RE: Structure and Style revisited (off topic)

On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, Jelks Cabaniss wrote:

>>> How does one write a CSS rule for an XML <br/> (or whatever we want
>>> to call it), so that it had the same visual effect as HTML's <br>?
>>    br:before { content: "\A"; }
>> This is mentioned in the CSS2 spec.
> Wow!  Found it.  I had forgotten to look in the sections about generated
> content.  Shame no one is implementing that.

*determined look*

NGLayout *WILL* implement it. I *insist* that NGLayout implement it.

They *will*.

I hope.

Well, it's bug #3247, anyway.

Ian Hickson

Received on Friday, 26 February 1999 13:57:25 UTC