RE: Query strings in links


within the parameter section (after the question mark) HTML recommends
encoding the characters by using HEX shorthand.

for example space is be represented as %20
ampersand as %26

your example should look like:


(note the equals character has also been encoded

this has always served me well and is HTML4.0 compliant (the requirement is
actually imposed by HTTP not HTML)



this opinion does not           . . _   _o       
represent that of my          . . __  _< \_      
employer.  it's mine!!        .. __  (_)>(_)     

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 11 June 1999 13:11
> To:
> Subject: Re: Query strings in links
> >>>>> "Matej" == Matej Cepl <> writes:
>     Matej> The problem is not in TIDY but in your HTML -- every sign &
>     Matej> has to be escaped as an HTML entity &amp; . Therefore your
>     Matej> A tag should be rather as follows:
>     Matej>  <A Matej> 
> HREF=";c=d">Bob</A>
> But if the server is using & as its separator in CGI scripts, the link
> will be broken. See

for more information. The bottom line, if I understand correctly, is
that as long as you refer to web sites that use only & as separators
in CGI scripts, you can't have HTML 4.0 compliant pages :(.


Kent E. Holsinger                Kent@Darwin.EEB.UConn.Edu
-- Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology          
-- University of Connecticut, U-43                                       
-- Storrs, CT   06269-3043                                               

Received on Friday, 11 June 1999 08:45:55 UTC