Regex in Datatypes 2e

1.  The non-BMP blocks (such as Gothic) seem to have disappeared from
the table of block names in F.1.1 in the 2nd edition.

2. There are a couple of notes saying "All ˇminimally conformingˇ
processors ˇmustˇ support the character properties/blocks defined in
the version of [Unicode Database] that is current at the time this
specification became a W3C Recommendation".  Does this mean the time
of publication of the 1st edition (3.1) or the time of publication of
the 2nd edition (4.0)?  The natural meaning of the English would
suggest the latter, but the fact that 2nd edition is not supposed to
do anything beyond incorporating errata would suggest the former.
Also the Rec still has a dated link to the UCD for 3.1.  It would be a
lot less obtuse if the Rec said explicitly which version of Unicode
was the minimum resupported.   A change from 3.1 to 4.0 has the
potential to break schemas: for example, in 3.1 the 3 private use
blocks are all called "PrivateUse", whereas in 4.0 they are called
"Private Use Area"/"Supplementary Private Use Area-A"/"Supplementary
Private Use Area-B".


Received on Saturday, 25 October 2008 00:41:52 UTC