www-html@w3.org from March 2003 by subject

"403 Found", old browsers, and name-based virtual hosting

</textarea> in a textarea?

<Form><input type="file" value !="browse" />?

[closed] hodder-01

[www-html] <none>

[XHTML2] di element?

a | abbr | acronym

Against 'start' and 'value' attributes

BSAMO invites you to promote your music.

button element and form interaction

carriage return or line feed in URI attribute values?

clusters, hypernodes, ...

cookie question.


embed element

Embedding HTML documents

Encoding of site structure ...

Feedback on XHTML 2.0 WD (20030131)

Font Style Elements

help needed in using forms with php

How should i prepare an URL ?

How to change an image in a frame while changing other frame as well

How to get 10 000 free hits per day. Make money for free!!!

How to get 10,000 free hits per day. Make money for freeeee!

I have an idea for a new HTML tag

ie6 and transitional dtd

Include pieces of code in an HTML file

input type= file problems

Is there anywhere a working XHTML 2.0 sample that would valid as W3C experimental?

Key/Item data

Latest version of XHTML

Microsoft, IBM and W3C

new type of <br>

Next Page Element (was: I have an idea for a new HTML tag)

order of properties

Positioning fixed width content in the center of the page

Should encoding of site structure be standardized?

Standard TAGS

Support for ECMA-290

SV: Latest version of XHTML

Using <img for the browse button of a <input type=file

Using Buttons in Forms

using images as headings...

Visual Markup (should HTML die?)

white space handling


XHTML2 and modularity (was Re: Feedback on XHTML 2.0 WD (20030131))

XHTML2.0: Reviving <CREDIT>

Last message date: Monday, 31 March 2003 16:20:09 UTC