Re: embed element

On 3/18/03 6:56 AM, "Sigurd Lerstad" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Looking at the svg test suites. The frame-based version uses <embed> (go
> figure :) But I can't find in any of the (x)html specs any reference to the
> <embed> element. I know this element is deprecated. Or maybe it's never been
> a standard, but just something netscape came up with? But why are the svg
> test suites using it instead of <object> or <iframe> ?
> Why am I asking? Because I'm making a XHTML+SVG UA and I'd like users of my
> UA to view the svg test suites. And in order to do that I must now implement
> support for the <embed> element (really annoying really :)
> Where is the definition for <embed>?

The first principle of W3C CSS test suites is: Valid Tests.

Tests should _only_ be invalid if they are specifically testing error
conditions that require invalidity.  It doesn't sound like from your
question that <embed> is being used to test to make sure <embed> doesn't
work since it is not a valid HTML tag. ;-)

I am proposing that the HTML test suites adopt these same principles.

I am surprised that the SVG test suite would have invalid tests.


Received on Monday, 17 March 2003 19:43:16 UTC