www-rdf-rules@w3.org from November 2003 by subject

"A Web of Rules": positional RuleML

*****SPAM***** Re: plain rules, please / possibly simplistic approach

AW: RDF query and Rules - my two cents

CFP: ICDAT 2004 International Conference on Digital Archive Technologies

here's a list of companies/organizations potentially interested Re: Rules WG -- draft charter

Nokia's comments on RDF Query Charter (v1.21)


One property to rule them all, one property to find them, one property to bring them all in and in the darkness bind them... ;-)

plain rules, please

plain rules, please / possibly simplistic approach

plain rules, please [was: Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) 0.5 released]

Put/Get (was RE: RDF query and Rules - my two cents)

Put/Get - RDF Net API

RDF Query -- possible WG charter draft for discussion

RDF query and Rules - my two cents

Rules WG -- draft charter

Rules WG -- draft charter - here's a NEW whole DRAFT

Rules WG -- draft charter -- NAF

Rules WG -- draft charter -- Rules, vs. OWL alone, in Semantic Web Services

Rules WG -- filling a much needed gap?

Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) 0.5 released

SeRQL an RDF rule language: scoping Rules vs Query in W3C wor k

SeRQL an RDF rule language: scoping Rules vs Query in W3C work

SeRQL an RDF rule language: scopingRulesvsQueryinW3Cwork

SeRQL: new QL proposal + implementation result set format

Shirky / Syllogisms / Semantic Web

Shirky article

The Second CFP: ICDAT 2004

Towards an RDF Query standard: some proposed minimum requirements

Two Rule Charter thoughts

Last message date: Sunday, 30 November 2003 17:33:25 UTC