[Bug 2198] R-206: Can fields identity nodes with types having simpleContent?
[Bug 2224] R-232: Vacuous Redefinition
[Bug 2231] R-239: Question re: Element Declarations Consistent
[Bug 3079] RFC3066 ref
[Bug 3239] Acyclicity of type derivation
[Bug 3240] Editorial observations on section 2
[Bug 4316] Make sure namespace prefixes are used appropriately throughout structures
[Bug 4350] wrong notation in and elsewhere
[Bug 4602] NOTATION and enumeration
[Bug 4690] Editorial: 'context-determined declarations' needs more work
[Bug 4913] Revise incomparability story to account for XPath evaluation
[Bug 5003] Applicability of <alternative> element to xml:lang
[Bug 5140] small editorial changes section 3.3
[Bug 5148] inconsistent target ns description
[Bug 5153] 3.2.2 XML Representation of Attribute Declaration Schema Components
[Bug 5155] 3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components
[Bug 5164] validation vs assessment
[Bug 5427] Primer materials within the Structures Rec
[Bug 5476] xsi:schemaLocation should be a hint, should be MAY not SHOULD
[Bug 5486] Regex: Names of Unicode code blocks
[Bug 5639] when is value V a valid restriction of value Y?
[Bug 5800] Possibly revise list of required infoset properties
[Bug 5818] Unicode Database: shifting sands
[Bug 5880] internationalization of tag names
[Bug 5906] Problem in definition of <restriction> in <complexType>::<simpleContent>
[Bug 5916] Obsolete editorial note
[Bug 5917] Typo in 3.1.1
[Bug 5929] Facets in the schema for schema documents
[Bug 5940] Element Declarations Consistent
[Bug 5943] ComplexContent extending SimpleContent
[Bug 5947] Support for XML 1.1
[Bug 5948] Reference to Unicode Database
[Bug 5950] References update
[Bug 6010] [schema11] priority feedback responses
[Bug 6011] [schema11] base URI comments
[Bug 6015] [schema11] valid (and its derivations) vs assessment as used in text
[Bug 6021] Stylesheet for xs:override
[Bug 6031] Oops! in algorithm of precisionDecimalCanonicalMap
[Bug 6043] Pls define a restriction of dateTime with required timezones
[Bug 6044] Revise equality of dateTime values without timezone
[Bug 6047] Minimum implementation limit for decimal requires infinite precision - did you mean that?
[Bug 6056] Make identity constraints propagate through substitution groups?
[Bug 6120] Reconsider blockDefault=#all
[Bug 6144] annotation on IDC with a 'ref' attribute is lost
[Bug 6144] New: annotation on IDC with a 'ref' attribute is lost
[Bug 6155] Data Types Should Provide Re-Format Facet
[Bug 6155] New: Data Types Should Provide Re-Format Facet
[Bug 6156] New: Typo in 3.4.2
[Bug 6156] Typo in 3.4.2
[Bug 6158] Allow attributes to precede elements
[Bug 6158] New: Allow attributes to precede elements
[Bug 6159] New: Wildcard allows element name
[Bug 6159] Wildcard allows element name
[Bug 6161] Wildcard Subset
[Bug 6161] New: Wildcard Subset
[Bug 6162] <anyAttribute> allows ##definedSibling
[Bug 6162] New: <anyAttribute> allows ##definedSibling
[Bug 6163] Attribute Wildcard Union
[Bug 6163] New: Attribute Wildcard Union
[Bug 6165] Constraints on XML representation of anyAttribute
[Bug 6165] New: Constraints on XML representation of anyAttribute
[Bug 6166] New: Schema Component Model for Wildcards
[Bug 6166] Schema Component Model for Wildcards
[Bug 6167] Attribute Wildcard Intersection
[Bug 6167] New: Attribute Wildcard Intersection
[Bug 6168] Interaction of notQName="##defined" with processContents
[Bug 6168] New: Interaction of notQName="##defined" with processContents
[Bug 6170] New: Wildcards and defaultAttributes
[Bug 6170] Wildcards and defaultAttributes
[Bug 6171] anyAttribute namespace="xsi"
[Bug 6171] New: anyAttribute namespace="xsi"
[Bug 6175] New: Wildcard overlap
[Bug 6175] Wildcard overlap
[Bug 6185] [attribute] isn't a property of an element information item
[Bug 6185] New: [attribute] isn't a property of an element information item
[Bug 6187] New: Element links not displayed correctly in ToC
[Bug 6190] Multiple Attribute Wildcards
[Bug 6190] New: Multiple Attribute Wildcards
[Bug 6193] New: clarify ##defined and ##sibling definitions
[Bug 6194] New: Attribute wildcard union and intersection examples
[Bug 6201] Constraints on particles (3.9.6)
[Bug 6201] New: Constraints on particles (3.9.6)
[Bug 6202] All group extending "empty mixed" content
[Bug 6202] New: All group extending "empty mixed" content
[Bug 6204] anyType/ur-Type: inconsistent whether it has a base-type
[Bug 6204] New: anyType/ur-Type: inconsistent whether it has a base-type
[Bug 6227] New: Type Derivation OK (simple)
[Bug 6227] Type Derivation OK (simple)
[Bug 6228] is float a restriction of double?
[Bug 6228] New: is float a restriction of double?
[Bug 6230] clean up anySimpleType "definition".
[Bug 6230] New: clean up anySimpleType "definition".
[Bug 6233] New: Wrong pointer for [nil] PSVI property
[Bug 6233] Wrong pointer for [nil] PSVI property
[Bug 6234] New: Set or Sequence
[Bug 6234] Set or Sequence
[Bug 6235] New: Restriction from xs:anySimpleType
[Bug 6235] Restriction from xs:anySimpleType
[Bug 6249] exclusions for simple type
[Bug 6249] New: exclusions for simple type
[Bug 6266] New: correct varying style in References appendix
[Bug 6307] equality need not be reflexive?
[Bug 6307] New: equality need not be reflexive?
[Bug 6314] New: XPath subset for assertions
error in spec for xs:date
Regex in Datatypes 2e
Typo in "XML Schema Part 0: Primer Second Edition"
XML Schema component designators usable in OWL?
xsd built-in types only permit base-10 encoding
Last message date: Tuesday, 30 December 2008 17:55:17 UTC