Re: Embedding HTML documents

Indeed, it works... with Mozilla !

If you it displayed in IE, you have to define the size
<object data="b.html" type="text/html" width="320px"

By the way, it's the only solution you have if you
want a strict DTD and iframes...
The only difference is that iframes are targetable,
objets are not.

Hope it helps.

 --- Octavio / Super <> a
écrit : > 
> Maybe off topic, but I have looked around for
> several hours without finding any useful info.
> Does anybody knows if IE supports <OBJECT
> type="text/html">
> I'm using the following as a test:
> --- file1.html ---
> <body>
>   <object data="test2.html" type="text/html">
>      Couldn't render!
>   </object>
> </body>
> --- file2.html ---
> <body>
>   <p>HELLO!!!
>   <p>HELLO!!!
>   <p>HELLO!!!
> </body>
> I actually don't even know if I'm doing it
> correctly. It looks correct to me according to the
> HTML4 specification.
> Thanks.
> ---
> /**************************************************
> Octavio Alvarez (aka: Super, Doogie)
> ICQ# 42020731. MSN_ID:
> **************************************************/

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Received on Monday, 17 March 2003 01:18:41 UTC