I have an idea for a new HTML tag

Hi W3c.org/www-html@w3.org
I've mailed three times already, and now I've been directed to www-html@w3.org,
(since I wrote to MIT).
I have an idea for a new HTML tag that I find OK. I should like to have an
extra HREF tag so that I can go to for example the next main page by use
of a keyboard short cut! Since the Page Down key is already in use for scrolling
one screen down, I suggest that we use for example the Ctrl+Page Down keys
in combination.
The new tag could be called something like HREFNXTPG, or HREFLOOP, or HREFARRAY,
as the new tag can be used to set up a web site where you can go through
the main pages just by use of a keyboard short cut! I hope that you comprehend
my idea, and that this new tag can be evaluated by the proper committee or
Please contact me if my new tag is not clearly explained!

Jens Petersen
e-mail jenspetersen@sol.dk

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Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2003 07:27:13 UTC