RE: Best way to represent fractional values?

I don't think there's a better answer than Amy Lewis's on xml-dev [1].  I
prefer the first of your options, except with integer instead of decimal for
the parts.  A google search finds a similar datatype defined by something
call "ebiz" [2].
-----Original Message-----
From: Hugh Wallis []
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 12:43 PM
Subject: Best way to represent fractional values?

Because some fractional values (e.g. 1/3) cannot be exactly represented
using any of the types provided by XML Schema (due to the recurring nature
of their decimal representation) I want to define a new type that will
enable exact representation of such values.
As I see it there are two possibilities:
1) Create a complex type with a denominator and numerator, possibly
something like:

<complexType name="fraction">


          <element name="numerator" type="decimal"/>

          <element name="denominator" type="decimal"/>


2) Create a simple type as a restriction on "string", possibly something

<simpleType name="fraction">

     <restriction base="string">

          <pattern value="[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)/[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)"/>


Both of these approaches have their benefits and pitfalls of course.
Are there any "best practices" in this regard? It seems a pity that there
was no fraction type defined for us in the first place (or am I missing
something somewhere?)
Many thanks
Hugh Wallis

Received on Wednesday, 12 February 2003 14:33:28 UTC