Re: SeRQL an RDF rule language: scoping Rules vs Query in W3C work

Patrick Stickler wrote:
> I agree with Jeen's points below.
> To add my own 2 cents, I'd also like to see query and rules solutions
> for RDF expressed *in* RDF. 

I'm not sure how that would be done in RDF as it stands, given its
expressive power, but it seems like a nice thing to have.

> [...]
> It also alleviates the need to learn/parse/support yet another syntax,
> and allows one to reason about queries and rules just like any other
> knowledge expressed in RDF.

Not neccessarily. You could imagine a concrete query syntax for RDF 
  that was different to current formats. In fact I'd want syntax 
that made queries and rules fun to write - the bar should be set 
very high for usable syntax, especially for query. There's a  lot to 
be learned from efforts like the RNG compact syntax, or XPath.

If these efforts are conjoined I would still like to have specs that 
allow me to write a conformant rules engine if all I need is a rules 
engine, without having to implement  a query engine, or vice versa. 
If they're not kept apart for implementation, they become mutual 
barriers to entry.

Bill de hÓra

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2003 13:12:22 UTC