Re: SeRQL an RDF rule language: scoping Rules vs Query in W3C work

Hi Dan, Mark, and All,

> - there are not just overlaps between rdf-query and rdf-rules, but also
> potentially with XSLT, XPath and XQuery, and of course RuleML. Unfortunately
> this may not make things easier from an organizational perspective.

RuleML has acted as an umbrella keeping these approaches together.

Consider Dan's Sesame example (with another art:Painting type added):

    {Artist} <rdf:type> {<art:Painter>};
             <art:hasPainted> {Painting} <rdf:type> {<art:Painting>}
    {Artist} <rdf:type> {<art:Artist>};
             <art:hasCreated> {Painting} <rdf:type> {<art:Painting>}

A directly corresponding version would be a (functional) query that for
successful hasCreated calls returns hasPainted terms:

      <var rdf:type="art:Artist">Artist</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painting">Painting</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painter">Artist</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painting">Painting</var>

This could be extended to Mark's recursive function perspective by
defining a trans[formation] rule that for hasDone calls again tests
hasCreated and on success returns hasPainted terms:

      <var rdf:type="being:Human">Artist</var>
      <var rdf:type="act:Deed">Painting</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Artist">Artist</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painting">Painting</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painter">Artist</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painting">Painting</var>

The example can also be defined as an imp[lication] rule ('view')
that for hasCreated facts derives hasPainted facts:

      <var rdf:type="art:Artist">Artist</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painting">Painting</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painter">Artist</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painting">Painting</var>

This can also be used backward in the equivalent form

      <var rdf:type="art:Painter">Artist</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painting">Painting</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Artist">Artist</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painting">Painting</var>

to reduce the (relational) query

      <var rdf:type="art:Painter">Artist</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painting">Painting</var>

to another query, which might succeed via facts ('table rows'):

      <var rdf:type="art:Artist">Artist</var>
      <var rdf:type="art:Painting">Painting</var>

The Description Logic flavor of the example could be captured
using the OWL RuleML combination currently developed in the JC


Received on Monday, 3 November 2003 21:09:24 UTC