DOM anymore. One of the first things DOM Core axed.

[Bug 13981] New: Redundant checks for 0-9 when parsing integers

[Bug 13981] Redundant checks for 0-9 when parsing integers

[Bug 13983] New: It seems like textarea's raw value should always normalize newlines to \n (and form submission should normalize \n to \r\n)

[Bug 7557] add "type" attribute to <nav> to distinguish between primary and secondary navigation

[Bug 9097] Add wbr { content: "\200B"; } (ZWSP)?

[Bug 9280] Add default button option/attribute for forms

[Bug 9350] Make <wbr> element conforming

[Bug 9711] <wbr> must not override white-space:pre (or differ from Zero Width Space in any other needless way)

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Last message date: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 23:59:33 UTC