Fw: [Bug 6692] New: Remove Mode from the specification
Agenda WS-RA 2009-03-31
issue 6432 - yet another proposal
issue 6401: proposal for advertising WS-Eventing Notification types
issue 6649 - a request
Re: R: Issue 6692 (re-send for the list)
Issue 6413: WS-Transfer with Extensible Fragment Support
Draft minutes of 2009-03-24 have been posted
Re: Issue-6692
(Slightly) Revised agenda for WS-RA meeting 2009-03-14
Issue 6432: updated proposal
- Re: Issue 6432: updated proposal
Agenda - 2009-03-24 distributed meeting
On vacation
Re: [Bug 6721] New: Attaching policy to implicit operations
[NEW ISSUE] 6720 Metadata returnrd by WS-Transfer GET unclear
proposal for 6594, 672, 6673
NEW ISSUE 6719: What does the MEX dialect denote]
NEW ISSUE: What does the MEX dialect de
Draft Minutes from 2009-03-17 have been posted
Bug 6404 Clarification
issue 6595: proposal 2
issue 6648: proposal 1
RE: [Bug 6692] New: Remove Mode from the specification
- Re: [Bug 6692] New: Remove Mode from the specification
- RE: [Bug 6692] New: Remove Mode from the specification
- RE: [Bug 6692] New: Remove Mode from the specification
- RE: [Bug 6692] New: Remove Mode from the specification
Agenda, WS-RA distributed meeting 2009-03-17
Draft Minutes of 2009-03-10 have ben posted
Draft Minutes of 2009-03-11 have been posted
Draft minutes of 2009-03-12 have been posted
issue 6636: proposed resource xml after create
Rough (pre-draft) minutes of 2009-03-11 have been posted
issue 6432: proposal
issue 6673: proposal
Agenda for 2009-03-12 f2f
issue 6672: proposal
Re: Issue WS-Eventing 6431 proposal
issue 6548: proposal
Issue 6661: proposal 1
Rough (pre-draft?) minutes of 2009-03-10 have been posted
Agenda for 2009-03-11/12
Issue 6429: proposal 2
Issue 6595: proposal 1
issue 6399: a proposal
Re: WS-Eventing Issue 6428 proposal
issue 6400: WS-Eventing SubscriptionEnd message
FPWD publication approved
RA and the TAG
Misc F2F Info
Issue 6413 - Merge WST/T : Proposal
- Re: Issue 6413 - Merge WST/T : Proposal
- RE: Issue 6413 - Merge WST/T : Proposal
- Fw: Issue 6413 - Merge WST/T : Proposal
Revised Agenda for Face to face 2009-03-10/12 (I missed Issue-6595)
Agenda: WS-RA f2f 2009-03-10/12
Issue reports
Bugzilla status and keywords
Edits to the Minutes of 2009-02-24 have been posted
Draft minutes of 2009-03-03 have been posted
proposal for issue 6533 (Transfer: Safeness of operations)
Agenda, WS-RA 2009-03-03
RE: Issue 6587 (Notational Conventions Text) - Proposal
RE: WS-Eventing issue 6424 proposal
- RE: WS-Eventing issue 6424 proposal
- RE: WS-Eventing issue 6424 proposal