from April to June 1999 by subject


'"' in attribute values translated to '""'


[ ports/11903: File descriptor leak in ports/www/tidy/tidy15apr99]

Any word ...

Asp server side script translations

Bug report tidy.exe

Comments on April release

control over the amount of noise tidy makes..

Different slide naming scheme

Empty inline stack referenced

FRAME attribute and the HTML 4.0 strict DTD

Headings numbering


light XML

malformed comment

minor bug report

More <STYLE>s and other Latin encodings

Multiple file inplace cleanup and better DOS executables

New bug with frameset?

pass URL instead of filename?

Query strings in links


Request for Tidy to ignore 'user defined' tags

TD Ignored


Tidy (vers 15th April 1999) Parsing "cal.html"

Tidy (vers 15th April 1999): parsing URLs

tidy and XML

Tidy ASP bugfix

tidy bug report 9 june

Tidy coding questions

Tidy in Chinese

tidy memory bugs

Tidy piping in perl

Tidy seems to duplicate </BODY> instead of removing it

Tidy thread-safeness

Tidy's value for xmlns and doctype

tidy26jun99 not preserving JavaScript literals

tidy8apr99 makefile missing config

Uninitialized attribute values?

Uninitialized attribute values? [final]

Unrealistic feature request.

URI for XHTML DTD output by tidy

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 June 1999 17:39:37 UTC