QNames in content


as noticed recently on www-tag[0], QNames in content aren't consistently used 
accross specs. Some (like XML Schema, have them use the default 
namespace, others (like XSLT, 2.4) don't.

Question one:

Does the following snippet adequately capture a default-namespace-insensitive 
QName (the regex might be slightly off as I'm not fully familiar with XML Schema 
regexen, but it's "NCName:NCName" to ensure it can only be a QName if it has a 

       <restriction base='QName'>
         <pattern value='[_\i]([\c]-[:])*:[_\i]([\c]-[:])*'/>
       <restriction base='NMTOKEN'/>

Question two:

It's too late to decide on only one option and make all specs consistent on this 
point, but wouldn't it be a good idea for a WG (XML Core?) to publish short and 
simple guidelines for when QNames in content are appropriate and when which 
option (defaulting ns or not) is best?


Robin Berjon <robin.berjon@expway.fr>
Research Engineer, Expway        http://expway.fr/
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Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2003 06:13:26 UTC