Re: XHTML2.0: Reviving <CREDIT>

Toby A Inkster wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 29, 2003 at 12:49:51PM -0500, fantasai wrote:
> | There was, in HTML 3.0, a tag for marking up attributions:
> |
> | 
> | I'd really like to see that in an HTML Rec.
> Like the <cite/> element and "cite" attribute, you mean?

*picks up a nearby book*

   Thai is a tonal language, with the meaning of each syllable
   determined by the pitch at which it is pronounced. Standard
   Thai has five tones - mid, low, high, rising and falling.
   Thai has no noun or verb inflections: a noun has a single
   form, with no distinction between singular and plural, while
   past, present and future time can be conveyed by a single
   verb form. Like many other South-East Asian languages, Thai
   has a complex pronoun system, which reflects gender, age,
   social status, the formality of the situation and the degree
   of intimacy between speakers. Much of the original Thai
   lexicon is monosyllabic; a high percentage of polysyllabic
   words are foreign borrowings, particularly from the classical
   Indian languages, Sanskrit and Pali.
             -- David Smyth, Introduction to /Thai: An Essential Grammar/

Explain how I'm to mark up this email with the <cite> element
and 'cite' attribute.


Received on Saturday, 29 March 2003 20:32:05 UTC