www-style@w3.org from February 1999 by subject

(css) list properites

24. Gradient & stretched backgrounds

3 frames

apology for previeous post... (RE: block adjustment)

block adjustment

Border width in percentages?

CDC in grammar

Changes at style.webreview.com

CSS, XSL, and an RDF-like approach

CSS3 suggestion: make physical measurements invalid for screen media!

Errors in the CSS2 *errata* document...


get absolute position

ie. 3.02

Inline layout test

Justify and NS

line height issue

My #1 request for CSS3

negating CSS pseudo-classes

On which font size is line-height based?

Proposed additions to 'background-repeat'


Specificity of STYLE attribute

Structure and Style revisited

Structure and Style revisited (off topic)


W3C Statement on US Patent #5860073

What about styling anonymous container boxes?

Yet Another Suggestion For CSS3 (YASF-CSS3): Events

Last message date: Sunday, 28 February 1999 16:58:20 UTC