Attempt for a List specification in RDFa (ISSUE-106)
Attempt for a List specification in RDFa (was Re: Suggestions for rdf:List and a value type shorthand)
Bug in RDF Distiller
Call for Exclusions (Update): RDF Interfaces 1.0
Fwd: Attempt for a List specification in RDFa (was Re: Suggestions for rdf:List and a value type shorthand)
Fwd: use of itemref
Heads up on geo protocol vs prefix
ISSUE-101 (xsd:string coercion): Should xsd:string values be coerced to plain literals? [LC Comment - RDFa Core 1.1]
ISSUE-102 (@prefix limit): Should @prefix be limited to HTML, HEAD and BODY? [LC Comment - RDFa Core 1.1]
ISSUE-103 (preserve @vocab declarations): Should RDFa Processors preserve @vocab declarations in the default graph? [RDFa 1.1 Core]
ISSUE-104: Determine if RDFa should normatively state that <link> and <meta> elements are supported in flow content.
ISSUE-105: Should RDFa support something like Microdata's @itemref attribute.
ISSUE-106: Should RDFa support the creation of ordered lists?
ISSUE-107: Determine if @src attribute should be viewed in the object position instead of the subject position.
ISSUE-108: Refine/deprecate Link relations for the RDFa 1.1 Default Profile.
ISSUE-109: Resolve differences terminology for 'default graph' and 'output graph'.
ISSUE-110: Should RDFa Processor output a triple for the source of a graph?
Modified proposal for 'provenance triple', ISSUE-110
More specific proposal on the vocabulary expansion (a.k.a. vocab proxy) feature RDF/RDFa API implementation
Plain vs. xsd:string literals in RDFa
PROPOSAL: Restrict @prefix declaration to the root element
RDF Web Apps WG telecon canceled
Re 2: Attempt for a List specification in RDFa (ISSUE-106)
Re 2: More specific proposal on the vocabulary expansion (a.k.a. vocab proxy) feature
Re 2: PROPOSAL: Restrict @prefix declaration to the root element
Removing @profile processing from RDFa Core
Resource type issue (Re: Suggestions for rdf:List and a value type shorthand)
Should RDFa 1.1 xsd:strings be coerced to plain literals?
small changes on the core document
Small modification proposal on my proposal...
Some interesting initiatives on the week end
some more thoughts on the rdfa-sem issue
Spec update with vocabulary expansion
Suggestions for rdf:List and a value type shorthand
Telecon Agenda - August 11th 2011, 1400 UTC
Telecon Agenda - August 18th 2011, 1400 UTC
Telecon Agenda - August 25th 2011, 1400 UTC
Telecon Agenda - September 1st 2011, 1400 UTC
The 'provenance' discussion...
thoughts on the profile issue
took a quick stab..
Updated Core's Overview-src.html...
Updated RDFa Core Editor's Draft
use of itemref
Last message date: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 22:41:20 UTC