Key/Keyref for Element names
restrict content to values out of a xml file
XML validation fails when schema includes another schema
- Re: XML validation fails when schema includes another schema
- Re: XML validation fails when schema includes another schema
[Announce:] dtd2xs v1.55 released
import a schema that is not guaranteed to exist
default values - a best practice?
Patterns and Decimal
Unexpected Error
New release of W3C XML Schema errata, preparatory to 2nd edition
- Re: New release of W3C XML Schema errata, preparatory to 2nd edition
- Re: New release of W3C XML Schema errata, preparatory to 2nd edition
Business Rules XML Schema
xsi:type in any
Restricting Wildcards
- Re: Restricting Wildcards
- RE: Restricting Wildcards
- RE: Restricting Wildcards
- RE: Restricting Wildcards
- Re: Restricting Wildcards
- Re: Restricting Wildcards
Change of Date pattern in XML Schema
Help! Can't XML Schema do this?
More on xs:anySimpleType
Is there or is there not an xs:anySimpleType ?
Useful XML Schema documentation Tool
Finding root element..
-1072898028 Element content invalid... blues
"item" type in XBRL - a conundrum
XML Schema Validation Errors
XML Validation
schema <include>
Date in the format of YYYYMMDD
F1 for schema validation!
get type restriction in xerces
Get the line number from DOM
QNames in content
importing schemas
Q: reason for '##any' being the default for 'namespace' attribute in 'any' element
validation issue for extensible schema - XMLSpy issue ?
- Re: validation issue for extensible schema - XMLSpy issue ?
- Re: validation issue for extensible schema - XMLSpy issue ?
Applicative attribute
New (minor) XSV release
Stupid question on xs:import
Identifying XML Schema Design Objectives
use of xs:annotation outside of schema
- Re: use of xs:annotation outside of schema
- RE: use of xs:annotation outside of schema
- RE: use of xs:annotation outside of schema
Re: Element default problem - This is the last (I hope...)
Element default problem
Attn Webmaster:
Announcing new tool for leveraging XML Schema in Java
schema supported by xerces
substitutionGroup and anyType
a problem with derivation by restriction
Same Element with different attributes?
ambiguous content model - yea or nay?
- Re: ambiguous content model - yea or nay?
- RE: ambiguous content model - yea or nay?
- Fw: ambiguous content model - yea or nay?
- RE: ambiguous content model - yea or nay?
- Re: ambiguous content model - yea or nay?