- From: ashok malhotra <ashok.malhotra@oracle.com>
- Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 09:59:37 -0700
- To: "public-ws-resource-access@w3.org" <public-ws-resource-access@w3.org>
Section 6.1 of WS-MEX says ... "... The metadata associated with a service endpoint may be available as multiple metadata resources. As a result, the metadata returned by the Get request to a metadata resource's endpoint may be limited to a particular metadata type (@Dialect) and identifier (@Identifier). The representation of a metadata resource MAY be a mex:Metadata element or any other document format (e.g. [XML Schema: Structures], [XML Schema: Datatypes], [WSDL 1.1], [WS-Policy]) for which a mex:MetadataSection/@Dialect has been defined." I don't understand what this says. Why don't we say, instead, "A WS-Transfer GET on a EPR returns the metadata element (child) of the EPR?" -- All the best, Ashok
Received on Thursday, 19 March 2009 17:01:46 UTC