Re: custom date type in xml schema

On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 10:15, Jeni Tennison wrote:

> <xs:simpleType name="mydatetype">
>   <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
>     <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}" />
>   </xs:restriction>
> </xs:simpleType>
> Note that this doesn't test things like:
>   - that the days range between 01 and 31 and the months between 01
>     and 12
>   - that the day that you have given for a month is valid (so you
>     don't allow 31-04-2002)
>   - that the day that you have given for February is valid, taking
>     into account leap years (so you don't allow 29-02-2003, but do
>     allow 29-02-2004)
> You can't test all that with a regular expression, so if you want to
> enforce valid dates you'll need to write some extra checking code.

I'm being tedious, but you can:



That uses some Perl-isms (the "(?:" notation)) which I don't think are
allowed in XML Schema, but simple brackets should do.  IIRC it does
dates of the format YYYYMMDD, but it should be possible to re-jig it to
other formats.  If you think that's bad, have a look at what it takes to
do email addresses [1].

Getting back to the original question, my preferred solution would be to
use the standard XML Schema type and transform upon serialisation /
deserialisation, although I appreciate that this is not answering the
question asked.  This solution allows you to make use of the date
validation code built into schema validating parsers.

Paul Warren, Client Services           DecisionSoft Limited

Received on Thursday, 6 February 2003 05:49:44 UTC