RE: Announcing new tool for leveraging XML Schema in Java


Per your inquiry, we consider XMLBeans and JAX-B to be complementary
technologies. JAX-B is a good technology for loading XML documents into Java
objects – in constructing XMLBeans, we have attempted to be compatible with
JAX-B naming conventions. However, JAX-B cannot necessarily preserve the
full fidelity of XML documents, nor does it support 100% of schema, as you
indicated. It is in these cases where XMLBeans is particularly
complementary - document preservation and support for extensibility are
explicit goals of XMLBeans. Though JAX-B does not require these aspects
today, it is conceivable that XMLBeans will be an implementation of a future
JAX-B spec as both technologies may converge together over time.

I hope this helps shed some light on the complementary relationship between
XMLBeans and JAX-B.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Carlson []
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 9:23 PM
To: Samir Kothari;
Subject: Re: Announcing new tool for leveraging XML Schema in Java

Hi Samir,

When starting with an XML Schema, is there any relationship between your
code generation and the JAXB specification work?  I'm hoping for a standard,
vendor independent way to define the binding between Java classes and XSD.
I've worked with Castor a bit ( and they intend to support
JAXB in a future release.  I have been disappointed with the lack of
in the JAXB work over its 3-4 year lifespan, with more than a year between
incompatible draft.  Your emphasis on 100% support for XSD seems different
the subset approach of the current JAXB.

  Dave Carlson

----- Original Message -----
From: "Samir Kothari" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 3:56 PM
Subject: Announcing new tool for leveraging XML Schema in Java

Good afternoon everyone.  Just wanted to share with you some information
about a new technology that will likely be of interest to this group.  BEA
Systems recently announced XMLBeans, a technology innovation that helps
developers be more productive when working with XML data/documents in Java.
For the first time, developers can gain a familiar and convenient Java
object-based view of their XML data without losing access to the richness of
the original, native XML structure.

Here's a little info on how it works: in cases where a schema definition is
available, BEA XMLBeans provides a set of Java classes to offer
strongly-typed Java access to underlying XML data.  Importantly, XMLBeans
will support 100% of schema.  And in cases when schema is not the starting
point, users can use a convenient cursor API and XQuery interface to get
fine-grained control over all XML information.  In either case, the
underlying XML information is always preserved with full fidelity and
developer productivity is dramatically increased.

If you're interested in learning more or starting to experiment with the
hosted-service version of XMLBeans, you can check out:

And if you have any feedback on this beta technology, don't hesitate to let
me know...


Received on Friday, 14 February 2003 11:41:21 UTC